Quando la profezia diventa storia - Adelio Pellegrini

Quando la profezia diventa storia - Adelio Pellegrini

Quando la profezia diventa storia - Adelio Pellegrini


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- La Sacra Bibbia, ed. Pietro Chovët, 1641;<br />

- Breve introduzione ai libri sacri dell’Antico e Nuovo Testamento, Torino 1854, pp. 61,62;<br />

- I Commenti del<strong>la</strong> Sacra Bibbia, Firenze 1880, pp. 834-854;<br />

DODDS J.E., A comprehensive View of the Reve<strong>la</strong>tion of St John. Also a Lecture on the Second and 7th chapter of Daniel,<br />

Waeeenburg 1885;<br />

DOMINGUEZ Narciso (1881- ) - O.P. - El Mesías de Daniel y el Cristo del Apoc. (Daniel 7:9-14; 10:5-8. Apoc. 1:5-8, 12-19), in<br />

Philippian Sacra, n. 3, 1964, pp. 78-98;<br />

DOMMERICH John Christian (1723-1767) - De doctrina in vita aeterna splendore, ad Daniel XII,2,3, Commentario, exegetico,<br />

dommatico, Wolfenbuttel 1752;<br />

DONNERSCHAUSEN Werner (1919- ) - Nabonide im Buche Daniel, Mainz 1964;<br />

- Nabonidus and the Book of Daniel Irish theol, in Catholic Biblical Quaterly, n. 36, 1970, pp. 131-149;<br />

DOUGHERTY Raymond Philip (1877-1933) - assiriol.amer. - Nabonidus and Belshazzar, in Yale Oriental Series, n. 15, New Haven<br />

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DOUGLAS James Dixon, Ed. The New Bible Dictionnary, London 1962, pp. 290-294;<br />

DOUKHAN Jacques (1940- ) - teol.prof.avv.di origine ebraica-Anthroponymie biblique et prophétie, Mèmoire de Maîse ès lettres<br />

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- Boire aux sources, ed. S.d.T., Dammarie les Lys 1977, 206 p.; trad. inglese, Brinking at the Sources, Montain View,<br />

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- The Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9, in Exegetical Study, Andrews University Seminary Studies - AUSS, n. 17, Silver Spring<br />

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Questions Débattues, Collonges sous Salève 1980, pp. 109-130;<br />

- Aux Portes de l’Espérance, ed. Vie et Santé, Dammarie les Lys 1983, 316 p.;<br />

- Le Soupir de <strong>la</strong> Terre - Étude prophétique sur le livre de Daniel, ed. Vie & Santé, Dammarie les Lys 1993, 318 p.;<br />

- Le cri due ciel - Étude prophétique sur le livre de l’Apocalypse, ed. Vie & Santé, Dammarie les Lys 1996, 287 p.;<br />

DOW Lorenzo, - A Journey from Babylon to Jerusalem; or, The Road to Peace and True Happiness Prefaced With an Essay on the<br />

Rights of Man, Haas & Lamb, Lynchburg, Va. 1812;<br />

- Biography and Miscel<strong>la</strong>ny, Lorenzo Dow, Norwich Conn., 1834;<br />

DOWLING John, An Exposition on the Prophecies Supposed by William Miller to Predict the Second Coming of Christ in 1843, Geo.<br />

P. Daniels, Providence 1840;<br />

- Reply to Miller, A Review of Mr. Miller’s Theory of the End of the World in 1843, 3 a ed., J.R. Biglow, New York 1843;<br />

DOWNHAM George, A Treatise Concerning Antichrist, Cuthbert Burbie, London 1603;<br />

- Papa Antichristus, 1620;<br />

DRACH David Paul (1821-1895) - abate - La sainte Bible, L’Apocalypse de saint Jean, Paris 1873;<br />

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- Von dem Stein am Wende von gerissen: Jesus Christo, Lübeck 1550;<br />

DRAESEKE Johannes (1844-1916) - Apollinarius von Laodicea, sein Leben und seine Schriften, Leipzig 1892;<br />

DRAXE Thomas ( -1618) - teol.angl.ingl. - Extremi judicii tuba monitoria, Hanover 1617;<br />

DRESSELER H. H. P., The identification of the Ugaritic Dnil with the Daniel of Ezekiel, in Vetus Testament, n. 29, 1979, pp. 152-161;<br />

DRESSER Matthaeus (1536-1607) - Oratio de qiatuor Monrchiis, sive summis imperiis, in Danielis expressis, Leipzig 1581;<br />

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DRIVER Samuel Rolles (1846-1914) - teol.angl.ingl. - An Introduction to the Literary of the Old Testament, Edinburg 1891; 9 a ed.,<br />

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DRUMMOND Henry M. (1851-1897) - teol.presb.scozz. - Introduction to the Study of the Apocalypse, L.B. Seeley, London 1830;<br />

- IRVING Edward - teol.presb.scozz. - e altri - Dialogues on Prophecy, 3 vol., James Nisbet, London 1828-1829;<br />

DU JON (JUNIUS) François (1545-1602) - teol.rifor.franc. - Expositio prophète Daniel, Heidelberg 1593;<br />

DU PASQUIER Robert - past.rifor.svizz. - Le Royaune de Dieu et <strong>la</strong> prédication de Jésus, Lausanne 1906;<br />

DU PINET Antoine (v.1510-1566) - scritt.riform.franc. - Familière et brève Exposition sur l’Apocalypse, Genève 1557;<br />

DUBARLE Pierre Henri (in religione André Marie) (1910- ) - domen.franc. - Dictionnaire de <strong>la</strong> Bible - Supplement, vol. VIII, Paris<br />

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DUBOURDIEU Jean Armand ( -1726) - L’ogueil de Nébucanedsar abattu par <strong>la</strong> main de Dieu (un sernone su Daniel 4:29-32),<br />

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DUCLOT DE LA VORZE Joseph François (1745-1821) - teol.catt.franc. - La Sainte Bible vengée, nuova ed., Lyon 1824;<br />

DUESTERWALD Franz, Die Weltreiche und der Gottesreich nach den Weissagungen des Prophete Daniel, Freiburg, i, Br., 1890;<br />

DUFF Mildred B<strong>la</strong>nche (1860-1932) - NOEL Hope, Daniel the Prophet, London, s.d.;<br />

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DUGGER Andrew Nugent (1884- ) - Seder Dani’el, Jerusalem, v. 1964;<br />

DUGUET Jacques Joseph (1649-1733) - orat.gians.franc. - Règles pour l’intelligence des Saint Écritures, Paris 1716;<br />

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DUJARDIN Édouard (1861-1949) - scritt.franc. - Les prédécesseurs de Daniel, Paris 1906;<br />

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<strong>Quando</strong> <strong>la</strong> <strong>profezia</strong> <strong>diventa</strong> <strong>storia</strong>

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