Quando la profezia diventa storia - Adelio Pellegrini

Quando la profezia diventa storia - Adelio Pellegrini

Quando la profezia diventa storia - Adelio Pellegrini


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<strong>Quando</strong> <strong>la</strong> <strong>profezia</strong> <strong>diventa</strong> <strong>storia</strong><br />


BENOIT Pierre (1906- ) - domin.franc. - Un adversaire du Christianisme au III siècle: Porphyre, in Revue Biblique, Paris 1947,<br />

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BENOIT Pierre de (1884-1963) - medico evang.svizz. - Le prophète Daniel, Vennes sur Lausanne 1941;<br />

- Ce que l’Esprit dit aux Eglises - Commentaire sur l’Apocalypse, Vennes sur Lausanne 1941;<br />

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BENRATH Gustav Adolf (1889- ) - Ed. Commentary edito da WICLIFF, 1966;<br />

BENSON Bishop E. W., The Apocalypse - An Introductory Study of the Reve<strong>la</strong>tion of St John the Divine, New York 1900;<br />

BENSON Joseph, (1749-1821) - past.metod.ingl. - The Holy Bible, vol. III, Ecclesiastes to Ma<strong>la</strong>chi, New York 1846, pp. 757-845;<br />

BENTZEN Aage (1894-1954) - teol.lut.danese - Das Buch Daniel, Tübingen 1937; 2ª ed., 1952;<br />

BERDIAEFF Niko<strong>la</strong>i Alexandrovich (1874-1948) - filos.russo - Vie, Art, Cité, n. 3, 1948, p. 25;<br />

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BERG Orley M. - past.avv.amer. - Daniel and Nebucadnetsar, in The Ministry, giugno 1980, pp. 26,27;<br />

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BERGIER Nico<strong>la</strong>s Sylvestre (1718-1790) - teol.catt.franc. - Dictionnaire de Théologie, t. I, ed Besancon 1844, pp. 125-128; t. II,<br />

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BERGUER Georget - protest. - Douze méditations à propos de l’Apocalypse, Robert, Genève 1916;<br />

BERICK Francis H., The Great Crisis in Human Affairs; the Lord soon to come, Lowell, Massaciusaet 1854, pp. 19-183;<br />

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BERKHOF Hendrikus, Well-Founded Hope, Richmond 1968;<br />

BERKHOF Louis (1873-1957) - Systematic Theology, London 1939, 1941; 3ª ed., Grand Rapids, 1946, 1949, 784 pp.; su Daniele, pp.<br />

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BERKOUWER Gerrit Cornelis (1903- ) - The Return of Christ, trans. James Van OOSTEROM, ed. Martin J. Van Elderen,<br />

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BERNARD David - past.batt. - Letter of David Bernard, On the Second Coming of Christ, Joshua V. Himes, Boston 1843.<br />

BERNARD Thomas Dehany, The Progress of Doctrine in the New Testament, New York 1867;<br />

Bernardino da Siena - cit. da VAUCHER Alfred Félix, Lacunziana, II serie, Collonges sous Salève 1952, p. 53;<br />

BERNINI Giuseppe - cattol. – Daniele – Nuovissima versione del<strong>la</strong> Bibbia, ed. Paoline, Roma 1976;<br />

BERRUYER Joseph Isaac (1681-1758) - ges.franc. - Histoire du peuple de Dieu, nuova ed., Paris 1742;<br />

BERRY Marian G. - scritt.avvent. - Daniel and the 3 rd Deliverance, in The Ministry, agosto 1978, pp. 10-12;<br />

BERTHOLDT Leonhard (1774-1822) - teol.evang.ted. - Daniel aus den Hebraïsch-Aramaischen neu übersetzt und Erklärt, Erl., 1806-<br />

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BERTHOLET Alfred (1868-1951) - teol.evang.svizz. - Daniel und die griechische Gefahr, ed. Marti, Tübinghen 1907;<br />

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BETTEX Hector (1807-1879) - pred.plim.svizz. - Siècle présent et siècle à venir, Nice 1856; 2ª ed., Lausanne 1872;<br />

BEUMLER Marcus, Antichristus Romanus, Herborn 1590;<br />

BEUNINGEN Friedrich van, Die zweite, Bitte des Vater Unser, Dein Reich komme!, Riga 1901;<br />

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BEURLIER Emile (1851-1907) - stor.franc. - De divinis honoribus quos acceperunt Alexander et successores ejus, Paris 1890;<br />

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BIAGIO Giuseppe di, Il colosso mondiale con piedi d’argil<strong>la</strong>, 2 a ed., Roma 1970;<br />


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