28.12.2012 Aufrufe

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich

Umstrittene Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik ... - ETH Zürich


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Vladimir A. Orlov<br />

Orlov Vladimir A.: Since I have to follow events in Pakistan from Bern<br />

today, I am not familiar with every detail. However, I am convinced that<br />

this issue is of primary concern. In brief: there is a risk. I know that the<br />

US take it very seriously, but unfortunately they are late in responding.<br />

What is more, it would be an illusion to think that the US can control<br />

everything in Pakistan. So what we have is a very unfortunate and unfavourable<br />

combination of factors. Even if the Taliban are not gaining<br />

control of political mechanisms in Pakistan, the current situation shows<br />

that they are present in a very significant way.<br />

My first concern is the risk of disintegration of the country. Though<br />

the Taliban may not gain control of the whole country, they will remain<br />

in control of a considerable part of it. Pakistan is unstable; it was built<br />

out of pieces. Some nations that were built out of pieces have quite a<br />

solid basis – Pakistan does not.<br />

History supplies us only with one example of the disintegration of a<br />

state with nuclear weapons: the Soviet Union. I know better than many<br />

do how painful and risky it was to guarantee that not a single nuclear<br />

warhead was lost or stolen – in spite of the courage and responsibility<br />

the Russian military displayed. With regard to Pakistan, I am seriously<br />

worried because of the presence there of non-state and quasi-state actors.<br />

As a result, what I recommend differs from what can be read in nonproliferation<br />

books. For some time, my recommendation has been that<br />

the US, China, Russia – key players in issues in and around Pakistan<br />

as well as with regard to non-proliferation – should work together on a<br />

solution, maybe a radical one. Maybe they should do so together with<br />

India. I know that such a non-traditional approach is not favoured, but let<br />

me put it this way: the question is whether we can afford sitting around<br />

and reading in books that, ideally, things should be addressed through<br />

negotiations, or whether we should meet the threats as nuclear weapons<br />

could, for the first time in history, really fall into the hands of non-state<br />

or quasi-state actors.<br />

Bölsterli Andreas: What means, techniques or expertise do you think<br />

Switzerland could bring into a future security architecture in Europe or<br />

in a European organisation?<br />


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