28.12.2012 Aufrufe

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich


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Ausland<br />

Orlov Vladimir A.: That is an issue we could well discuss for another hour. I<br />

did not list social unrest because I started with the issue of poverty. I believe<br />

that poverty and unequal distribution of wealth – as a security threat –<br />

include a number of other threats and challenges such as social unrest. So,<br />

migration comes directly after poverty. Migration and migration-related<br />

demographic patterns will, in the twenty to thirty years to come, bring<br />

about changes for Europe, Russia, the US, the Middle East, including<br />

Israel, and certain other regions. This requires full scale cooperation of<br />

all. Migration is a threat of global dimension, and it is in the very nature<br />

of migration that it cannot be addressed by any one country or any one<br />

small group of countries on its own. It cannot simply be addressed by, so<br />

to speak, the “supplier” and the “recipient” of migrants. There should, on<br />

the contrary, be a very skilful assessment of a number of questions in each<br />

region: What should be expected? How can migration damage security?<br />

How can migration enhance security? Migration is something we cannot<br />

prevent. In this century, trying to prevent migration would simply be<br />

unrealistic. It was realistic in the century before, but I don’t believe in the<br />

erection of walls against migration, although sometimes it may be tempting<br />

to do so. What my country has experienced shows that migration is not<br />

only a threat but may also be a very important booster to national development<br />

if met adequately. However, it has to be looked at together with the<br />

number one concern, global poverty. Where there is poverty there is no<br />

education. If there is migration, and if we are prepared to address it with<br />

high levels of education – for example there where migrants come from –<br />

then the situation may differ dramatically: what is seen as a serious problem<br />

may turn into a solution for many of our economic needs. However, if we<br />

are not prepared, migration will go hand in hand with problems such as<br />

organized crime, something both Russia and Switzerland have witnessed.<br />

Angehörter<br />

Orlov Vladimir A., Dr. Président du Centre russe d’études politiques,<br />

Genève<br />


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