UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco


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countries and regions. It is the latter that our policies for decentralization needs to address, in very clear and<br />

certain terms. Some sources would claim that the Education Decade has not realized the outcomes expected, but<br />

nevertheless it is important for what has been achieved to be acknowledged as building blocks for future work.<br />

Underpinning all our programme and advocacy activities should be a constant vigilance in promoting peace and<br />

social justice for all.<br />

6.6. Madam President, when we talk of the future, of what or of whom do we speak? It is our children. Under<br />

the joint auspices of the French Government and <strong>UNESCO</strong>, the World Parliament of Children was convened here<br />

in Paris last week. Tomorrow, the Youth Forum organized within the workings of this <strong>General</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> will<br />

commence. My Government acknowledges with appreciation these two events that will instil in our children and<br />

youth knowledge and values to ensure future peace, leading them to the appreciation of their future<br />

responsibilities and to revel in the celebration of our rich and unique world where unity and diversity can coexist.<br />

6.7 Madam President, the Focus on the Pacific initiative, which was introduced at our last <strong>General</strong><br />

<strong>Conference</strong>, has been built into the programme and budget for the next biennium. The delivery of the outcomes<br />

of Focus on the Pacific rest largely with the subregional office in Apia, with support from the main regional<br />

office and from the offices in Bangkok and Jakarta. The Apia office, under the able leadership of Ms Edna Tait,<br />

was declared one of the best performing field offices at our most recent evaluation. Despite this high profile, this<br />

office requires the urgent services of science, social science and communications technology experts. A full<br />

complement of professional staff will enable the Apia office to fulfil its responsibilities for the planning and<br />

implementation of Focus on the Pacific. We seek the support of the <strong>General</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> through its endorsement<br />

of a Focus on the Pacific draft resolution that will come before the commissions for their consideration.<br />

6.8 To conclude, I wish to speak briefly on the need for reform in the working methods of our Organization.<br />

Samoa has been privileged to sit on the Executive Board for the last two years and has two more years to serve.<br />

As a member that does not have a permanent representation at <strong>UNESCO</strong>, our Board experience has been truly<br />

enlightening about this House and its inner workings. There is no doubt that our membership is still passionate<br />

about the ideals and the founding vision that brought about <strong>UNESCO</strong>. However, its working methods are sorely<br />

in need of updating to ensure efficiencies through transparent and accountable processes. Your Executive Board<br />

and the Secretariat are obvious organs to take this task in hand. My delegation urges this <strong>General</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> to<br />

give clear signals of its wish that organizational reform be a priority activity in the new biennium and the ensuing<br />

period of the next Medium-Term Strategy. Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, finally, I wish you all a<br />

successful <strong>General</strong> <strong>Conference</strong>. Thank you for your attention.<br />

7. The PRESIDENT:<br />

I should like to thank Her Excellency the Minister of Education of Samoa for her wise, knowledgeable<br />

and well-directed words. I am sure that everyone listened and as the previous speaker from Myanmar told us, it is<br />

important to listen, to listen and to understand. Thank you, Madam. I now call the next speaker on my list, His<br />

Excellency Mr Guilherme de Oliveira Martins, Minister for Education of Portugal. Your Excellency, you have<br />

the floor.<br />

8.1 M. DE OLIVEIRA MARTINS (Portugal)<br />

(Discours prononcé en portugais ; traduction fournie par la délégation) :<br />

Madame la Présidente de la Conférence générale, Monsieur le Président du Conseil exécutif, Monsieur<br />

le représentant du Directeur général, chers collègues, Mesdames et Messieurs les ambassadeurs et ambassadrices,<br />

Mesdames et Messieurs, je commencerai par féliciter la Présidente de son élection et par lui souhaiter tous les<br />

succès possibles dans l'exercice de ses fonctions.<br />

8.2 Nous nous trouvons confrontés au défi de construire l'<strong>UNESCO</strong> du nouveau siècle et du nouveau<br />

millénaire. En participant à la création d'une société de l'information et de la connaissance, nous vivons une<br />

époque où la croisée des chemins de l'éducation, de la science, de la culture et de la communication présente<br />

d'indiscutables virtualités qui vont dans le sens d'une société planétaire où la liberté, la dignité et la solidarité<br />

deviennent des facteurs fondamentaux du développement humain. L'<strong>UNESCO</strong> est ainsi appelée à contribuer<br />

activement à jeter les bases d'une authentique "culture de la paix", en rassemblant toutes les énergies disponibles<br />

pour lutter contre la pauvreté, contre une volonté d'affrontement débridée, contre l'intolérance, contre le nonrespect<br />

de la diversité des cultures, contre l'incapacité de comprendre la valeur du pluralisme.<br />

8.3 L'an 2000 sera l'Année internationale de la culture de la paix, grâce à l'impulsion donnée à cet égard par<br />

l'<strong>UNESCO</strong>, et en particulier par Federico Mayor. Et il importe de comprendre que cette initiative devra en tout<br />

premier lieu enraciner dans la société humaine des valeurs et des convictions, des pratiques et des comportements<br />

qui déboucheront sur la création d'institutions et d'instruments de régulation des conflits de nature à favoriser et<br />


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