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Soziologische Klassiker - Upload server

Soziologische Klassiker - Upload server


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Sassen, Saskia<br />

"Cities in A World Economy. Sociology Series For A New Century, Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine<br />

Forge Press"<br />

124.8. Internetquellen<br />

• Saskia Sassen am Kongress: Kapitalismus am Ende? Analysen und Alternativen. 6 - 8. März 2009,<br />

TU Berlin (veranstaltet von attac): http://www.attac.de/aktuell/kapitalismuskongress<br />

• Saskia Sassens Homepage, London School of Economics:<br />

http://www.lse.ac.uk/collections/sociology/whoswho/sassen.htm<br />

• The Transnationalism Project, University of Chicago: (Forschungsergebnisse u. Materialien öffentlich<br />

zugänglich) http://transnationalism.uchicago.edu/index.html<br />

• Guardian-Artikel zu Immigration: Home Truths: The Notion that the West is threatend with Mass<br />

Invasions of Immigrants is a Myth (April 2000) 6<br />

• Artikel auf opendemocracy.net: Migration Policy - From Control to Governance: In the United<br />

States and Europe alike, immigration policy isn't working – and the failure is most evident at the<br />

crossing-points of the rich and poor worlds, from the Mexican border to the Canary Islands (Juli<br />

2006): http://www.opendemocracy.net/people-migrationeurope/militarising_borders_3735.jsp<br />

6 http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2000/apr/15/immigration.immigrationandpublicservices<br />


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