UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco


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todas las comisiones que se creen y dependan de las Naciones Unidas para interceder por la armonía, la paz y el<br />

entendimiento cuando haya problemas bélicos nacionales, bilaterales, regionales o -¡ojalá nunca suceda!mundiales,<br />

en todos esos foros deberá estar siempre presente la <strong>UNESCO</strong>, pues de lo contrario quedarían, como<br />

ha sucedido hasta ahora, en manos de generales o políticos, que justamente mantienen posturas beligerantes y<br />

quizá piensen más en la venta de armamento que en conseguir realmente la paz permanente y duradera que el<br />

futuro demanda y que nosotros debemos construir en el presente. Gracias.<br />

(35.1) Ms REYNOSO DE ABUD (Dominican Republic) (Translation from the Spanish):<br />

Thank you very much, Madam President. I extend greetings to all delegates and in particular to the<br />

outgoing Director-<strong>General</strong>, Mr Federico Mayor Zaragoza, thanking him on behalf of my country for his unstinting<br />

support for the projects and programmes that we have carried out jointly with <strong>UNESCO</strong>, and wishing him every<br />

success in the important tasks that await him in the future.<br />

(35.2) We wish to say that, for us, <strong>UNESCO</strong> has really been a source of inspiration for dialogue. As a result of a<br />

one-week meeting with representatives of all the political, social and economic sectors, who had met to prepare a<br />

national programme for development, the President of the Dominican Republic established the National House of<br />

Dialogue. The National House of Dialogue continues to help the various institutions to resolve many of the internal<br />

problems that arise and, by ably creating a lively dialogue, has effectively served to solve a series of problems that<br />

could have affected our country’s social life.<br />

(35.3) We also consider that, like <strong>UNESCO</strong>, the culture of peace must be part of the political and strategic<br />

heritage of the next millennium, and that it must be a shared responsibility, not only of <strong>UNESCO</strong>, but also of all<br />

governments, civil society and, in general, all sectors of national life. We believe that poverty eradication and<br />

respect for human rights, gender equality and inter-racial and intercultural dialogue are basic elements for<br />

achieving that important objective.<br />

(35.4) We also wish to thank <strong>UNESCO</strong> for a series of activities that have been carried out in the Dominican<br />

Republic, in particular the restoration of the colonial house in which the <strong>UNESCO</strong> Office in the country has been<br />

installed, the formation of the Children’s and Youth Symphony, mobile libraries and other projects based on<br />

<strong>UNESCO</strong>’s policy, which have served to develop culture and education in our country. A <strong>UNESCO</strong> Chair will<br />

soon be opened at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo. In addition, we are introducing culture of peace<br />

assignments and lectures at all levels of the education system.<br />

(35.5) Lastly, I should like to restate the desire that I expressed earlier in Commission IV: considering that<br />

<strong>UNESCO</strong> is the specialized agency in the United Nations system that promotes dialogue and peaceful coexistence,<br />

<strong>UNESCO</strong> must always be present in all forums - committees or commissions - established by or attached to the<br />

United Nations to work for harmony, peace and understanding in conflict situations on a national, bilateral,<br />

regional or - God forbid! - world scale, or else they will remain, as they have done to date, in the hands of generals<br />

or politicians, who in fact maintain belligerent positions and possibly think more about arms sales than about really<br />

achieving the permanent and lasting peace which the future requires and which we must now build. Thank you.<br />

36. The PRESIDENT:<br />

I thank the distinguished delegate of the Dominican Republic. I now call Madagascar, to be followed by<br />

Ecuador.<br />

37.1 M. RALAMBOMAHAY (Madagascar) :<br />

Merci, Madame la Présidente. Je voudrais tout d'abord me féliciter du rôle prépondérant de l'<strong>UNESCO</strong><br />

dans la conception de ce thème de la culture de la paix, et rendre un hommage particulier à M. Federico Mayor,<br />

son directeur général, pour les efforts qu'il a déployés afin d'accroître la visibilité de notre Organisation dans ce<br />

domaine. M. Federico Mayor est devenu un ami de Madagascar et laissera des souvenirs impérissables dans notre<br />

pays.<br />

37.2 Le XXe siècle, Madame la Présidente, est un siècle de paradoxes. C'est un siècle où la science a<br />

progressé à pas de géant et où la population mondiale a connu un accroissement tout aussi spectaculaire ; mais<br />

c'est aussi le siècle le plus meurtrier que l'humanité ait jamais connu, avec son cortège de guerres mondiales, de<br />

génocides et de catastrophes naturelles.<br />

37.3 Soucieuse d'initier dès leur plus jeune âge les jeunes Malgaches à ce thème de la culture de la paix,<br />

Madagascar l'a d'ores et déjà intégré dans son programme d'enseignement scolaire comme dans les activités<br />

ordinaires de ses clubs <strong>UNESCO</strong> et de ses écoles associées. Et le peuple malgache, peuple pacifique s'il en est,<br />

compte organiser à la fin du premier trimestre 2000, avant le Sommet de Libreville au Gabon, c'est-à-dire durant<br />

l'Année internationale de la culture de la paix, une réunion des Etats membres de la sous-région de l'océan Indien,<br />

afin qu'ils réfléchissent à l'avènement d'Etats démocratiques fondés sur la prééminence de l'être humain - dans<br />

son environnement, dans sa culture, dans son contexte économique -, et au respect d'une éthique politique<br />


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