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> Gestionarea comunicårilor în maså < Capitolul 18 889

31. Warren Berger, „That’s Advertainment“, Business 2.0,

martie 2003, pag. 91-95.

32. Catherine P. Taylor, „Digitas“, Brandweek IQ Quarterly,

23 februarie 2004, pag. 24-25.

33. Jean Halliday, „Mazda Goes Viral to Tout New Cars“,

Automotive News, 24 noiembrie 2003, pag. 42B.

34. Matthew Boyle, „Hey Shoppers: Ads on Aisle 7!“, Fortune,

24 noiembrie 2003.

35. Richard Linnett, „Friends’ Tops TV Price Chart“,

Advertising Age, 15 septembrie 2003, pag. 1, 46.

36. Michael A. Kamins, Lawrence J. Marks çi Deborah

Skinner, „Television Commercial Evaluation in the Context

of Program Induced Mood: Congruency versus Consistency

Effects“, Journal of Advertising (iunie 1991): 1-14.

37. Kenneth R. Lord çi Robert E. Burnkrant, „Attention

versus Distraction: The Interactive Effect of Program

Involvement and Attentional Devices on Commercial

Processing“, Journal of Advertising (martie 1993):

47-60; Kenneth R. Lord, Myung-Soo Lee çi Paul L.

Sauer, „Program Context Antecedents of Attitude

Toward Ratio Commercials“, Journal of the Academy of

Marketing Science (iarna 1994): 3-15.

38. Roland T. Rust, Advertising Media Models: A Practical

Guide (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1986).

39. Hani I. Mesak, „An Aggregate Advertising Pulsing Model

with Wearout Effects“, Marketing Science (vara 1992):

310-326; Fred M. Feinberg, „Pulsing Policies for

Aggregate Advertising Models“, Marketing Science

(vara 1992): 221-234.

40. Josephine L.C.M. Woltman Elpers, Michel Wedel çi Rik

G. M. Pieters, „Why Do Consumers Stop Viewing Television

Commercials? Two Experiments on the Influence

of Moment-to-Moment Entertainment and Information

Value“, Journal of Marketing Research 40 (noiembrie

2003): 437-453.

41. Kristian S. Palda, The Measurement of Cumulative

Advertising Effect (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice

Hall, 1964), pag. 87; David B. Montgomery çi Alvin J.

Silk, „Estimating Dynamic Effects of Market Communications

Expenditures“, Management Science (iunie

1972): 485-501.

42. <www.infores.com>; Leonard M. Lodish, Magid

Abraham, Stuart Kalmenson, Jeanne Livelsberger, Beth

Lubetkin, Bruce Richardson çi Mary Ellen Stevens,

„How T.V. Advertising Works: A Meta Analysis of 389

Real World Split Cable T.V. Advertising Experiments“,

Journal of Marketing Research 32 (mai 1995): 125-139.

43. Alåturi de sursele citate mai sus, vezi David Walker çi

Tony M. Dubitsky, „Why Liking Matters“, Journal of

Advertising Research (mai – iunie 1994): 9-18; Abhilasha

Mehta, „How Advertising Response Modeling (ARM) Can

Increase Ad Effectiveness“, Journal of Advertising Research

(mai – iunie 1994): 62-74; Karin Holstius, „Sales

Response to Advertising“, International Journal of Advertising

9, nr. 1 (1990): 38-56; John Deighton, Caroline

Henderson çi Scott Neslin, „The Effects of Advertising on

Brand Switching and Repeat Purchasing“, Journal of

Marketing Research (februarie 1994): 28-43; Anil Kaul çi

Dick R. Wittink, „Empirical Generalizations about the

Impact of Advertising on Price Sensitivity and Price“,

Marketing Science 14, nr. 3, pct. 1 (1995): G151-60; Ajay

Kalra çi Ronald C. Goodstein, „The Impact of Advertising

Positioning Strategies on Consumer Price Sensitivity“,

Journal of Marketing Research (mai 1998): 210-224;

Gerard J. Tellis, Rajesh K. Chandy çi Pattana Thaivanich,

„Which Ad Works, When, Where, and How Often?

Modeling the Effects of Direct Television Advertising“,

Journal of Marketing Research 37 (februarie 2000): 32-46.

44. Nigel Hollis, „The Link between TV Ad Awareness and

Sales: New Evidence from Sales Response Modelling“,

Journal of the Market Research Society (ianuarie 1994):


45. Dupå Robert C. Blattberg çi Scott A. Neslin, Sales

Promotion: Concepts, Methods, and Strategies (Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1990). Acest manual

oferå cea mai cuprinzåtoare çi analiticå analizå a promovårii

vânzårilor efectuatå pânå în prezent. O trecere în

revistå extrem de actualå çi de cuprinzåtoare a lucrårilor

academice privind promovarea vânzårilor poate fi gåsitå

la Scott Neslin, „Sales Promotion“, în Handbook of

Marketing, editatå de cåtre Bart Weitz çi Robin Wensley

(London: Sage Publications, 2002), pag. 310-338.

46. Kusum Ailawadi, Karen Gedentz çi Scott A. Neslin,

„Heterogenity and Purchase Event Feedback in Choice

Models: An Empirical Analysis with Implications for Model

Building“, International Journal of Research in Marketing

16 (1999): 177-198. Vezi, de asemenea, Eric T.

Anderson çi Duncan Simester, „The Long-Run Effects of

Promotion Depth on New Versus Established Customers:

Three Field Studies“, Marketing Science 23, nr. 1

(iarna 2004): 4-20.

47. Carl Mela, Kamel Jedidi çi Douglas Bowman, „The Long

Term Impact of Promotions on Consumer Stockpiling“,

Journal of Marketing Research 35, nr. 2 (mai 1998): pag.


48. Harald J. Van Heerde, Peter S. H. Leeflang çi Dick

Wittink, „The Estimation of Pre- and Postpromotion Dips

with Store-Level Scanner Data“, Journal of Marketing

Research 37, nr. 3 (august 2000): 383-395.

49. Paul W. Farris çi John A. Quelch, „In Defense of Price

Promotion“, Sloan Management Review (toamna 1987):


50. Tom Fredrickson, „Banks Return to Giveaways to Bring

in Flighty Customers“, Crain’s New York Business, 15

martie 2004, pag. 30.

51. Roger A. Strang, „Sales Promotion: Fast Growth, Faulty

Management“, Harvard Business Review (iulie-august

1976): 116-119.

52. Pentru o sintezå bunå a cercetårilor privind eventuala

erodare de cåtre promovare a francizelor de consum ale

mårcilor importante, vezi Blattberg çi Neslin, Sales Promotion.

53. AutoVIBES, AutoBeat Daily, 3 martie 2004; Karen

Lundegaard çi Sholnn Freeman, „Detroit’s Challenge:

Weaning Buyers from Years of Deals“, Wall Street

Journal, 6 ianuarie 2004, pag. A1, A2.

54. Robert George Brown, „Sales Response to Promotions

and Advertising“, Journal of Advertising Research

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