Teoria y diseño organizacional

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Capítulo 4: El entorno externo 173

70. Katie Hafner, “Going Once, Going Twice, Gone! How eBay

Makes Regulations Disappear”, The New York Times (4 de

junio de 2006), 3.1.

71. David B. Yoffie, “How an Industry Builds Political Advantage”,

Harvard Business Review (mayo-junio de 1988), 82-89; y

Jeffrey H. Birnbaum “Chief Executives Head to Washington

to Ply the Lobbyist’s Trade”, The Wall Street Journal (19 de

marzo de 1990), A1, A16.

72. David Whitford, “Built by Association”, Inc. (julio de 1994),


73. Anthony J. Daboub, Abdul M. A. Rasheed, Richard L. Priem y

David A. Gray, “Top Management Team Characteristics and

Corporate Illegal Activity”, Academy of Management Review

20, núm. 1 (1995), 138-170.

74. Barry M. Staw y Eugene Szwajkowski, “The Scarcity-

Munificence Component of Organizational Environments

and the Commission of Illegal Acts”, Administrative Science

Quarterly 20 (1975), 345-354; y Kimberly D. Elsbach y Robert

I. Sutton, “Acquiring Organizational Legitimacy through

Illegitimate Actions: A Marriage of Institutional and Impression

Management Theories”, Academy of Management Journal 35,

(1992), 699-738.

75. Russell Gold, “Halliburton Ex-Official Pleads Guilty in Bribe

Case”, The Wall Street Journal (4 de septiembre de 2005),

A1, A15.

76. G. Thomas Sims, “German Industry Would Alter Law Requiring

Labor Seats on Boards”, The New York Times (6 de abril de

2007), C3.

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