28.12.2012 Aufrufe

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich


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Ausland<br />

longer the primary mode of armed conflicts. Among the “hard” risks we<br />

face today are terrorism, regional and intra-state conflicts, proliferation<br />

of weapons of mass destruction, ballistic missiles, cyber-terrorism, and<br />

piracy, threats to energy security, organized crime, drugs, and human<br />

trafficking. In Europe, migration, refugees, racism, xenophobia, Islamphobia,<br />

demographic trends, climate change and pandemic diseases<br />

are among the “soft” challenges we confront. Food and water scarcity<br />

and environmental degradation are issues for a large part of the world’s<br />

population. All these issues generate consequences that have an impact<br />

on our security.<br />

Overarching these specific threats and challenges is the fact of a deteriorating<br />

security climate on a global scale. There are today numerous<br />

ongoing armed conflicts in different parts of planet earth, many with little<br />

prospect of a solution. These disputes, rather than being products of a<br />

clash of civilizations – which, by the way, is a contradiction in terms –<br />

are a consequence of religious, mostly sectarian conflicts, and ethnic and<br />

tribal wars, all occurring in tandem with the struggle between the world’s<br />

“haves” and “have-nots”. It is highly likely that ethnic, sectarian and tribal<br />

wars will continue to besiege us for most of this century. The role and<br />

influence of religion and its variants are on the rise. People everywhere<br />

are asserting their ethnic or tribal identity with increasing aggressiveness<br />

and are resorting to violence to achieve their ends. Studies show that in<br />

the 20th century more than 100 million lives were lost in armed clashes<br />

alone. We have the historic responsibility not to repeat in the 21st century<br />

what has led to those horrendous figures. This of course requires a<br />

correct and precise perception of security risks and threats by all of us. It<br />

also demands the development of policies that genuinely contribute to<br />

the improvement of the international security climate while protecting<br />

the homeland.<br />

Security policies have, broadly speaking, lagged behind the constantly<br />

growing complexity of risks and threats. Today, we are probably<br />

all less safe than we were a decade ago. In the recent past, policy planners<br />

and makers have responded to security challenges on a national (or<br />

ethno-centric) basis, despite being increasingly aware of the need for<br />

international cooperation and solidarity. Turkey witnessed this tendency<br />


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