28.12.2012 Aufrufe

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich


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Ausland<br />

Diskussion<br />

Schneeberger Roger: You said that one of the Army’s tasks is to aid the<br />

civil powers. With regard to that task, I would like to know where the<br />

interface between civil and military powers is. When does the Army intervene?<br />

Who takes the decision to intervene? Does the decision depend on<br />

how great the danger is? Does it depend on the civil powers’ capacities?<br />

Montgomery Rory: A decision to use the Army on any given occasion<br />

would be a matter for the Government. There are regular contacts<br />

between the national police force and the Army. However, in practice,<br />

such aid has not been necessary in recent years. The Army played a role,<br />

as I said, during the Northern Ireland Troubles, for example in helping<br />

to escort cash transfers between banks or by working in the intelligence<br />

area against terrorism. There were also some major strikes in the 1970s<br />

in which the Army was called in to assist, either to maintain public<br />

transport or power supply, but such occasions have not arisen for a long<br />

time. Neither has there been a riot or a demonstration which required<br />

the Army to be involved.<br />

Schneeberger Roger: How many police forces do you have in Ireland?<br />

Montgomery Rory: We have around 14,000 police officers.<br />

Greminger Thomas: It is very interesting for us that, in spite of its neutrality,<br />

your country contributes very substantially and to an impressive<br />

degree to multilateral peace operations. The concept that this is a contribution<br />

to European and global security and part of good European and<br />

global citizenship is, for intellectuals like us, plausible and very convincing.<br />

However, the question is how to communicate something like that<br />

to politicians and to the general public. How do you communicate for<br />

instance that contributing to a multilateral operation in Chad matters to<br />

security? Conveying this message to large sections of the population has<br />

been a huge challenge in Switzerland. We have not even managed to convey<br />

this message to politicians who decide on matters of security policy.<br />


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