UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco


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40.1 The PRESIDENT:<br />

Thank you, Sir. I think that everyone has understood the amendment presented. As I expect that it will<br />

get some support, I will ask the Chairperson of the Commission if it is acceptable to him. I fully understand the<br />

point that has been made. I take it we accept the amendment that has just been proposed.<br />

40.2 Is there anyone apart from the Lao People’s Democratic Republic who wishes to take the floor before I<br />

close the list? I call the last speaker. The Lao People’s Democratic Republic has the floor.<br />

41.1 M. NHOUYVANISVONG (République démocratique populaire lao) :<br />

Merci beaucoup, Madame la Présidente. Je voudrais m'associer aux félicitations adressées au Président<br />

de la Commission V et à son équipe pour la qualité du rapport établi, et notamment à Madame le Rapporteur<br />

pour la concision et la précision dont elle a fait preuve et que nous approuvons tous.<br />

41.2 Notre délégation voudrait exprimer sa satisfaction en ce qui concerne les conclusions auxquelles le<br />

débat III a permis d'aboutir, à savoir la nécessité d'actualiser le concept de société de l'information en lui<br />

substituant celui de société du savoir. Je crois pouvoir m'exprimer ici au nom du Groupe des 77, lequel s'est<br />

beaucoup occupé de ce domaine en préparant sa participation au sommet Sud-Sud qui doit avoir lieu à La<br />

Havane au mois d'avril 2000.<br />

41.3 Madame la Présidente, je tiens à souligner combien notre groupe apprécie le travail accompli par cette<br />

commission sur le thème "l'<strong>UNESCO</strong> au XXIe siècle" et souscrit à l'exigence d'une interdisciplinarité et d'une<br />

coopération intersectorielle. J'ai la conviction que l'<strong>UNESCO</strong> a tout intérêt à réfléchir en profondeur et de façon<br />

pertinente aux moyens de renforcer la coopération entre les différents secteurs car on ne saurait aborder<br />

l'infoéthique sans tenir compte de ce que l'éducation, la science et la culture peuvent lui apporter. Une approche<br />

globale et holistique est absolument indissociable de l'interdisciplinarité et de la coopération intersectorielle.<br />

41.4 Madame la Présidente, je renouvelle mes félicitations au Président. Je n'ai pas d'autre observation à<br />

formuler et ne souhaite proposer aucune modification. Merci beaucoup.<br />

42.1 The PRESIDENT:<br />

I thank the distinguished delegate of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Now that we have come to<br />

the end of the list of speakers, I should like to make a proposal, which is not for this biennium but I should like it<br />

to be considered by Member States. I would very much like to establish a <strong>UNESCO</strong> prize for the authors of a full<br />

feature audiovisual entertainment, a film made for projection in a cinema or on television. The programmes we<br />

see on television, a subject you have discussed many times, are getting poorer and poorer in quality and doing<br />

less and less to enhance human dignity. During the years I have been coming to Paris, I have found fewer and<br />

fewer high-quality French films, and more and more low-quality imports. I am sorry to say, such is life. That is<br />

why I wanted to introduce this prize and to finance it from extrabudgetary sources. I have already been given a<br />

tentative promise by a major and very highly reputable bank in my country in the hope that some of you delegates<br />

may be able to find some financial backing for this, and I shall also put the idea to the Director-<strong>General</strong>. The<br />

prize should be financed by extrabudgetary sources and be ready by the next biennium. Such a prize for a film<br />

would encourage, enlighten, educate in an unobtrusive way, enrich, entertain and enhance the human dignity of<br />

young and old. It will of course have to do with ethics, and in a way it echoes the remark made by the delegate of<br />

Ethiopia. I know that people will say: “Oh, well no one will really care about a <strong>UNESCO</strong> prize”. But that is not<br />

true. Even countries and institutions which do not value <strong>UNESCO</strong> highly enough value prizes. Everyone values<br />

prizes, I can assure you. So this is what I would like to have ready for the next biennium. I shall welcome any<br />

country willing to join us in our efforts and I hope to have the support of the Director-<strong>General</strong>.<br />

42.2 Mr Chairperson, I have to thank and to congratulate you. You have deserved praise from everyone. We<br />

have now completed our consideration of Commission V’s report. I think the plenary can now take note of it and<br />

approve the draft resolutions therein as amended, without any difficulty. Do you agree? It is so decided.<br />

42.3 Now, distinguished delegates, we have completed our agenda for this morning. We shall meet this<br />

afternoon at 3 p.m. for the last time. I adjourn the meeting. Thank you.<br />

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La séance est levée à 12 h.25<br />

The meeting rose at 12.25 p.m.<br />

Se levanta la sesión a las 12.25<br />

Заседание закрывается в 12.25

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