28.12.2012 Aufrufe

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich


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Ausland<br />

However, in order to achieve that goal, each European nation must have<br />

a vision and have a pro-active and creative foreign and security policy.<br />

Being independent in making decisions does not mean to be isolationist.<br />

I believe that isolationists in Europe will lose: they will pay more and get<br />

less. Having an independent foreign and security policy, combined with<br />

a collective security approach, having a vision and being prepared to do<br />

a lot of hard daily work – that is what I believe is necessary to avoid a<br />

failure and to avoid a major European drama of opportunities lost in the<br />

face of current and future threats.<br />

Diskussion<br />

Thalmann Anton: Thank you very much four your highly interesting<br />

explanations. I would like to put four questions to you:<br />

684<br />

1. What is your general assessment of the probability of a return of<br />

Cold War to Europe? I ask you that question because in Swiss<br />

public opinion this conditions to some extent the manoeuvring<br />

space we have in foreign security policy.<br />

2. Do you think that the present economic crisis could, as pessimists<br />

believe, lead to social unrest and to the disintegration of political<br />

consensus structures, with Europe, as a result, going back to confrontation?<br />

3. What is Russia’s threat perception with regard to Iran? If the US<br />

gave Russia a fairer deal with regard to common management of<br />

the Iranian threat – in the context of the missile shield and so on<br />

– do you think that could change Russia’s attitude?<br />

4. You said that there was little probability of nuclear war. What<br />

would you say about the probability of a nuclear mishap and of<br />

terrorist threats with nuclear means?

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