Quando la profezia diventa storia - Adelio Pellegrini

Quando la profezia diventa storia - Adelio Pellegrini

Quando la profezia diventa storia - Adelio Pellegrini


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<strong>Quando</strong> <strong>la</strong> <strong>profezia</strong> <strong>diventa</strong> <strong>storia</strong><br />


STRAGAPEDE Vincenzo (1921- ) - pred.avv.ital. - Note sulle Profezie di Daniele, Lentini 1968, 155 p.; La Spezia; Conegliano<br />

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- Luce sul futuro dal libro di Daniele, s.l., s.d.;<br />

- Le due Rive<strong>la</strong>zioni (Daniele e Apocalisse), prefazione, Conegliano, autunno 1989; Conegliano s.d.;<br />

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STRAND Kenneth A. - teol.avv. - Interpreting the Book of Reve<strong>la</strong>tion - Hermeneutical Guidelines with Brief Introduction to Literary<br />

Analysis, Ann Arbor, Worthington, Ohio 1976;<br />

- The Seven Hads: Do They Represent Roman Emperors?, in AA.VV., Symposium on Reve<strong>la</strong>tion - Book II, Frank B.<br />

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- The Two Witnesses of Reve<strong>la</strong>tion, AUSS, 21,3, 1983;<br />

STRAUSS Lehman (v.1911- ) - The Prophecies of Daniel, Neptune, New Jersey 1965;<br />

STRAW Walter E. (1900-1962) - avvent. - Studies in Daniel, Beerin Spring, Michigan 1949, 99 p., dattiloscritto;<br />

STREETER Randolph Elwood (1847-1924) - Daniel the beloved of Jehovah, Brooklyn, New York 1928;<br />

STREETER Radolph Elwod, Daniel the beloved of Jehovah, Brooklynn, New York 1928;<br />

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- A Commentary on the Apocalypse, William Tegg & Co., London 1854;<br />

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Sulpicius Severus, Sacred History, traduzione di Alexander Roberts, in NPNF, 2 a serie, vol. XI, pp. 71-122;<br />

SUTCLIFFE Thomas Henry, The Book of Daniel, Westman 1959;<br />

SVANING(IUS) I Hans Jensen (1600-1676) - stor.dan. - Colossus Nebucadnetsar Magni, hoc est. de IV monarchias seu summs et<br />

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SWIM Roy E., Beacon Bible Commentary, vol. IV, 1966; 1969, pp. 617-683;<br />

SWORMSTEDT James M., The End of the World Near, or, Antichrist, the Beast of Reve<strong>la</strong>tion 13, Cincinnati 1877;<br />

SZATHMARI Stephanus, Dissertation 5 a , de posteriore parte regni quarti ex picta per piedes, eorumque digitos, ex ferro et argil<strong>la</strong> in<br />

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