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982 Partea a VIII-a > Dezvoltarea cu succes pe termen lung <

21. Ely Dahan çi John R. Hauser, „Product Development:

Managing a Dispersed Process“, în Handbook of Marketing,

editatå de Weitz çi Robin Wensley, pag. 179-222.

22. Thomas N. Burton, „By Learning from Failures Lilly

Keeps Drug Pipelines Full“, Wall Street Journal, 21

aprilie 2004, pag. A1, A12.

23. John Hauser çi Gerard J. Tellis, „Research on

Innovation: A Review and Agenda for Marketing“, 2004,

lucrare de studiu, M.I.T.

24. Abbie J. Griffin çi John Hauser, „The Voice of the

Customer“, Marketing Science (iarna 1993): 1-27.

25. Emily Nelson, „Stuck on You“, Wall Street Journal, 9 mai

2002, pag. B1, B4.

26. Eric von Hippel, „Lead Users: A Source of Novel Product

Concepts“, Management Science (iulie 1986): 791-805.

Vezi, de asemenea, The Sources of Innovation (New

York: Oxford University Press, 1988); çi „Learning from

Lead Users“, în Marketing in an Electronic Age, editatå

de Robert D. Buzzell (Cambridge, MA: Harvard

Business School Press, 1985), pag. 308-317.

27. Steven Levy, „Microsoft Gets a Clue from Its Kiddie

Corps“, Newsweek, 24 februarie 2003, pag. 56-57.

28. Michael Michalko, Cracking Creativity: The Secrets of

Creative Genius (Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press,

1998); James M. Higgins, 101 Creative Problem Solving

Techniques (New York: New Management Publishing

Company, 1994); Darren W: Dahl çi Page Moreau, „The

Influence and Value of Analogical Thinking During New

Product Ideation“, Journal of Marketing Research 39

(februarie 2002): 47-60.

29. <www.smokinggun.com>.

30. „The Ultimate Widget: 3-D «Printing» May Revolutionize

Product Design and Manufacturing“, U.S. News & World

Report, 20 iulie 1992, pag. 55.

31. Pentru informaÆii suplimentare, vezi de asemenea, Paul

E. Green çi V. Srinivasan, „Conjoint Analysis in Marketing:

New Developments with Implications for Research

and Practice“, Journal of Marketing (octombrie

1990): 3-19; Dick R. Wittnick, Marco Vriens çi Wim

Burhenne, „Commercial Uses of Conjoint Analysis in

Europe: Results and Critical Reflections“, International

Journal of Research in Marketing (ianuarie 1994): 41-52.

32. Exemplul a fost preluat din Paul E. Green çi Yoram

Wind, „New Ways to Measure Consumers’ Judgments“,

Harvard Business Review (iulie-august 1975): 107-117.

33. Robert Blattberg çi John Golany, „Tracker: An Early Test

Market Forecasting and Diagnostic Model for New

Product Planning“, Journal of Marketing Research (mai

1978): 192-202; Glen L. Urban, Bruce D. Weinberg çi

John R. Hauser, „Premarket Forecasting of Really New

Products“, Journal of Marketing (ianuarie 1996): 47-60;

Peter N. Golder çi Gerald J. Tellis, „Will It Ever Fly?

Modeling the Takeoff of Really New Consumer

Durables“, Marketing Science 16, nr. 3 (1997): 256-270.

34. Roger A. Kerin, Michael G. Harvey çi James T. Rothe,

„Cannibalism and New Product Development“,

Business Horizons (octombrie 1978): 25-31.

35. Valoarea prezentå (V) a unei sume viitoare (I) care va fi

primitå dupå t ani çi actualizatå cu rata dobânzii (r) este

datå de formula V = I t/(1+r)


Astfel, $4.761.000/(1,15)5 =


36. David B. Hertz, „Risk Analysis in Capital Investment“,

Harvard Business Review (ianuarie – februarie 1964):


37. John Hauser, „House of Quality“, Harvard Business

Review (mai-iunie 1988): 63-73. Ingineria axatå pe client

este denumitå, de asemenea, „desfåçurarea funcÆiei de

calitate“. Vezi Lawrence R. Guinta çi Nancy C. Praizler,

The QFD Book: The Team Approach to Solving Problems

and Satisfying Customers through Quality

Function Deployment (New York: AMACOM, 1993), V.

Srinivasan, William S. Lovejoy çi David Beach, „Integrated

Product Design for Marketability and Manufacturing“,

Journal of Marketing Research (februarie

1997): 154-163.

38. Marco Iansiti çi Alan MacCormack, „Developing

Products on Internet Time“, Harvard Business Review

(septembrie – octombrie 1997): 108-117; Srikant Datar,

C. Clark Jordan çi Kannan Srinivasan, „Advantages of

Time-Based New Product Development in a Fast-Cycle

Industry“, Journal of Marketing Research (februarie

1997): 36-49; Christopher D. Ittner çi David F. Larcker,

„Product Development Cycle Time and Organizational

Performance“, Journal of Marketing Research (februarie

1997): 13-23.

39. Tom Peters, The Circle of Innovation (New York: Alfred

A. Knopf, 1997), pag. 96. Pentru o analizå mai generalå,

vezi de asemenea Rajesh Sethi, „New Product Quality

and Product Development Teams“, Journal of Marketing

(aprilie 2000): 1-14; Christine Moorman çi Anne S.

Miner, „The Convergence of Planning and Execution

Improvisation in New Product Development“, Journal of

Marketing (iulie 1998): 1-20; çi Ravinchoanath

MacChavan çi Rajiv Graver, „From Embedded

Knowledge to Embodied Knowledge: New Product

Development as Knowledge Management“, Journal of

Marketing (octombrie 1998): 1-12.

40. Peters, The Circle of Innovation, pag. 96. Pentru o

analizå mai generalå, vezi, de asemenea, Sethi, „New

Product Quality and Product Development Teams“, pag.

1-14; Moorman çi Miner, „The Convergence of Planning

and Execution Improvisation in New Product Development“,

pag. 1-20; çi MacChavan çi Graver, „From

Embedded Knowledge to Embodied Knowledge: New

Product Development as Knowledge Management“,

pag. 1-12.

41. Christopher Power, „Will It Sell in Podunk? Hard to Say“,

BusinessWeek, 10 august 1992, pag. 46-47.

42. Kevin J. Clancy, Robert S. Shulman çi Marianne Wolf,

Simulated Test Marketing: Technology for Launching

Successful New Products (New York: Lexington Books,

1994); V. Mahajan çi Jerry Wind, „New Product Models:

Practice, Shortcomings, and Desired Improvements“,

Journal of Product Innovation Management 9 (1992):

129-139; Glen L. Urban, John R. Hauser çi Roberta A.

Chicos, „Information Acceleration: Validation and

Lessons from the Field“, Journal of Marketing Research

(februarie 1997): 143-153.

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