January 2002 - July 2006 - The Jerry Quarry Foundation

January 2002 - July 2006 - The Jerry Quarry Foundation

January 2002 - July 2006 - The Jerry Quarry Foundation


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the very best. A high school football team couldn't stay on the field with the<br />

worst pro team, but does that mean the top three pro teams deserve accolades for<br />

beating up on the worst pro team? In other words, Jimmy Ellis in 1974 might<br />

have been better than 99% of the heavyweights in the world, but we're talking<br />

about the top tenth of one percent---the top 5 or 10 guys---and Ellis was not in<br />

that category. I respect him as being much better than most, even when he was<br />

shot. But he had declined to the point of not belonging in the same ring as<br />

Frazier. No, the public wasn't interested. Even with Ellis having a name and<br />

being a former Champion, the public at large smelled rotten eggs and had zero<br />

interest. So the fight was sold to boxing starved fans an 18 hour plane ride<br />

away and actually, for a few rounds, it wasn't bad. Order was restored and<br />

Frazier did what every single boxing fan knew he would do---the same thing he<br />

did years earlier when Ellis was a live fighter---he landed heavy leather and<br />

dropped Ellis like a 50 pound sack of beans. Hooray. Aussies got to see a KO!<br />

Great tune-up guys. Without it, maybe Ali would have pitched a shut-out in<br />

Manilla. |<br />

|6/25/05 09:06:26 AM|angelo|dc||funktron@yahoo.com||||10|Kent, by the way,<br />

before you chastise me for not knowing enough about boxing to understand the<br />

need for tune-ups leading up to a big fight---yes, you've explained it and I<br />

know. But Frazier fighting Jimmy Ellis, at that point in their careers, was not<br />

even a tune-up. That was an exhibition or sparring and the same thing could<br />

have been accomplished in a gym with no-name partners. A better tune-up for<br />

Frazier with a little intrigue would have been Jimmy Young, well known in<br />

Philadelphia, ranked, accomplished---but beatable in 1974. He was young, crafty<br />

and might have actually had a chance---a formula to offer U.S. fans something to<br />

buy tickets to, something to turn the television on for. Ultra<br />

conservative/ultra cautious doesn't even begin to describe the selection of<br />

Ellis. And by suggesting Jimmy Young, I'm not even suggesting Lyle or Shavers--<br />

-I think most of us are confident that Frazier wouldn't be knocked out by Jimmy<br />

Young, but the fight would actually hold some drama. |<br />

|6/25/05 10:37:34 AM|Bob Bumbera|NC||renfbera@aol.com||||10|Angelo, there was no<br />

money for Frazier fighting Jimmy Young. Jimmy Ellis while on the down side, was<br />

a name fighter who promoters could still make some money off of. I tend to agree<br />

with Kent and Forrest on Joe Frazier...we've all argued the merits of Frazier's<br />

career here before and seem split into two camps. I will say this though, at the<br />

time Ron Stander was no stiff. He built his record the same way Ernie Shavers<br />

did and knocked out Shavers to earn a shot at Frazier, who I believe actually<br />

signed a tenetive contract to fight Shavers before he contracted hepatitis, and<br />

Shavers was KO'ed by Stander. I do also beleive in 73-74 Frazier could have<br />

beaten Ron Lyle, Kenny Norton would have been no contest for Joe and he would<br />

have followed Jimmy Young out of the ring in to the third row to knock him out.|<br />

|6/25/05 12:20:35 PM|Gerry|Cleveland||jerjets11@yahoo.com||||10|I think the<br />

jealousy issue is a good and valid point. Frazier was built to be the blunt<br />

object he was and must have seen in Ali not just things to dislike. But to<br />

brush off Ali's comments and actions as simple fight promotion is a big stretch,<br />

it just doesn't fly. Ali may not have seen the offensiveness or stupidity in his<br />

remarks, but many others did, and I'm sure it got back to him. Did he clarify at<br />

that time or call Frazier personally ? No. He didn't care about Frazier, who he<br />

probably saw as another tool to another payday. Frazier did America a good favor<br />

by beating this guy, and I salute him ... Massimo, Wilt gets some criticism for<br />

his easy going nature in defeat and just two rings, so few see him as a<br />

champion. But I can't think of another team athlete who did more to make his<br />

team a contender or a winner. Maybe that is the champion you refer to... I<br />

agree, comparing Joe to Floyd is also a stretch. I enjoyed Floyd, a class guy<br />

and a great boxer, but Joe is several notches higher for his wins and the way he<br />

won them, at least to me. |<br />

|6/25/05 03:09:54 PM|angelo|dc||funktron@yahoo.com||||10|Gerry: That's old

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