UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco

UNESCO. General Conference; 30th; Records ... - unesdoc - Unesco


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19.1 Mme COPPS (Canada) :<br />

Merci, Monsieur le Président. Excellences, distingués délégués, Mesdames et Messieurs, je suis<br />

heureuse et honorée de m'adresser pour la deuxième fois à la Conférence générale de l'<strong>UNESCO</strong> au nom du<br />

gouvernement du Canada. J'ai en effet déjà pris la parole devant cette assemblée en octobre 1997. L'<strong>UNESCO</strong>,<br />

guidée par son Directeur général, a participé et continue de participer aux principaux débats qui sont engagés à<br />

l'échelle mondiale.<br />

(L'oratrice poursuit en espagnol)<br />

19.2 Quisiera pues aprovechar esta oportunidad para rendir homenaje y expresar mi más sincero<br />

agradecimiento, y el del Gobierno canadiense, al Director <strong>General</strong> saliente, Sr. Federico Mayor, por el trabajo<br />

que ha realizado en el curso de sus dos mandatos al frente de la Organización.<br />

(19.2) (traduit de l'espagnol) Je tiens également à saisir cette occasion pour rendre hommage et exprimer mes<br />

remerciements les plus sincères, ainsi que ceux du gouvernement canadien, au Directeur général sortant,<br />

M. Federico Mayor, pour le travail qu'il a accompli au cours de ses deux mandats à la tête de l'Organisation.<br />

(The speaker continues in English)<br />

19.3 Mr President, in only two months we will be in the year 2000, and we will have a new Director-<strong>General</strong>.<br />

For many people around the world, the millennium can be a symbol of hope, a time for change - change for the<br />

better. But it is also a time of great challenge. We live in a world where knowledge is the key, where innovation<br />

and creativity spawn social change and economic growth, where technology breaks down barriers of time and<br />

geography, and where education is critical to the development of each human being, where science is spectacular<br />

and scary, where culture is essential to human expression and identity, and where rapid change is world currency.<br />

In this context, there is only one international organization that has all the elements to make a difference, and that<br />

organization is <strong>UNESCO</strong>. <strong>UNESCO</strong> must be the instrument of hope and of positive change. It must be the bridge<br />

to the people, to help us meet the challenges of our times. But <strong>UNESCO</strong> will only succeed if we work together as<br />

Member States to make this Organization better, more open, more efficient, more transparent. We need to reflect<br />

the priorities of the Member States. Canada attaches great importance to this exercise and is pleased to be<br />

associated with the work of the Task Force for <strong>UNESCO</strong> in the twenty-first century established by the Executive<br />

Board. The Task Force mandate is to generate ideas and to make recommendations to the next session of the<br />

<strong>General</strong> <strong>Conference</strong>.<br />

(L'oratrice poursuit en français)<br />

19.4 Le Canada attache une très grande importance à la réforme de l'<strong>UNESCO</strong>. Nous sommes d'avis que des<br />

relations d'un type nouveau doivent s'instaurer entre le Conseil exécutif et le Secrétariat. L'<strong>UNESCO</strong> doit gérer<br />

ses programmes et ses ressources avec souplesse et en tenant compte des priorités des Etats membres. Il convient<br />

d'accélérer la réforme des méthodes de travail du Secrétariat et d'adopter des modalités d'établissement du<br />

programme et du budget axées sur les résultats. Le Canada est très attaché au maintien de liens privilégiés entre<br />

l'<strong>UNESCO</strong> et la société civile, au travers principalement des commissions nationales.<br />

(The speaker continues in English)<br />

19.5 The Government of Canada has also offered the services of the Auditor <strong>General</strong> of Canada for a second<br />

term as the External Auditor of <strong>UNESCO</strong>. We believe the experience and professionalism of his team could be of<br />

assistance to the new Director-<strong>General</strong>.<br />

19.6 Canada also agrees with the Director-<strong>General</strong> who affirms the unanimous recognition of the fundamental<br />

importance of education. Education is the key to development and democracy. We are therefore surprised to see<br />

reductions in the portion of the budget dedicated to education. Canada believes that <strong>UNESCO</strong> should address<br />

urgently the recommendation made in the last External Auditor report to give high priority to developing a<br />

strategic plan for the education sector. And we also support a transdisciplinary approach to education which<br />

encompasses environment, human rights and democracy. Education is a lifelong process, and we commend<br />

<strong>UNESCO</strong> for incorporating these principles into its programmes. Basic education is the true building block of<br />

equality. Teaching a child to read and write is a stronger guarantee of world peace than giving a child a gun.<br />

19.7 Mr President, the Canadian Government is pleased with the outcome of the World <strong>Conference</strong> on<br />

Science in Budapest. The Hungarian Government, <strong>UNESCO</strong> and ICSU should equally be congratulated for<br />

having organized this major gathering.<br />


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