28.12.2012 Aufrufe

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich


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Ausland<br />

sub-strategic importance. At a certain point, they will have to be joined<br />

by other nuclear weapons states. Britain has already sent positive signals.<br />

France and China, too, should join, and at some point we should address<br />

the universality of the regime. Though controversial decisions have been<br />

taken, Israel, Pakistan, and North Korea should be carefully addressed.<br />

I am very glad that in the case of Iran diplomacy prevails. It would be<br />

unfair to speak much about Iran when discussing global security threats,<br />

but it would be even less fair not to touch the subject at all. Iran may be<br />

part of a very big international problem if it obtains nuclear weapons.<br />

Yet it may also bring great international relief if we understand that Iran<br />

is a reliable player and that, while developing nuclear technologies, it<br />

does so only for peaceful purposes. We are not able to stop Iran here,<br />

but we are able to have a dialogue with Iran without limiting the rights<br />

of nations to use nuclear energy in a peaceful way. For that purpose, we<br />

have very useful tools, in particular inspections and very strict control<br />

through the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). I must say<br />

that I’m pleased to see the role Switzerland currently plays. I do believe<br />

that the Swiss role may be critical. I know that the Swiss are modest and<br />

that they tend to downplay the importance of what they are doing, but<br />

Switzerland is important by being a player in the global financial system,<br />

by being involved in the discussion on nuclear non-proliferation<br />

and by understanding very well the principles and objectives of nuclear<br />

non-proliferation.<br />

In the last part of my presentation I would like to focus on Europe.<br />

Most of the global threats I have listed are also relevant on a regional<br />

level. With or without Schengen, they will knock the doors of all Europeans,<br />

in the plains as well as high in the Alps. There is no way to hide<br />

from them, and there is only one way to meet them: be not scared, but<br />

be prepared, and well-informed.<br />

Switzerland can and should do part of the home work by itself, without<br />

waiting for others to act, without relying on other players and other<br />

players’ good intentions. But the need for both a realistic and a costefficient<br />

approach suggests European cooperative security mechanisms<br />

are not ignored. However, they should be redesigned in order to meet<br />


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