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ovde - vera znanje mir


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Christians have increased – over cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad, over discrimination<br />

of Muslims, and over fear of more terrorist attacks such as the London and Madrid bombings.<br />

But the stirrings of dialogue among the world’s Muslim and Christian leaders must be ongoing<br />

and reach down to their followers. It will take a flood of mutual understanding to make the<br />

religious soil hospitable for tolerance and inhospitable for terrorism.<br />

And the interfaith coming together must not supplant the vast work that still must be done within<br />

Islam itself – healing the Sunni-Shiite divide and rejecting extremism that finds glory in suicide<br />

bombings.<br />

It’s encouraging that the Muslims behind the letter preceded their work with a push in 2005 to<br />

build tolerance within Islam. This week’s intervention of British Muslims to win a pardon for an<br />

English schoolteacher in Sudan shows that intrafaith efforts can have a moderating effect. (The<br />

teacher was sentenced last week to 15 days in prison for “insulting Islam” by allowing the class<br />

teddy bear to be named Muhammad.)<br />

Lastly, if the purpose of interfaith dialogue is peace, it must include Jews. That was recognized in<br />

Washington last week when Christians and Jews for the first time publicly welcomed a fatwa<br />

issued by the Fiqh Council, the highest Muslim judicial body in North America. The council’s<br />

ruling condemned terrorism and said it was the duty of Muslims to report threats to law<br />

enforcement.<br />

“Let us respect each other, be fair, just and kind to another,” the Muslim letter concludes. May<br />

those words take root in thoughts and deeds, far away and at home.<br />

izvor http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/1204/p08s01-comv.html<br />

Reakcije na sporazum donet u Raveni<br />

Sunday, December 16th, 2007<br />

Nedavno zasedanje Zajedničke Komisije za bogoslovski dijalog između Rimokatoličke i<br />

Pravoslavne Crkve, održano od 08. do 14. oktobra u Raveni, izazvalo je razlicite reakcije u<br />

pravoslavnom svetu. Kod nas je osvanuo niz clanaka koji dokument donet prilikom zasedanja<br />

negativno ocenjuju. Obzirom da ja nisam kompetentna da dajem svoj sud, postavicu na blog neke<br />

od tih tekstova, kako bi, mozda, neko upuceniji dao svoj komentar…Ako komentari izostanu (sto<br />

se redovno desava sa tekstovima koje ja postavim ), makar ce razlicita misljenja o tom<br />

dokumentu biti sabrana na jedno mesto, pa ko zeli, nek’ cita. Uzgred, mozete pogledati zajednicko<br />

saopstenje sa zasedanja na:<br />

http://www.eparhija-dalmatinska.hr/arhiva2007/0139-07-L.htm<br />

14.11.2007, VATIKAN<br />

Izvor: BETA - AP<br />

Katoličko-pravoslavna komisija postigla korak napred

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