Teoria y diseño organizacional

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172 Parte 3: Elementos de diseño de sistema abierto

39. Jay W. Lorsch, “Introduction to the Structural Design of

Organizations”, en Gene W. Dalton, Paul R. Lawrence y

Jay W. Lorsch, eds., Organizational Structure and Design

(Homewood, Ill.: Irwin and Dorsey, 1970), 5.

40. Paul R. Lawrence y Jay W. Lorsch, Organization and

Environment (Homewood, Ill.: Irwin, 1969).

41. Lorsch, “Introduction to the Structural Design of

Organizations”, 7.

42. Jay. W. Lorsch y Paul R. Lawrence, “Environmental Factors

and Organizational Integration”, en J.W. Lorsch y Paul R.

Lawrence, eds., Organizational Planning: Cases and Concepts

(Homewood, Ill.: Irwin and Dorsey, 1972), 45.

43. Tom Burns y G. M. Stalker, The Management of Innovation

(Londres: Tavistock, 1961).

44. John A. Courtright, Gail T. Fairhurst y L. Edna Rogers,

“Interaction Patterns in Organic and Mechanistic Systems”,

Academy of Management Journal 32 (1989), 773-802.

45. Dennis K. Berman, “Crunch Time”, BusinessWeek Frontier

(24 de abril de 2000), F28-F38.

46. Thomas C. Powell, “Organizational Alignment as Competitive

Advantage”, Strategic Management Journal 13 (1992),

119-134; Mansour Javidan, “The Impact of Environmental

Uncertainty on Long-Range Planning Practices of the U.S.

Savings and Loan Industry”, Strategic Management Journal

5 (1984), 381-392; Tung, “Dimension of Organizational

Environments”, 672-693; y Thompson, Organizations in


47. Peter Brews y Devavrat Purohit, “Strategic Planning in Unstable

Environments”, Long Range Planning 40 (2007), 64-83; y

Darrell Rigby y Barbara Bilodeau, “A Growing Focus on

Preparedness”, Harvard Business Review (julio-agosto de

2007), 21-22.

48. Rigby y Bilodeau “A Growing Focus on Preparedness”.

49. Ian Wylie, “There Is No Alternative To…”, Fast Company

(julio de 2002), 106-110.

50. General Colin Powell, cita en Oren Harari, “Good/Bad News

About Strategy”, Management Review (julio de 1995), 29-31.

51. David Ulrich y Jay B. Barney, “Perspectives in Organizations:

Resource Dependence, Efficiency, and Population”, Academy

of Management Review 9 (1984), 471-481; y Jeffrey Pfeffer

y Gerald Salancik, The External Control of Organizations: A

Resource Dependent Perspective (Nueva York: Harper & Row,


52. Andrew H. Van de Ven y Gordon Walker, “The Dynamics

of Interorganizational Coordination”, Administrative Science

Quarterly (1984), 598-621; y Huseyin Leblebici y Gerard

R. Salancik, “Stability in Interorganizational Exchanges:

Rulemaking Processes of the Chicago Board of Trade”,

Administrative Science Quarterly 27 (1982), 227-242.

53. Mike Esterl y Corey Dade, “DHL Sends an SOS to UPS in

$1 Billion Parcel Deal”, The Wall Street Journal (29 de mayo

de 2008), B1.

54. Judith A. Babcock, Organizational Responses to Resource

Scarcity and Munificence: Adaptation and Modification in

Colleges within a University (Ph. D. diss., Pennsylvania State

University, 1981).

55. Peter Smith Ring y Andrew H. Van de Ven, “Developmental

Processes of Corporative Interorganizational Relationships”,

Academy of Management Review 19 (1994), 90-118;

Jeffrey Pfeffer, “Beyond Management and the Worker:

The Institutional Function of Management”, Academy of

Management Review 1 (abril de 1976), 36-46; y John P. Kotter,

“Managing External Dependence”, Academy of Management

Review 4 (1979), 87-92.

56. Bryan Borys y David B. Jemison, “Hybrid Arrangements

as Strategic Alliances: Theoretical Issues in Organizational

Combinations”, Academy of Management Review 14 (1989),


57. Roger O. Crockett con Brian Grow y Spencer Ante, “Lord

of the Rings”, BusinessWeek (20 de marzo de 2006), 30 y

siguientes; AT&T Corporate Profile: Company History,

http://www.att.com/gen/investor-relations?pid=5711, accesado

el 2 de septiembre de 2008; y Amol Sharma, “Phone Giants

to Roll Out ‘Three Screen’ Strategy; Video Programming and

Ads to Be Served On TV, Cellphones, Web”, The Wall Street

Journal, (26 de junio de 2008), B7.

58. Julie Cohen Mason, “Strategic Alliances: Partnering for

Success”, Management Review (mayo de 1993), 10-15.

59. Teri Agins y Alessandra Galloni, “After Gianni; Facing a

Squeeze, Versace Struggles to Trim the Fat”, The Wall Street

Journal (30 de septiembre de 2003), A1, A10; John F. Love,

McDonald’s: Behind the Arches (Nueva York: Bantam Books,


60. Borys y Jemison, “Hybrid Arrangements as Strategic Alliances”.

61. Donald Palmer, “Broken Ties: Interlocking Directorates

and Intercorporate Coordination”, Administrative Science

Quarterly 28 (1983), 40-55; F. David Shoorman, Max H.

Bazerman y Robert S. Atkin, “Interlocking Directorates: A

Strategy for Reducing Environmental Uncertainty”, Academy

of Management Review 6 (1981), 243-251; y Ronald S. Burt,

Toward a Structural Theory of Action (Nueva York: Academic

Press, 1982).

62. James R. Lang y Daniel E. Lockhart, “Increased Environmental

Uncertainty and Changes in Board Linkage Patterns”, Academy

of Management Journal 33 (1990), 106-128; y Mark S.

Mizruchi y Linda Brewster Stearns, “A Longitudinal Study of

the Formation of Interlocking Directorates”, Administrative

Science Quarterly 33 (1988), 194-210.

63. Claudia H. Deutsch, “Companies and Critics Try

Collaboration”, The New York Times (17 de mayo

de 2006), G1.

64. Keith J. Winstein y Suzanne Vranica, “Drug Ads’ Impact

Questioned”, The Wall Street Journal (3 de septiembre de

2008), B7; y John Kamp, “Pfizer Drops Celebrity Pitch in New

Lipitor Spots”, The Wall Street Journal (2 de septiembre de

2008), B8.

65. Stanley Holmes, “Into the Wild Blog Yonder”, BusinessWeek

(22 de mayo de 2006), 84-86.

66. Kotter, “Managing External Dependence”.

67. Quentin Hardy y Evan Hessel, “GooTube”, Forbes (16 de junio

de 2008), 50 y siguientes.

68. Katherine Q. Seelye, “Time Inc. Cutting Almost 300 Magazine

Jobs to Focus More on Web Sites”, The New York Times

(19 de enero de 2007), C4.

69. Amy Schartz, “Net Firms Raise Capitol Hill Profile”, The Wall

Street Journal (28 de enero de 2006), A4.

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