UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco


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91. The LEGAL ADVISER:<br />

Thank you, Madam President. To begin with, I would like to inform the distinguished representative of<br />

Hungary that his information is not accurate. Madam President, as far as the establishment of the Standing<br />

Committee is concerned, the enabling resolution of the <strong>General</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> is 29 C/Resolution 62. Madam<br />

President, if you read through this resolution, it is not mentioned anywhere that the Draft Statutes must be<br />

submitted to the Executive Board. There are several precedents in this regard, when the <strong>General</strong> <strong>Conference</strong><br />

takes a decision and requests the Director-<strong>General</strong> or any other authority to submit a report to the Executive<br />

Board or to submit a draft to the Executive Board. It is correct that one of my colleagues in the Secretariat had<br />

asked me whether the Draft Statutes were to be submitted to the Executive Board or to the <strong>General</strong> <strong>Conference</strong>.<br />

My reply was not that it was not necessary to submit the draft to the Executive Board. My reply was that the<br />

enabling resolution does not oblige the Secretariat to submit the document to the Executive Board and that it was<br />

a question of desirability which lay well beyond the competence of the Legal Adviser. Thank you, Madam<br />

President.<br />

92. The PRESIDENT:<br />

I thank the Legal Adviser very much for that clarification. I now give the floor to the representative of<br />

Mexico, to be followed by Belize.<br />

93. Sr. SÁNCHEZ GUTIÉRREZ (México):<br />

Gracias, señora Presidenta: Tomando en consideración las implicaciones de este asunto, de carácter<br />

tanto jurídico como de procedimiento, mi delegación desearía unirse a la opinión que han expresado Santa Lucía,<br />

Turquía, Alemania y otros: el asunto requiere mayor consideración y estudio, y debe ser el Consejo Ejecutivo el<br />

encargado de realizar ese trabajo y de proponer a la Conferencia <strong>General</strong>, una vez concluidas sus deliberaciones<br />

al respecto, cuál sería el camino a seguir. Gracias, señora Presidenta.<br />

(93) M. SÁNCHEZ GUTIÉRREZ (Mexique) (traduit de l'espagnol) :<br />

Merci, Madame la Présidente. Compte tenu des incidences de cette question qui revêt un caractère aussi<br />

bien juridique que de procédure, ma délégation souhaiterait s'associer à ce qu'ont déclaré les délégués de<br />

Sainte Lucie, de la Turquie, de l'Allemagne, et d'autres pays, à savoir que ce point doit être examiné de façon plus<br />

approfondie ; en outre, il appartient au Conseil exécutif d'effectuer ce travail et, à l'issue de ses délibérations, de<br />

proposer à la Conférence générale la marche à suivre. Merci, Madame la Présidente.<br />

94. The PRESIDENT:<br />

Thank you. I now give the floor over to the representative of Belize, to be followed by Cuba.<br />

95. Mr TOURÉ (Belize):<br />

Madam President, thank you and the other distinguished delegates for increasing my awareness of the<br />

process behind this particular issue. I would like to give my endorsement to the consensus that seems to be<br />

emerging that the best way forward to give effect to the decisions taken at the prior <strong>General</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> would be<br />

to adopt the procedure of the Executive Board as it may be a way of “vetting” the document. If there was a<br />

procedural mistake that some of the members of the Standing Committee made in attempting to put this matter to<br />

the <strong>General</strong> <strong>Conference</strong>, I would hope that it was made out of an intention to speed up decentralization in this<br />

mammoth Organization and to try and get the spirit of what one might call “grass-roots participation” to<br />

strengthen that. It seems to me that that was the intent of the original resolution and my interventions on behalf of<br />

Belize have been to try to secure that spirit, not to delay matters or make mountains out of molehills. So if I have<br />

delayed this unduly, let me apologize, but let me also close by saying that in the Draft Statutes, I see that in<br />

Article 4 it says that the Standing Committee would report to three bodies other than the Director-<strong>General</strong>. As I<br />

understand it, therefore, this Standing Committee would not report exclusively to the Director-<strong>General</strong> but also,<br />

as the Draft Statutes say, to the Executive Board, the <strong>General</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> and/or the National Commissions, as<br />

the case may be. Thank you.<br />

96. The PRESIDENT:<br />

I thank the representative of Belize for the spirit of his remarks, which we do appreciate. The<br />

representative of Cuba now has the floor, to be followed by France.<br />

97.1 Sr. HERNÁNDEZ PARDO (Cuba):<br />

Gracias, señora Presidenta: Traté ya este tema cuando se estaba debatiendo el informe del Comité<br />

Jurídico, y me pronuncié en el mismo sentido que ahora parece suscitar consenso, es decir: que se planteara el<br />

tema al Consejo Ejecutivo. Y ello en el entendimiento de que, como han ayudado a aclarar ahora el Delegado de<br />

Alemania y luego otros delegados, el Comité Permanente de las Comisiones Nacionales para la <strong>UNESCO</strong> puede<br />

y debe seguir trabajando, con o sin Estatutos. Está claro que, cuanto antes los tenga, mejor. Pero en este sentido<br />

lo esencial es recordar el espíritu con que la 29ª reunión de la Conferencia <strong>General</strong> aprobó la creación de este<br />

Comité Permanente, es decir, intentando precisamente encontrar fórmulas que hagan posible el deseo que se ha<br />


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