kulturgileak gizarte mugimenduetan - Euskara

kulturgileak gizarte mugimenduetan - Euskara

kulturgileak gizarte mugimenduetan - Euskara


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ez (Fishman, 1991: 30). 197 Nolanahi ere, denbora igaro ahala,<br />

nazionalismoari lotutako mugimenduak dibertsifikatu eta instituzionalizatu<br />

egin dira. Horrela, mugimendu etnonazionalistek ezarritako erreferentzi-<br />

marko orokorrean kokaturik egonda ere, alde batetik, hizkuntzak<br />

berreskuratzeko mugimenduek autonomia irabazi dute mugimendu<br />

politikoetatik eta esparru bereizia eraiki dute mugimendu kultural gisa.<br />

Bestetik, barne bereizketa baten ondorioz, <strong>gizarte</strong> eremu bat baino<br />

gehiagotan jardutea lortu dute.<br />

Kulturaren eremuan jarduteak, halaz ere, ez die esanahi politikorik<br />

kendu mugimendu horiei. Bada, orain arte ikusi dugunez, hizkuntza/kultura<br />

gatazkak talde gatazkak dira; areago, mendekotasun harremanak hartzen<br />

dituzte tartean. Hartara, hizkuntza aldarrikapenen azken helburua <strong>gizarte</strong>an<br />

iraultza sinbolikoa burutzea izaten da eta <strong>gizarte</strong> taldeen arteko indar<br />

harremana aldaraztea.<br />

Las reivindicaciones lingüísticas, que son siempre como hemos dicho conflictos<br />

grupales, tienen por objeto dar la vuelta a las relaciones de dominación<br />

simbólica y a la jerarquía de valores asociada a las lenguas en concurrencia.<br />

“Una tal revolución simbólica no es posible más que al precio de una profunda<br />

transformación de todo el campo de producción y de circulación de los bienes<br />

197 Some nationalist movements involve RLS-[Reversing Language Shift]-efforts too, but<br />

the overlap between the two is not nearly as great nor as important as the differences<br />

between them. Most RLS movements, particularly those that have been most active since<br />

World War II, are not as basically motivated by political aspirations such as political<br />

separatism or even political autonomy. They generally seek not so much an impact on<br />

the general body politic, as, rather, a focus on “those of their own kind” and on their<br />

internal cultural order. Indeed, an RLS movement that has a surrounding nationalist<br />

movement to fall back upon already has an advanced organizational and ideological<br />

thrust, a clientele and a definition of its desired future. However, even such movements<br />

often find that independence is not enough to guarantee ethnocultural and<br />

ethnolinguistic distinctiveness and find it necessary, therefore, to institute “cultural<br />

policies” and “language policies” (viz. policies on behalf of French in Quebec, Flemish<br />

in Belgium, Irish in Ireland, even after the attainment of cultural autonomy or even<br />

political independence) calculated to provide the ethnolinguistic breathing space that<br />

small cultures always require for their coexistence in a world dominated by<br />

ethnolinguistic behemoths (Fishman, 1991: 27-28).<br />


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