UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco


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18. The PRESIDENT:<br />

I now give the floor to the representative of Ethiopia.<br />

19.1 Mr ETEFFA (Ethiopia):<br />

Thank you, Mr President, I have no written statement so I will be very brief. I took the floor to react to<br />

some of the comments made in the reports, especially the report of Commission IV which stated that people<br />

without history have no past and no future. I think all peoples have history and therefore all peoples have a past<br />

and I hope that all peoples will have a future. If we are talking of people without history, meaning without a<br />

written history, I consider such statements misleading.<br />

19.2 Mr President, the other comment I wanted to make is that the reports of the commissions mentioned<br />

diversity but did not give it enough and appropriate emphasis. The role of diversity in the culture of peace is in<br />

my opinion very important. Diversity should be recognized, respected and appreciated. Diversity should be given<br />

the necessary attention in education and in the discussion of culture, religion and art. Education in general and<br />

adult education in particular should promote diversity and the culture of peace.<br />

19.3 The other point I wanted to raise concerns the much talked about globalization. If by globalization we<br />

only mean the globalization of finance and trade I think it would exclude the already excluded even more.<br />

Therefore globalization should at the same time enhance and promote diversity. In my view, moreover, diversity<br />

and democracy go hand in hand: democracy should contribute to the safeguarding of diversity, while a proper<br />

understanding of diversity would contribute to the reduction of violence and encourage harmony and peaceful<br />

coexistence. The culture of peace should promote the universality of peace, human rights, justice and cultural<br />

understanding. It should enable people to live together not only with tolerance but with understanding, respect<br />

and harmony. Thank you, Mr President.<br />

20. The PRESIDENT:<br />

I thank the representative of Ethiopia and now give the floor to the representative of Spain.<br />

21.1 Sr. BENAVIDES ORGAZ (España):<br />

Gracias señor Presidente: Yo también pretendo ser muy breve, y por ello me limitaré a tres puntos. En<br />

primer lugar, creo que hay que felicitar a la Secretaría por la evolución del concepto de “cultura de paz”, que está<br />

cobrando mucha más coherencia, y la integración de las diferentes estrategias que conducen a ello. Creo que esto<br />

es positivo para la Organización, y no podemos menos que suscribirlo.<br />

21.2 En segundo lugar, un comentario sobre la prevención de conflictos: nadie podría pensar que la<br />

<strong>UNESCO</strong> no jugara el papel que le corresponde en este ámbito. Simplemente quiero recordar que, dentro del<br />

sistema de las Naciones Unidas, corresponde fundamentalmente al Consejo de Seguridad el desempeño de este<br />

papel. Por supuesto la <strong>UNESCO</strong>, en sus áreas de competencia, no sólo puede sino que debe contribuir en este<br />

terreno. Un ejemplo concreto es la labor de la <strong>UNESCO</strong> en la antigua Yugoslavia.<br />

21.3 En tercer lugar, y me oriento más a los proyectos de resolución que vayamos a aprobar, mi delegación<br />

opina que, teniendo en cuenta los informes presentados por los diferentes presidentes de las comisiones, el<br />

concepto de “educación para los derechos humanos” debería figurar como tal en los textos que se nos presentan.<br />

Otro tanto cabe decir, probablemente, del concepto de “lucha contra la pobreza”, que al igual que el de<br />

“educación para los derechos humanos”, representa un método muy concreto de prevención de conflictos. Es a<br />

través de estas actuaciones concretas en el área de la solidaridad y en el área de la libertad como se previenen los<br />

conflictos diferentes que existen en el mundo.<br />

21.4 Finalmente, mi delegación también opina que en nuestras conclusiones debería probablemente figurar<br />

una referencia a la juventud, teniendo en cuenta la importancia del foro que acaba de celebrarse. Muchas gracias,<br />

señor Presidente.<br />

(21.1) Mr BENAVIDES ORGAZ (Spain) (Translation from the Spanish):<br />

Thank you, Mr President. I too intend to be very brief, and I will accordingly make only three points.<br />

Firstly, I think that the Secretariat should be congratulated on the development of the “culture of peace” concept,<br />

which is becoming much more coherent, and on the integration of the various strategies conducive to it. I think that<br />

this is positive for the Organization, and we cannot but endorse it.<br />

(21.2) Secondly, a comment on conflict prevention: it is inconceivable that <strong>UNESCO</strong> should not play its rightful<br />

role in this field. I simply wish to recall that, within the United Nations system, this is a role that basically devolves<br />

on the Security Council. Of course, in its fields of competence, <strong>UNESCO</strong> not only can but must contribute in this<br />

field. A specific example is the work done by <strong>UNESCO</strong> in the former Yugoslavia.<br />


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