UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco


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17. The PRESIDENT:<br />

I would like to thank the distinguished delegate of Nigeria and I now call upon the representative of the<br />

United Republic of Tanzania.<br />

18. Mr BAVU (United Republic of Tanzania):<br />

Thank you, Madam President. I too would like to associate Tanzania with the others who have<br />

supported this draft resolution presented by New Zealand. I would also like to commend Mr Marshall for having<br />

taken up the matter in his capacity as a delegate of New Zealand, after the problems which we experienced<br />

yesterday. My commendations would, I think, have been even greater if this action had been taken two or three<br />

days ago. I would also like to support the amendments which were proposed by India, and of course seconded by<br />

Nigeria. Thank you, Madam President.<br />

19. The PRESIDENT:<br />

Thank you very much. I now call upon the representative of Cuba.<br />

20. Sr. HERNÁNDEZ PARDO (Cuba):<br />

Gracias señora Presidenta: Seré breve. Agua pasada no mueve molino. Creo que el proyecto presentado,<br />

con las enmiendas propuestas por la India, constituye una solución que muchos vieron desde el primer momento.<br />

Pero lo importante es que se trata de un documento que, como usted decía, no sólo trata de solucionar problemas<br />

del presente sino también posibles problemas del futuro. Mi Delegación, que como usted sabe ha realizado sobre<br />

este tema más de una intervención, aprueba definitivamente este proyecto, con la incorporación de la enmienda<br />

propuesta por la India. Muchas gracias.<br />

(20) Mr HERNÁNDEZ PARDO (Cuba) (Translation from the Spanish):<br />

Thank you, Madam President. I shall be brief. It is no good crying over spilt milk. I think the draft<br />

resolution presented, with the amendments proposed by India, constitutes a solution that many envisaged from the<br />

outset. But the important thing is that it is a text which, as you were saying, deals not only with the present<br />

situation, but also with possible problems in the future. My delegation, which as you are aware has made a number<br />

of statements on the issue, definitively endorses this draft resolution, with the amendment proposed by India.<br />

Thank you very much.<br />

21. The PRESIDENT:<br />

I should like to acquaint you with the list of speakers. We have Mexico, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United<br />

Kingdom, Kenya, Lebanon, Togo, France, Sweden, Ukraine, Zimbabwe and Saint Lucia. I would like to close the<br />

list of speakers, because we might be able to come to a consensus. It seems to be hopeful. No one else? I now call<br />

upon Mexico.<br />

22. Sr. SÁNCHEZ GUTIÉRREZ (México):<br />

Gracias, señora Presidenta: En primer lugar quisiera agradecer los esfuerzos de Nueva Zelandia, y en<br />

especial del Sr. Marshall, para ayudarnos a superar este “impasse” en el cual nos encontramos. El proyecto de<br />

resolución que nos presenta nos parece aceptable, ya que propone un mecanismo por el cual podemos atender las<br />

solicitudes que se hacen a esta Conferencia <strong>General</strong> para que cumpla con sus funciones. Respecto al sexto punto,<br />

coincidimos con la opinión de la India y Nigeria de que no es este el foro más adecuado para tratar la cuestión<br />

que en esta ocasión se nos ha presentado. Gracias, señora Presidenta.<br />

(22) Mr SÁNCHEZ GUTIÉRREZ (Mexico) (Translation from the Spanish):<br />

Thank you, Madam President. I should first like to thank New Zealand, and Mr Marshall in particular, for<br />

their efforts to help us out of this impasse. We think the draft resolution presented is acceptable, as it proposes a<br />

mechanism for addressing the concerns that had become apparent with regard to the role of the <strong>General</strong><br />

<strong>Conference</strong>. We agree with India and Nigeria that paragraph 6 does not really seem to belong here. Thank you,<br />

Madam President.<br />

23. The PRESIDENT:<br />

Thank you, Sir. I also thank you for your brief and very concise way of expressing yourself. I shall now<br />

call upon Egypt.<br />

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