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654 CAPÍTULO 19 Cambio organizacional y administración del estrés<br />

2. ¿Por qué piensa que ha crecido el número de trabajos<br />

extremos?<br />

3. ¿Cree que las organizaciones deberían estimular los trabajos<br />

extremos, combatirlos o dejarlo al criterio del<br />

empleado?<br />

4. ¿Cuál es la razón principal por la que piensa que las personas<br />

aceptan un trabajo extremo?<br />

Fuentes: T. Weiss, “How Extreme Is Your Job?” Forbes, 1 de febrero de 2007, p. 1; S. A. Hewlett y C. B. Luce, “Extreme Jobs”, Harvard Business<br />

Review, diciembre de 2006, pp. 49-58; y S. Armour, “Hi, I’m Joan, and I’m a Workaholic”, USA Today, 23 de mayo de 2007, pp. 1B, 2B.<br />

Notas<br />

1. Basado en “Is Merck’s Medicine Working?” Business Week, 30 de<br />

junio de 2007, pp. 1-3; K. McKay, “Merck CEO Sets Sights on<br />

Change”, USA Today, 27 de febrero de 2006, pp. 1B, 2B.<br />

2. Ver, por ejemplo, K. H. Hammonds, “Practical Radicals”, Fast<br />

Company, septiembre de 2000, pp. 162-174; y P. C. Judge,<br />

“Change Agents”, Fast Company, noviembre de 2000, pp. 216-<br />

226.<br />

3. J. Taub, “Harvard Radical”, New York Times Magazine, 24 de<br />

agosto de 2003, pp. 28-45+.<br />

4. A. Finder, P. D. Healy, y K. Zernike, “President of Harvard<br />

Resigns, Ending Stormy 5-Year Tenure”, New York Times, 22 de<br />

febrero de 2006, pp. A1, A19.<br />

5. P. G. Audia y S. Brion, “Reluctant to Change: Self-Enhancing<br />

Responses to Diverging Performance Measures”, Organizational<br />

Behavior and Human Decision Processes 102 (2007), pp. 255-269.<br />

6. M.T. Hannan, L. Pólos, y G.R. Carroll, “The Fog of Change:<br />

Opacity and Asperity in Organizations”, Administrative Science<br />

Quarterly, septiembre de 2003. pp. 399-432.<br />

7. J.P. Kotter y L. A. Schlesinger, “Choosing Strategies for Change”,<br />

Harvard Business Review, marzo-abril de 1979, pp.106-114.<br />

8. J. E Dutton, S.J. Ashford, R. M. O’ Neill, y K. A. Lawrence,<br />

“Moves That Matter: Issue Selling and Organizational<br />

Change”, Academy of Management Journal, agosto de 2001, p.p.<br />

716-736.<br />

9. P.C. Fiss y E. J. Zajac, “The symbolic Management of Strategic<br />

Change: Sensegiving via Framing and Decoupling”, Academy of<br />

Management Journal 49, no. 6 (2006), pp. 1173-1193.<br />

10. Q.N. Huy, “Emotional Balancing of Organization Continuity<br />

and Radical Change: The Contribution of Middle Managers”,<br />

Administrative Science Quarterly, marzo de 2002, pp. 31-69; D.M.<br />

Herold, D.B. Fedor, y S.D. Caldwell, “Beyond Change<br />

Management: A Multilevel Investigation of Contextual and<br />

Personal Influences on Employees’ Commitment to Change”,<br />

Journal of Applied Psychology 92, no. 4 (2007), pp. 942-951; y<br />

G.B. Cunningham, “The Relationship Among Commitment to<br />

Change, Coping with Change, and Turnover Intentions”,<br />

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 15, no. 1<br />

(2006), pp. 29-45.<br />

11. D.B. Fedor, S. Caldwell, y D.M. Herold, “The Effects of<br />

Organizational Changes on Employee Commitment: A<br />

Multilevel Investigation”, Personnel Psychology 59 (2006), pp. 1-29.<br />

12. S. Oreg, “Personality, Context and Resistance to Organization<br />

Change”, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology<br />

15 no. 1 (2006), pp. 73-101.<br />

13. J. A. LePine, J. A. Colquitt, y A. Erez, “Adaptability to Changing<br />

Task Contexts: Effects of General Cognitive Ability, Conscientiousness,<br />

and Openness to Experience”, Personnel Psychology,<br />

otoño, de 2000, pp. 563-593; T.A. Judge, C. J. Thoresen, V. Pucik, y<br />

T.M. Welbourne, “Managerial Coping with Organizational<br />

Change: A Dispositional Perspective”, Journal of Applied<br />

Pshychology, febrero de 1999, pp.107-122; y S. Oreg, “Resistance<br />

to Change: Developing an Individual Differences Measure”,<br />

Journal of Applied Psychology, agosto de 2003, pp. 680-693.<br />

14. Ver J. Pfeffer, Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in<br />

Organizations (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1992),<br />

pp. 7 y 318-320.<br />

15. Ver, por ejemplo, W. Ocasio, “Political Dynamics and the<br />

Circulation of Power: CEO Succession in U.S. Industrial<br />

Corporations, 1960-1990”, Administrative Science Quarterly, junio<br />

de 1994, pp 285-312.<br />

16. K. Lewin, Field Theory in Social Science (Nueva York: Harper & Row,<br />

1951).<br />

17. P. G. Audia, E. A. Locke, y K.G. Smith, “The Paradox of Success:<br />

An Archival and Laboratory Study of Strategic Persistence<br />

Following Radical Environmental Change”, Academy of<br />

Management Journal, octubre de 2000, pp. 837-853.<br />

18. J. B. Sorensen. “The Strenght of Corporate Culture and the<br />

Reliability of Firm Performance”, Administrative Science Quarterly,<br />

marzo de 2002, pp. 70-91.<br />

19. J. Amis, T. Slack, y C. R. Hinings, “The Pace, Sequence, and<br />

Linearity of Radical Change”, Academy of Management Journal,<br />

febrero de 2004, pp. 15-39; y E. Autio, H.J. Sapienza y J.G.<br />

Almeida, “Effects of Age at Entry, Knowledge Intensity, and<br />

Imitability on International Growth”, Academy of Management<br />

Journal, octubre de 2000, pp. 909-924.<br />

20. J. P. Kotter, “Leading Changes: Why Transformation Efforts<br />

Fail”, Harvard Business Review, marzo-abril de 1995, pp. 59-67; y<br />

J.P Kotter, Leading Change (Harvard Business School Press, 1996).<br />

21. Ver, por ejemplo, C. Eden y C. Huxham, “Action Research for<br />

the Study of Organizations”, en S. R. Clegg, C. Hardy, y W. R.<br />

Nord (eds.), Handbook of Organization Studies (Londres: Sage,<br />

1996).<br />

22. Como muestra de varias definiciones, ver N. Nicholson (ed.),<br />

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Organizational Behavior (Malden, MA:<br />

Blackwell, 1998), pp. 359-361; H. K. Sinangil y F. Avallone,

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