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ovde - vera znanje mir


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Only 20 per cent of Estonians, for example, believe that there is too much prominence given to<br />

religious concerns.<br />

In contrast, some 81 per cent of Cypriots believe that religion plays too large a role in civil society<br />

– a reflection, perhaps, of the island’s dual personality, split along both national and religious<br />

lines.<br />

The survey results also reveal the increasing disparity between public opinion in the member states<br />

and the stances taken by their governments.<br />

In Poland, for example, there has been a sharp swing towards conservative Catholicism on the part<br />

of the government, yet some 55 per cent of Poles believe that religion plays too large a role in their<br />

country.<br />

In contrast, only 33 per cent of Germans believe that there is too much influence accorded to<br />

religion – a sentiment that could be reflected by chancellor Angela Merkel as she seeks to revive<br />

the EU constitution next year.<br />

Merkel, along with se<strong>vera</strong>l other prominent German politicians, argued strongly for some<br />

reference to the EU’s Christian values in the constitution, a move rejected by the rest of the EU as<br />

sending the wrong message to potential member Turkey.<br />

But while the Eurobarometer survey shows that many Europeans would like to see less religious<br />

influence in EU affairs, many also remain staunchly conservative.<br />

Countries such as Poland or Cyprus where sentiment is strong against religious interference in<br />

civil society also have the highest level of opposition to issues such as homosexual marriages.<br />

The survey also shows that attitudes to immigration are in part reflected by government policies.<br />

In Sweden, Ireland and Britain, the only three EU15 countries to fully open their doors to workers<br />

from the new EU countries in 2004, citizens remain broadly positive about the impact.<br />

Some 79 per cent of Swedes, for example, welcome immigration as beneficial to their society.<br />

But Germany and Austria, which have refused to allow unfettered access to their labour markets<br />

for another three years at least, show far lower acceptance.<br />

Only 37 per cent of Austrians and 30 per cent of Germans feel that immigrants contribute<br />

significantly to their society.<br />

Promene u jevrejsko - hriscanskim odnosima<br />

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008<br />

Promene u jevrejsko - hriscanskim odnosima<br />

Ekumenski pokret svestrano ulaze napore da premosti provaliju koja razdvaja hriscanstvo od drugih<br />

nehriscanskih relgija. Biblijski pisci Staroga zaveta, Hristos i apostoli bili su Jevreji, zato ekumenisti to<br />

posebno isticu da bi se lakse priblizili Jevrejima. Najveci doprinos uspostavljanja pozitivnih odnosa sa<br />

Jevrejima je deklaracija Drugog vatikanskog koncila.<br />

Cinjenice koje razdvajaju dve tradicije<br />

Podizanjem starozavetnih proroka, Hristovim utelovljenjem i misijom apostolske crkve, ukazana je posebna<br />

prednost jevrejskom narodu koji je trebalo da odigra vaznu ulogu u svetskoj istoriji. Spisi Staroga zaveta<br />

koje smo dobili posredstvom jevrejskih proroka imali su neprocenjivi uticaj na razvitak hriscanstva. Jevreji<br />

su bili pocasceni time sto se medju njima pojavio Mesija-osnivac i utemenjivac hriscanstva. Medjutim,<br />

koliko je njihova prednost bila veca, toliko su bile vece posledice neverstva i pobune protiv Boga i njegovih<br />

vesnika.<br />

Sa Isusom Hristom, koji je dosao da otkupi covecanstvo od greha i smrti, Jevreji su postupili gore nego sa<br />

razbojnikom. One kobne noci u Getsimaniji, na celu sa Judom izdajnikom dodjose “ljudi mnogi s nozevima i<br />

s kopljem od glavara svestenickih i od knjizevnika i staresina… metnuse ruke svoje na nj i uhvatise ga.”<br />

(Marko 14,43.45) Isus ih je ukorio: “Kao na hajduka izasli ste s nozevima i s kopljem da me uhvatite.” (stih<br />

48) “A glavari svestenicki i sva skupstina trazahu na Isusa lazna svedocansta da ga ubiju; i ne nadjose.”<br />

(stih 55)<br />

“I odmah ujutru ucinise vece glavari svestenicki sa staresinama i knjizevnicima, i sav zbor, i svezavsi Isusa<br />

odvedose ga i predadose Pilatu.” (Marko 15,1) Kad je sudija Pilat upitao: “Sta cu ciniti sa Isusom<br />

prozvanim Hristom?” Predvodjeni verskim vodjama, Jevreji su odgovorili: “Da se razapne… I odgovarajuci

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