La Narrativa de Henry Fielding y la Sociedad Inglesa del Siglo XVIII

La Narrativa de Henry Fielding y la Sociedad Inglesa del Siglo XVIII

La Narrativa de Henry Fielding y la Sociedad Inglesa del Siglo XVIII


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<strong>La</strong> <strong>Narrativa</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Fielding</strong> y <strong>la</strong> <strong>Sociedad</strong> <strong>Inglesa</strong> <strong>de</strong>l <strong>Siglo</strong> <strong>XVIII</strong><br />

<strong>Fielding</strong> concluye con un caso que se temía podría el suyo propio en<br />

breve, y que le parecía el mayor y más triste merecedor <strong>de</strong> caridad y<br />

compasión: el caso <strong>de</strong>l pobre encarce<strong>la</strong>do por <strong>de</strong>udas impagadas.<br />

“<strong>La</strong>stly, and perhaps, chiefly as sometimes by the noblest Acts of Friendships, and<br />

through the Rapaciousness, Impatience and Unmercifulness of Creditors, more savage than<br />

Wolves, and the impious severity of our <strong>la</strong>ws, are snatch'd away from their poor Families,<br />

from the little Comforts of the Conversation of their Re<strong>la</strong>tions and Acquaintance, from a<br />

Possibility of employing their Faculties for the Service of themselves, their Wives or their<br />

Children, from the Benefit of wholesome Air in common with the Brute Creation, stript of<br />

all the poor little Support of Wretchedness, and even that <strong>la</strong>st and greatest, Hope itself, and<br />

carried to Dungeons where no Convenience of Life is to be had, where even the Necessaries<br />

of it are <strong>de</strong>arer than the Conveniences elsewhere, where they are confined together with the<br />

vilest of Criminals, who are in<strong>de</strong>ed much happier, as a Judge is shortly to <strong>de</strong>liver them either<br />

to Liberty, or what is better than their Dungeon, the Gallows.”<br />

El tono <strong>de</strong> autocompasión y auto-justificación <strong>de</strong> estas afirmaciones nos<br />

llega a resultar incómodo, ya que incluso se a<strong>la</strong>ba <strong>la</strong> falta <strong>de</strong> previsión como el<br />

efecto lógico <strong>de</strong> una generosidad innata, o justificándo<strong>la</strong> echando <strong>la</strong> culpa a los<br />

malos ejemplos que dan los ricos. Con todo, es difícil no compa<strong>de</strong>cer al<br />

<strong>Fielding</strong> autor <strong>de</strong> estas pa<strong>la</strong>bras, quien seguramente se veía a sí mismo muy<br />

cerca <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> prisión por <strong>de</strong>udas, y <strong>de</strong>bía sentirse terriblemente culpable sabiendo<br />

que su impru<strong>de</strong>ncia era <strong>la</strong> causa <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong>s humil<strong>la</strong>ciones y los sufrimientos por los<br />

que estaba pasando su esposa, a quien quería <strong>de</strong> verdad y a quien siempre<br />

pondría como ejemplo. En Amelia (IV, 8) dice que Charlotte era “<strong>la</strong> mayor<br />

bendición” que un hombre pue<strong>de</strong> poseer:<br />

“A Blessing However, which tho' it compensates most of the Evils of Life, rather<br />

serves to aggravate the Misfortune of distressed Circumstances, from the Consi<strong>de</strong>ration of the<br />

Share which she is to bear in them.”<br />

En el siguiente número <strong>de</strong> The Champion (aparecido el 19 <strong>de</strong> febrero <strong>de</strong><br />

1740) continuó con el tema. El texto contiene en parte algunas <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong>s críticas<br />

más amargas y efectivas <strong>de</strong> <strong>Fielding</strong> contra <strong>la</strong> verda<strong>de</strong>ramente inhumana<br />

institución <strong>de</strong>l encarce<strong>la</strong>miento por <strong>de</strong>udas, “that Prototype of Hell”. Recuerda a<br />

sus lectores que <strong>la</strong>s leyes <strong>de</strong>l momento:<br />

“ ... do put in the power of every proud, ill-natured, cruel, rapacious Creditor to<br />

satisfy his Revenge, his Malice, or his Avarice this Way on any Person who owes him a few<br />

Shillings more than he can pay him; but let a Christian take Care how he uses it, and<br />

remember that as surely as he forgives not his Neighbour his Trespasses, so surely will his<br />

Father in Heaven <strong>de</strong>ny to forgive him this; nor do I know any Crime in this World which<br />

can appear to a finite Un<strong>de</strong>rstanding to <strong>de</strong>serve a Punishment, so much as that cursed and<br />

rancorous Disposition which could bring a Man to cause the Destruction of a Family, or the<br />

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