January 2002 - July 2006 - The Jerry Quarry Foundation

January 2002 - July 2006 - The Jerry Quarry Foundation

January 2002 - July 2006 - The Jerry Quarry Foundation


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It's possible that they were worried that long ties gave mean guys like<br />

Gerry and Observer (read Forest Ward) something to strangle them with.<br />

Maybe they didn't want to dress like Al Jolson, or the guys on Laugh In,<br />

or Glenn Campbell, or Richard Nixon, or those who attended tea parties with<br />

Eleanor Roosevelt. I haven't seen any bad guys in Iraq wearing black<br />

bow ties, so we know that they aren't Black Muslims. No black bow ties there,<br />

although it would improve on the towel look.I don't think OJ was wearing<br />

a black bow tie on the night in question, and I don't know what Marion Jones's<br />

druggist wears. When I was a stupid kid, I wasn't wearing a black bow<br />

tie every time I was naughty. Actually, Ernie, that is a really good<br />

question. What IS the relevance of the Black Muslims wearing black bow ties (and<br />

short sleeved shirts) ?Maybe Black Muslims aren't into auto-eroticism<br />

and therefore had no need for long ties.Another question. Why do guys<br />

like Gerry and Observer (Forest) not wear black bow ties ? And that<br />

brings me to an important point. Forest - apart from having idealogical and<br />

religious differences from you, what real harm did the Black Muslims do ? Were<br />

they terrorists, rapists, bank robbers ? Or were they just misguided guys who<br />

thought Fred Flinstone and Barney Rubble created mankind.But I'm sure<br />

you have comprehensive notes on all Black Muslim atrocities, including those by<br />

the baby burning arch devil Muhammad Ali, so please fill us in on them.<br />

Thanks. |<br />

|8/2/04 09:30:24 AM|Kent|La Habra, Ca||kentallenent@aol.com||||10|You mean Fred<br />

Flitstone and Barney Rubble didn't create mankind? Now what am I going to tell<br />

my kids if I ever have any?Ernie, Amos Lincoln was a good fighter who<br />

maybe stayed around too long. He had a good record but he ended up losing a lot<br />

of fights in a row to fighters like Sonny Liston, Karl Mildenberger, and Thad<br />

Spencer. He was just one of those guys who seemed to have a lot of talent who<br />

was mishandled by management. He never really fulfilled his potential. Early<br />

in his career he was already fighting eight rounders against more experienced<br />

figheters after less than ten fights. That can ruin a fighter later on, burn<br />

him out. I would really have to double check his record but I am pretty sure it<br />

was at least less than fifteen fights that he was in with some very tough<br />

guys.I don't know anything about his management, either they didn't know<br />

what they were doing or they didn't care.|<br />

|8/2/04 11:11:48 AM|Massimo|Roma||ciao yao, yao ciao.com||||10|Hey guys, let me<br />

teach you something: Fred and Burnie together couldn't create anything. Fred<br />

andVilma did create manking. And Burnie and Bettie also. At least, in Italy<br />

works in this way. Maybe in USA the things are different, I don't<br />

know.Ernie- Amos 'Small car' Lincoln wasn't 6'4 or 6'5 ! Boxing record<br />

archive says he is a 6'2 midget. And, truth for truth, Andre' wasn't 7'4, he<br />

was around 6'7. Lincoln wasn't even close to be 230 lbs. I don't know why<br />

they called him 'Big Train'. Maybe only because he did use a big train to go to<br />

the fights.|<br />

|8/2/04 11:22:39 AM|Angelo|Washington, DC||funktron@yahoo.com||||10|What does<br />

everyone think of the Tyson fight? I must say, I was very surprised by this<br />

one. I guess I shouldn't be shocked because Tyson hasn't shown much for about<br />

15 years, but still, I expected a walkover and Danny Williams (wasn't that<br />

Danno's name on Hawaii Five-O?) booked Tyson!Really, for everyone who puts<br />

Tyson (even in his prime) as an alltime great, this just deteriorates his legacy<br />

even more. He was an intimidating young knockout artist and beat up on a lot of<br />

tomato cans (and a couple decent fighters including the shell of Larry Holmes,<br />

who in his prime would have horsewhipped Tyson), then reached the pinnacle by<br />

flattening cruiserweight Michael Spinks because Spinks was afraid to mix it up.<br />

Guys, Tyson was a great and fast power puncher, but let's not talk about him in<br />

the same sentence (same paragraph maybe, but not same sentence) with Ali,<br />

Foreman, Marciano, Liston, Holmes, etc. He never ever showed the heart of a<br />

truly great champion. He never rallied when he was behind, or got up off the

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