28.12.2012 Aufrufe

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich


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Rory Montgomery<br />

America, so that the idea of travelling overseas to perform useful humanitarian<br />

functions is deeply engraved in our society. There is also a broad<br />

consensus that it is right to have a force and to use it in these ways. As<br />

a result, it has not been necessary to run any high profile publicity campaign.<br />

However, there is sometimes a debate over the extent to which the<br />

developments in the EU are compatible with our traditions.<br />

Pitteloud Jacques: In Switzerland, we also have an equine tradition;<br />

there is for example the “Marché-Concours à Saignelégier”. As a result of<br />

our equine tradition, we had some difficulties in abolishing the cavalry.<br />

I would like you to elaborate on the general geopolitical military<br />

threat assessment for Ireland.<br />

Montgomery Rory: Since the Second World War, the assessment has<br />

been that the conventional threat is extremely low. In the Second World<br />

War, there was initially a fear of German invasion, and at one point there<br />

was also a fear of British invasion, the aim being to secure ports. However,<br />

neither invasion occurred. During the Cold War, we saw ourselves<br />

as being well-covered by the NATO umbrella, even if we were not a<br />

member of NATO. Even anxieties which may have developed since the<br />

end of the Cold War about the possible danger of a revanchist Russia<br />

don’t apply to Ireland. As far as the threat of terrorism is concerned, the<br />

general assessment is that the international terrorist threat is low – leaving<br />

aside the question of domestic terrorism, which, as we saw in the last<br />

couple of weeks, has not entirely disappeared, even though it has largely<br />

gone with the Good Friday Agreement. However, a terrorist attack is<br />

not to be entirely excluded, not least because US Forces regularly ship<br />

through to Iraq and Afghanistan via Shannon Airport, but for the most<br />

part, the international threat is low. The same holds true for any other<br />

threat: it is difficult to see that we are particularly at risk from other nonconventional<br />

forms of threat.<br />

Andrey Dominique: How have local populations overseas responded to<br />

the presence of Irish troops? What kind of relationship have your troops<br />

established with local populations? Has taking part in overseas missions<br />


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