06.10.2013 Aufrufe





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112 334 Die absolute (thermodynamische) Tetnperaturscale.<br />

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Von diesem Betrage ziehen wir die bei der (isothermisclien)<br />

Gasausdehnung verschluckte Wärme ab, welche nach Gleichung<br />

3 ist<br />

5. Nach den Versuchen findet nun eine geringe Abkühlung<br />

des Gases um C statt. Ist K die Wärniecapacität des Gases<br />

welches in der Zeiteinheit durch den Pfropf tritt, so ist<br />

— Kd =<br />

oder kürzer<br />

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fi dt '<br />

Hiernach ist also die durch die äussern Arbeiten erzeugte<br />

Wärme nicht ganz zureichend um die bei der Gasausdehnung<br />

verschluckte Wärme zu decken. Dies deutet auf einen Wärmeverbrauch<br />

durch innere Arbeit.^)<br />

„Let air be forced continuously and as uniformly as possible, by<br />

uieans of a fo<strong>rcin</strong>g pump, through a long tube, open to the atmosphere at<br />

the far eiid, and nearly stopped in one <strong>pl</strong>ace so as to leave, for a short space,<br />

only an extremely narrow passage, on eacli side ofwhich, and in every otber<br />

part of the tube, the passage is comparatively wide; and let us suppose, first,<br />

that the air in rushing through the narrow passage is not allowed to gain<br />

auy heat from, nor (if it had any tendency to do so) to part with any to, the<br />

surrounding matter. Then, if Mayer's liypothesis were true, the air after<br />

leaving the narrow passage would have exactly the same temperature as it<br />

had before reaching it. If, on the contrary, the air experiences either a cooling<br />

or a heating effect in the circumstances. we may infer that the heat<br />

produced by the fluid friction in the rapids, or, which is the same, the thermal<br />

equivalent of the work done by the air in expanding from its state of<br />

high pressure on one side of the narrow passage to the state of atmospheric<br />

pressure which is has after passing the rapids, is in one case less, and in<br />

the other more, than sufficient to compensate the cold due to the expansion;<br />

and the liypothesis in question would le disproved." Joule's Papers IL<br />

p. 217 u. f. f.<br />


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