UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco


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4.3 Sous peine d'être considéré comme nul, le bulletin employé pour le vote ne devra porter ni mention, ni<br />

inscription d'aucune sorte, ni signature, et vous devrez utiliser uniquement l'un des bulletins distribués. Vous ne<br />

devrez ni révéler votre identité, ni indiquer l'Etat que vous représentez sur ce bulletin. Enfin, le bulletin qui sera<br />

utilisé devra être glissé dans l'enveloppe blanche qui vous aura été remise, et dans celle-là seulement.<br />

4.4 Le scrutin auquel nous allons procéder maintenant ne portera que sur la partie I du document<br />

30 C/PLEN DR.2, c'est-à-dire sur la partie qui concerne la nomination du Directeur général. Après l'annonce des<br />

résultats, vous serez appelés à vous prononcer sur la partie II du texte, c'est-à-dire celle qui a trait au projet de<br />

contrat entre l'<strong>UNESCO</strong> et le Directeur général qui vous est soumis.<br />

4.5 Les délégations seront appelées successivement par le Secrétaire dans l'ordre alphabétique français des<br />

Etats membres en commençant par l'Irlande dont le nom a été tiré au sort. A l'appel du nom de l'Etat qu'elle<br />

représente, chaque délégation déposera son bulletin, mis sous enveloppe, dans l'urne qui se trouve devant la<br />

tribune. Madame la Présidente, avec votre autorisation, nous pouvons commencer l'appel nominal.<br />

5.1 The PRESIDENT:<br />

I think that was quite clear. I hope everything was understood. I should now like to designate two tellers.<br />

They are Ms Vera Lacoeuilhe of Saint Lucia and Mr Emil Hother Paulsen of Denmark, who have kindly agreed<br />

to carry out this task, and I should like to invite them to take their places at the table reserved for the tellers.<br />

(The two tellers take their seats near the ballot box)<br />

5.2 The Secretariat is now distributing the ballot papers and the voting will commence shortly.<br />

(The vote is taken by roll-call)<br />

5.3 Ladies and gentlemen, the ballot having ended, we shall now proceed with the counting of the votes. I<br />

invite the Vice-President, Her Excellency Ms Laura Faxas, Dominican Republic, who has kindly accepted to<br />

supervise the counting, to take the key to the ballot box.<br />

5.4 I now suspend the meeting in order that the ballot papers may be counted.<br />

(The votes are counted)<br />

5.5 Ladies and gentlemen, we shall resume our work. First of all I should like to thank Her Excellency<br />

Ms Laura Faxas of the Dominican Republic for having supervised the counting, and the two tellers, Ms Vera<br />

Lacoeuilhe (Saint Lucia) and Mr Emil Hother Paulsen (Denmark), for having kindly accepted the task of tellers. I<br />

shall now announce the results of the ballot: number of Member States entitled to vote during the present session:<br />

178; number of Member States that did not vote: 12; abstentions: 9; invalid ballot papers: 6; number of votes<br />

cast: 151; number of votes constituting the majority required to be appointed: 76; number of votes obtained by<br />

the candidate proposed by the Executive Board: 146; number of votes against: 5.<br />

5.6 Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura having obtained the required majority, I declare him<br />

appointed Director-<strong>General</strong> of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.<br />

(Prolonged applause)<br />

5.7 The ceremony of investiture of Mr Koïchiro Matsuura will take place on Monday 15 November at<br />

10 a.m.<br />

5.8 The Chairperson of the Executive Board has already presented to you the draft contract between<br />

<strong>UNESCO</strong> and the Director-<strong>General</strong>, as well as Part II of draft resolution 30 C/PLEN/DR.2. As there are no<br />

objections, I consider Part II of the draft resolution adopted.<br />

5.9 Before I adjourn the meeting, I would like to inform you that I will report on this morning’s <strong>General</strong><br />

Committee meeting at the plenary tomorrow morning. Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the end of this<br />

very important and historic meeting of the plenary. The meeting is adjourned.<br />

607<br />

La séance est levée à 12 h.10<br />

The meeting rose at 12.10 p.m.<br />

Se levanta la sesión a las 12.10<br />

Заседание закрывается в 12.10<br />

ً<br />

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