Quando la profezia diventa storia - Adelio Pellegrini

Quando la profezia diventa storia - Adelio Pellegrini

Quando la profezia diventa storia - Adelio Pellegrini


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- A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Daniel, New York 1927; Edinburg 1950;<br />

MONTGOMERY W., The Hexap<strong>la</strong>ric Strada in the Greek Texts of Daniel, in Journal of Biblique Literature, XLIV, parts III, Leipzig<br />

1925, pp. 287-302; trad. SELLIN, 1923;<br />

MONTJOSIEU Louis de, Les Semaines de Daniel, Paris 1711;<br />

MOODY Dale, The Hope of Glory, Grand Rapids, 1964;<br />

- The Eschatology of Hal Lindsey, in Review and Expositor, vol. LXXII, n. 3, Summer 1975;<br />

MOODY Dwight Lyman (1837-1899) - evang.congr.americ. - Daniel the Prophet, Chicago 1884;<br />

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38,214,256,277,280,286-287,291-293;<br />

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MORENZ Siegfried, Das Tier den Hörner ein Beitrag zu Daniel 7:7 ss., in Zeitschr. für Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, n. 63, 1951,<br />

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MORER Dr. T.H., Six Dialogues on the Lord’s Day, London 1701;<br />

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MORRIS Leon Lamb (1914- ) - canon.angl.austr. - The Reve<strong>la</strong>tion of St. John - An Introduction and Commentary, Grand Rapids,<br />

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MORRIS Raymond P., A theology Book list, Oxford 1960, p. 37;<br />

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MORROW Robert, The Interpretation of the Apocalypses, London 1874, pp. 5-35;<br />

MORSE Jedediah, Signs of the Times. A Sermon, Preached Before the Society of Propagating the Gospel Among the Indians and<br />

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MOSER Friedrich Carl von (1723-1798) - Daniel in der Löwen grube in 6 Bezänge, Francfort 1763;<br />

MOSERSOHN Ernest - past.lut.ted. - Ed. Literary illustrations of the Bible, London 1965;<br />

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MOSS Harry George, Notes on the Book of Daniel, Newport 1949;<br />

MOTHIER J. A. - DAVIDSON Francis, New Bible Commentary, ed. 1970;<br />

MOULTON Richard Green (1849-1924) - Daniel and the Minor Prophets, New York 1898; 1901; 1919, pp. 1-47;<br />

- The Literary Study of the Bible, London 1899, pp. 469,503,524;<br />

MOUNCE Robert Hayden, The Book of Reve<strong>la</strong>tion, The New International Commentary on the New Testament, Grand Rapids, N.<br />

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MOWLL Basil Christopher - past.angl.ingl. - The Night is Far Spent, the Day is at Hand, London 1852;<br />

MUELLER David, De quarta bestia Daniel VII. Dissertation, Tübingen 1618;<br />

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MUELLER K, Menschensohn und Messias, in Biblische Zeitschriff, n. 16, 2, Paderborn 1972, pp. 161-187; 17, n.1, pp. 52-56;<br />

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<strong>Quando</strong> <strong>la</strong> <strong>profezia</strong> <strong>diventa</strong> <strong>storia</strong>

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