Kotler - Keller - Managementul Marketingului

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1078 Partea a VIII-a > Dezvoltarea cu succes pe termen lung <

36. Jennifer Barrett, „A Secret Recipe for Success“, Newsweek,

3 noiembrie 2003, pag. 48-49; Paul Newman çi A. E.

Hotchner, Shameless Exploitation in Pursuit of the Common

Good: The Madcap Business Adventure by the Truly

Oddest Couple (Waterville, ME: Thorndike Press, 2003).

37. Todd Wallack, „Conscience Calls“, San Francisco Chronicle,

21 septembrie 2000; <www.workingassets.com>.

38. Hamish Pringle çi Marjorie Thompson, How Cause

Related Marketing Builds Brands (New York: John Wiley

& Sons, 1999); Christine Bittar, „Seeking Cause and

Effect“, Brandweek, 11 noiembrie 2002, pag. 19-24;

„Marketing, Corporate Social Initiatives, and the Bottom

Line“, Marketing Science Institute Conference Summary,

MSI Report No. 01-106, 2001.

39. Rajan Varadarajan çi Anil Menon, „Cause-Related Marketing:

A Co-alignment of Marketing Strategy and Corporate

Philanthropy“, Journal of Marketing 52, 1998, pag. 58-74.

40. Minette Drumwright çi Patrick E. Murphy, „Corporate

Societal Marketing“, în Handbook of Marketing and

Society, ediÆie coordonatå de Paul N. Bloom çi Gregory

T. Gundlach (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications,

2001), pag. 162-183. Vezi çi Minette Drumwright, „Company

Advertising with a Societal Dimension: The Role of

Noneconomic Criteria“, Journal of Marketing 60,

octombrie 1996, pag. 71-87.

41. <www.britishairways.com>.

42. Pat Auger, Paul Burke, Timothy Devinney çi Jordan J.

Loviere, „What Will Consumers Pay for Social Product

Features?“, Journal of Business Ethics 42, 2003, pag.


43. C.B. Bhattacharya çi Sankar Sen, „Consumer-Company

Identification: A Framework for Understanding Consumers’

Relationships with Companies“, Journal of Marketing

67, aprilie 2003, pag. 76-88; Sankar Sen çi C. B.

Bhattacharya, „Does Doing Good Always Lead to Doing

Better? Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility“,

Journal of Marketing Research 38, no. 2, 2001,

pag. 225-244; Dennis B. Arnett, Steve D. German çi

Shelby D. Hunt, „The Identity Salience Model of Relationship

Marketing Success: The Case of Nonprofit Marketing“,

Journal of Marketing 67, aprilie 2003, pag. 89-105.

44. Steven Hoeffler çi Kevin Lane Keller, „Building Brand

Equity through Corporate Societal Marketing“, Journal

of Public Policy and Marketing 21, no. 1, primåvara

2002, pag. 78-89. Vezi çi ediÆia specialå dedicatå responsabilitåÆii

corporatiste, Journal of Brand Management

10, no. 4-5, mai 2003.

45. Pringle çi Thompson, How Cause Related Marketing

Builds Brands; <www.loveisnotabuse.com>.

46. Mark R. Forehand çi Sonya Grier, „When Is Honesty the

Best Policy? The Effect of Stated Company Intent on

Consumer Ckepticism“, Journal of Consumer

Psychology 13, no. 3, 2003, pag. 349-356; Dwane Hal

Dean, „Associating the Corporation with a Charitable

Event Through Sponsorship: Measuring the Effects on

Corporate Community Relations“, Journal of Advertising

31, no. 4, 2002, pag. 77-87.

47. Steve Hoeffler, Paul N. Bloom çi Kevin Lane Keller,

„Achieving Social Change Through Corporate Societal

Marketing: Incorporating a Consumer Orientation into

CSR Programs“, lucrare pentru Kenan-Flagler School of

Business, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,


48. Alsop, The 18 Immutable Laws of Corporate Reputation:

Creating, Protecting, and Repairing Your Most Valuable

Asset, pag. 125.

49. Susan Orenstein, „The Selling of Breast Cancer“, Business

2.0, februarie 2003, pag. 88-94; H. Meyer, „When

the Cause Is Just“, Journal of Business Strategy, noiembrie-decembrie

1997, pag. 27-31.

50. Christine Bittar, „Seeking Cause and Effect“,

Brandweek, 11 noiembrie 2002, pag. 18-24.

51. Philip Kotler, Ned Roberto çi Nancy Lee, Social Marketing:

Improving the Quality of Life (Thousand Oaks,

CA: Sage, 2002).

52. <www.causemarketingforum.com>.

53. Vezi Rothschild, „Carrots, Sticks, and Promises: A Conceptual

Framework for the Management of Public Health

and Social Issue Behaviors“, pag. 24-37.

54. Ca bibliografie suplimentarå pe tema elaborårii çi implementårii

planurilor de marketing, vezi H. W. Goetsch,

Developing, Implementing & Managing an Effective Marketing

Plan (Chicago: NTC Business Books, 1993).

55. Ibid.

56. Thomas V. Bonoma, The Marketing Edge: Making

Strategies Work (New York: Free Press, 1985). Mare

parte din aceastå porÆiune a capitolului se bazeazå pe

lucrarea lui Bonoma.

57. C. Marcus, „Marketing Resource Management: Key

Components“, Gartner Research Note, 22 august 2001.

58. Sam R. Goodman, Increasing Corporate Profitability

(New York: Ronald Press, 1982), capitolul 1. Vezi çi

Bernard J. Jaworski, Vlasis Stathakopoulos çi H.

Shanker Krishnan, „Control Combinations in Marketing:

Conceptual Framework and Empirical Evidence“,

Journal of Marketing, ianuarie 1993, pag. 57-69.

59. Peter M. Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice

of the Learning Organization (New York: Doubleday

Currency, 1990), capitolul 7.

60. Pentru o analizå mai amplå a acestui instrument, vezi

Philip Kotler, „From Sales Obsession to Marketing Effectiveness“,

Harvard Business Review, noiembrie-decembrie

1977, pag. 67-75.

61. Philip Kotler, William Gregor çi William Rodgers, „The Marketing

Audit Comes of Age“, Sloan Management Review,

iarna 1989, pag. 49-62; Frederick Reichheld, The Loyalty

Effect (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1996).

62. Alte liste utile pentru o autoverificare de marketing pot fi

gåsite în: Aubrey Wilson, Aubrey Wilson’s Marketing

Audit Checklists (London: McGraw-Hill, 1982); Mike

Wilson, The Management of Marketing (Westmead,

England: Gower Publishing, 1980). Vezi çi Ben M. Enis

çi Stephen J. Garfein, „The Computer-Driven Marketing

Audit“, pentru descrierea unui program informatic destinat

analizei de marketing, în Journal of Management

Inquiry, decembrie 1992, pag. 306-318.

63. Kotler, Gregor çi Rodgers, „The Marketing Audit Comes

of Age“, pag. 49-62.

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