Kotler - Keller - Managementul Marketingului

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43. Pentru o analizå suplimentarå, vezi Robert J. Thomas,

„Timing: The Key to Market Entry“, Journal of Consumer

Marketing (vara 1985): 77-87; Thomas S. Robertson,

Jehoshua Eliashberg çi Talia Rymon, „New Product

Announcement Signals and Incumbent Reactions“,

Journal of Marketing (iulie 1995): 1-15; Frank H. Alpert çi

Michael A. Kamins, „Pioneer Brand Advantages and

Consumer Behavior: A Conceptual Framework and

Propositional Inventory“, Journal of the Academy of

Marketing Science (vara 1994): 244-336; Barry L.

Bayos, Sanjay Jain çi Ambar Rao, „Consequences: An

Analysis of Truth or Vaporware and New Product

Announcements“, Journal of Marketing Research

(februarie 2001): 3-13.

44. Timothy Aeppel, „Brothers of Invention“, Wall Street

Journal, 19 aprilie 2004, pag. B1.

45. Mickey H. Gramig, „Coca-Cola Unveiling New Citrus

Drink“, Atlanta Journal and Constitution, 24 ianuarie

1998, pag. E3.

46. Cooper çi Kleinschmidt, New Products, pag. 35-38.

47. Philip Kotler çi Gerald Zaltman, „Targeting Prospects for

a New Product“, Journal of Advertising Research

(februarie 1976): 7-20.

48. Peter Burrows, „Rock On, iPod“, BusinessWeek, 7 iunie

2004, pag. 130-131; Jay Lyman, „Mini iPod Moving

Quickly, Apple Says“, TechNewsWorld, 26 februarie

2004; David Taylor, Brand Stretch (New York: John

Wiley, 2004).

49. Pentru detalii, vezi Keith G. Lockyer, Critical Path

Analysis and Other Project Network Techniques

(London: Pitman, 1984). Vezi, de asemenea, Arvind

Rangaswamy çi Gary L. Lilien, „Software Tools for New

Product Development“, Journal of Marketing Research

(februarie 1997): 177-184.

50. Analiza care urmeazå se bazeazå covârçitor pe Everett

M. Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations (New York: The

Free Press, 1962). Vezi, de asemenea, a treia ediÆie,

publicatå în 1983.

51. C. Page Moreau, Donald R. Lehmann çi Arthur B.

Markman, „Entrenched Knowledge Structures and

Consumer Response to New Products“, Journal of

Marketing Research 38 (februarie 2001): 14-29.

52. Steve Hoeffler, „Measuring Preferences for Really New

Products“, Journal of Marketing Research 40 (noiembrie

2003): 406-420.

53. Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations, pag. 192; Geoffrey A.

Moore, Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling

High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers (New

York: HarperBusiness, 1999).

54. A. Parasuraman çi Charles L. Colby, Techno-Ready

Marketing (New York: The Free Press, 2001); Jakki

Mohr, Marketing of High-Technology Products and

Innovations (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,


55. Malcolm Macalister Hall, „Selling by Stealth“, Business

Life, noiembrie 2001, pag. 51-55.

56. Jordan Robertson, „How Nike Got Street Cred“,

Business 2.0, mai 2004, pag. 43-46.

57. Maria Flores Letelier, Charles Spinosa çi Bobby J.

Calder, „Strategies for Viral Marketing“, în Kellogg on

Integrated Marketing, editatå de Dawn Iacobucci çi

Bobby J. Calder (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2003),

pag. 90-134.

58. Cliff Edwards, „Is TiVo’s Signal Still Fading?“,

BusinessWeek, 10 septembrie 2001, pag. 72-74; Cliff

Edwards, „Will Souping Up Tivo Save It?“,

BusinessWeek, 17 mai 2004, pag. 63-64.

59. Hubert Gatignon çi Thomas S. Robertson, „A Propositional

Inventory for New Diffusion Research“,

Journal of Consumer Research (martie 1985): 849-867;

Vijay Mahajan, Eitan Muller çi Frank M. Bass, „Diffusion

of New Products: Empirical Generalizations and

Managerial Uses“, Marketing Science 14, nr. 3, partea 2

(1995): G79-G89; Fareena Sultan, John U. Farley çi

Donald R. Lehman, „Reflection on «A Meta-Analysis of

Applications of Diffusion Models»“, Journal of Marketing

Research (mai 1996): 247-249; Minhi Hahn, Sehoon

Park çi Andris A. Zoltners, „Analysis of New Product

Diffusion Using a Four-segment Trial-repeat Model“,

Marketing Science 13, nr. 3 (1994): 224-247.

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