UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco


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múltiples voces de los pueblos”. Gracias, señor Vicepresidente Fernández Mirabal, por su visita a la <strong>UNESCO</strong> y<br />

por traernos el mensaje alegre, vigoroso y esperanzador del noble pueblo dominicano. Muchas gracias.<br />

(32.1) The DIRECTOR-GENERAL (Translation from the Spanish):<br />

Your Excellency the Vice-President of the Dominican Republic, Mr Jaime David Fernández Mirabal,<br />

Mrs Carmen Campos de Fernández, Your Excellency the Ambassador of the Dominican Republic, distinguished<br />

members of the entourage of the Vice-President, ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to add my voice<br />

to those of the President of the <strong>General</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> and the Chairperson of the Executive Board in bidding you a<br />

most cordial welcome to the <strong>30th</strong> session of the <strong>General</strong> <strong>Conference</strong>, just as I did two years ago, when you<br />

honoured us with your presence in this same forum.<br />

(32.2) I salute in you the new generation of Latin American political leaders, who, with a keen social sense,<br />

have set in motion new processes of governance and democratization in their respective countries, without losing<br />

sight of the history, traditions, shortcomings and potential of their peoples; this is a generation which is carrying<br />

out a far-reaching task of renovation, in which freedom and respect for human rights occupy pride of place.<br />

(32.3) Shortly after your last visit, I had the opportunity of travelling to your country, the Dominican Republic,<br />

a place where - in the words of the poet José Emilio Pacheco - “... the sea has no beginning. It starts where you first<br />

find it and comes to meet you from all sides”. That was not my first encounter with your country, which is so close<br />

to mine in language and culture; but it was most certainly an eye-opener to see for myself, rather than to gather<br />

from statistics, the determined efforts your government is making to bring education to the most remote corners of<br />

the Republic. This expansion of the education system is creating a dynamic of social and economic changes which<br />

are helping to build peace and promote sustainable development. <strong>UNESCO</strong>, Mr Vice-President, has had the<br />

privilege of contributing, discretely but enthusiastically, to the efforts that the government and President Leonel<br />

Fernández Reyna have been making in these fields.<br />

(32.4) I should like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to the Dominican Republic for its extremely<br />

generous gesture in placing at <strong>UNESCO</strong>’s disposal a perfectly restored and fully equipped building which is part of<br />

the colonial heritage of Santo Domingo, to serve as the <strong>UNESCO</strong> Office in that city. Once again, my deepest<br />

gratitude to President Fernández Reyna and the Dominican people as a whole for this offer, which has such special<br />

significance for <strong>UNESCO</strong>.<br />

(32.5) Very shortly, your country will be hosting the Second Summit of Heads of State or Government of the<br />

Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States. The imminence of this meeting brings to mind the words of one of<br />

the most brilliant intellectuals of Latin America, Pedro Henríquez Ureña, a Dominican whom I quote for the<br />

second time in addressing myself to Your Excellency. He said: “In a Utopian world, the differences of character<br />

rooted in climate, language and traditions must not disappear. Instead, rather than signifying division and discord,<br />

all these differences must come together as the myriad nuances of human unity. ‘Never’ to uniformity, the ideal of<br />

arid imperialism; but ‘yes’ to unity, the harmony of the many voices of the peoples”. Thank you, Mr Vice-President<br />

Fernández Mirabal, for your visit to <strong>UNESCO</strong>, and for bringing us the joyful, vigorous and hopeful message of the<br />

noble people of the Dominican Republic. Thank you very much.<br />

33. The PRESIDENT:<br />

Thank you, Sir. I now have the great pleasure and honour of inviting the Vice-President of the<br />

Dominican Republic, His Excellency Mr Jaime David Fernández Mirabal to address the <strong>General</strong> <strong>Conference</strong>. Sir,<br />

you have the floor.<br />

34.1 Sr. Jaime David FERNÁNDEZ MIRABAL (Vicepresidente de la República Dominicana):<br />

Señora Presidenta de la Conferencia <strong>General</strong>, señor Presidente del Consejo Ejecutivo, señor Director<br />

<strong>General</strong>, distinguidos embajadores, distinguidas embajadoras, representantes de los Estados Miembros: En<br />

primer lugar quisiera saludar a esta magna Conferencia <strong>General</strong> en nombre del Presidente Leonel Fernández, de<br />

nuestro equipo de gobierno y del pueblo dominicano, y expresar nuestro especial reconocimiento a don Federico<br />

Mayor Zaragoza por su gestión al frente de esta Organización durante los últimos doce años, a la vez que<br />

deseamos éxitos al nuevo Director <strong>General</strong> recién electo al frente de esta, nuestra casa, y le manifestamos todo<br />

nuestro apoyo y nuestro interés por impulsar cada acción que vaya en beneficio de la educación, la ciencia y la<br />

cultura de nuestro pueblos.<br />

34.2 Hace justamente dos años, como dijo el Director <strong>General</strong>, acudimos a esta Conferencia con ideas, con<br />

proyectos, y con la misión de recibir, en nombre del Presidente Leonel Fernández, la Medalla Taíno de la Paz<br />

que compartía con el Presidente de la República hermana de Haití, el Presidente René Preval, otorgada a ambos<br />

por la <strong>UNESCO</strong> en reconocimiento de sus esfuerzos en favor de la paz, la solidaridad y el desarrollo de nuestros<br />

pueblos. En aquella ocasión teníamos muchas ideas y habíamos iniciado acciones para reafirmar los principios en<br />

los que, como nueva generación política, creemos para lograr el verdadero desarrollo humano de nuestros<br />

pueblos.<br />

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