06.10.2013 Aufrufe





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Correktur ivissenschaftlicher AnsicliUn durch zufällige Uinstände. 439<br />

rektur der Theorie der Schallgeschwindigkeit, bei H e r t z ' s Yersuchen,<br />

bei der Auffindung des Argons u. s. w,<br />

3. Analoge Processe laufen im technischen L e b e n ab, u n d<br />

k ö n n e n durch die Erfindung des Fernrohres, der Dampfmaschine,<br />

der Lithographie, der Dagiierotypie u. s. w. erläutert werden.<br />

Analoge Processe lassen sich endlich bis in die A n f ä n g e der<br />

menschlichen Cultur zurückverfolgen. E s ist im höchsten Grade<br />

wahrscheinlich, dass die wächtigsten Culturfortschritte, wie etwa<br />

der ü e b e r g a n g v o m Jäger- z u m Xomadenleben, nicht mit Plan<br />

u n d Absicht, sondern durch zufällige U m s t ä n d e eingeleitet worden<br />

sind, wie dies z. B. durch folgende A u s f ü h r u n g von Dr.<br />

P. G a r US erläutert wird.<br />

„ A very important progress is m a r k e d in the transition<br />

f r o m the hunting stage to the nomadic era of m a n k i n d ; and<br />

several hypotheses can be m a d e as to h o w it was effected. It<br />

is generally assumed that the hunters, having killed a cow or<br />

a sheep, might have easily caught their y o u n g ones and taken<br />

them to the c a m p of tribe. This is not probable w h e n w e<br />

consider the temper and intelligence of the m e n at that period.<br />

W e might almost expect that a cat would spare and feed<br />

the y o u n g birds in the nest, after having caught a n d eaten the<br />

mother.<br />

There is another and more probable Solution of the problem.<br />

The D e e r P a r k Gafion, in La Salle Gounty, Illinois, received<br />

its n a m e from its being used by the Indians to keep deer in it,<br />

which in times of great need could easily be killed. It is a big<br />

natural enclosure, from which the deer, if the exit were well<br />

guarded, could not escape, and were they found sufficient food,<br />

water, and shelter. It m u s t have been m o r e difficult to hunt<br />

an animal than to chase it into the caöon, where herds of deer<br />

could be hept without trouble.<br />

The Indians w h o lived on this continent w h e n the white<br />

m a n came, had been taught the lesson, but hat not yet learned<br />

it. Nature had s h o w n the red m a n that he could keep herds;<br />

he actually kept herds of deer in the natural enclosure of Deer<br />

Park; and yet he had not as yet b e c o m e a shepherd or a nomad.<br />

H e still r e m a i n e d a hunter."<br />

') Carus, the philosophy of the tool. Chicago 1893.<br />


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