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146 Partea a II-a > Cunoaçterea çi înÆelegerea mediului de marketing <

12. Andy Serwer, „P&G’s Covert Operation“, Fortune, 17

septembrie 2001, pp. 42-44.

13. Amy Merrick, „Counting on the Census“, Wall Street

Journal, 14 februarie 2001, p. B1.

14. Girard, „Strategies to Turn Stealth into Wealth“, p. 66.

15. Robin T. Peterson çi Zhilin Yang, „Web Product Reviews

Help Strategy“, Marketing News, 7 aprilie 2004, p. 18.

16. Vezi site-ul www.badfads.com, pentru exemple de

capricii temporare çi obiecte de colecÆie, apårute de-a

lungul anilor.

17. John Naisbitt çi Patricia Aburdene, Megatrends 2000

(New York: Avon Books, 1990).

18. World POPClock, U.S. Census Bureau, www.census.gov,

septembrie 1999.

19. Deçi veche de peste 10 ani, aceastå împårÆire oferå o

perspectivå utilå. Vezi Donnella H. Meadows, Dennis L.

Meadows çi Jorgen Randers, Beyond Limits (White

River Jt., VT: Chelsea Green Publishing Company,

1993), pentru comentarii.

20. Sally D. Goll, „Marketing: China (Only) Children Get the

Royal Treatment“, Wall Street Journal, 8 februarie 1995,

p. B1.

21. „Survey: Forever Young“, The Economist, 27 martie

2004, pp. 53-54.

22. Michael J. Weiss, „Chasing Youth“, American Demographics,

octombrie 2002, pp. 35-40; Becky Ebenkamp,

„When They’re 64“, Brandweek, 7 octombrie 2002, pp.

22-25; Linda Tischler, „Where the Bucks Are“, Fast

Company, martie 2004, pp. 71-77.

23. „Further Along the X Axis“, American Demographics,

mai 2004, pp. 21-24.

24. Daren Fonda, „A Pitch to the Rich“, Time, 24 noiembrie

2003, dar vezi çi Neal E. Boudette, „As VW Tries to Sell

Pricier Cars, Everyman Image Holds It Back“, Wall

Street Journal, 13 mai 2004.

25. David Leonhardt, „Hey Kids, Buy This“, BusinessWeek,

30 iunie 1997, pp. 62-67; Don Tapscott, Growing Up

Digital; The Rise of the Net Generation (New York:

McGraw-Hill, 1997).

26. Brian Grow, „Hispanic Nation“, BusinessWeek, 15

martie 2004, pp. 58-70.

27. Pentru descrieri ale obiceiurilor de cumpårare çi ale

metodelor de marketing folosite pentru abordarea

afro-americanilor çi a hispanicilor, vezi Alfred L.

Schreiber, Multicultural Marketing (Lincolnwood, IL:

NTC Business Books, 2001); M. Isabel Valdes,

Marketing to American Lations: A Guide to the In-Culture

Approach, Part II (Ithaca, NY: Paramount Market

Publishing, 2002).

28. Hassan Fattah, „Asia Rising“, American Demographics,

iulie/august 2002, pp. 38-43.

29. Jacquelyn Lynn, „Tapping the Riches of Bilingual

Markets“, Management Review, martie 1995, pp. 56-61;

Mark R. Forehand çi Rohit Deshpande, „What We See

Makes Us Who We Are: Priming Ethnic Self-Awareness

and Advertising Responses“, Journal of Marketing

Research, august 2001, pp. 336-348.

30. Robert M. Moore, „The Rising Tide“, Change, pp. 56-61,

mai/iunie 2004, Vol. 36, ISSOP #3.

31. Michelle Conlin, „Unmarried America“, BusinessWeek,

20 octombrie 2003, pp. 106-116; James Morrow, „A

Place for One“, American Demographics, noiembrie

2003, pp. 25-30.

32. Angela Phillips, „Friends Are the New Family“, The

Guardian, 12 decembrie 2003, p. 1.

33. Kris Oser, „Friendster Uses Imaginary Pals to Lure Real

Ones“, Advertising Age, 19 iulie 2004, pp. 3, 33;

Vanessa Hua, „Bound Together“, San Francisco

Chronicle, 27 iunie 2003, p. B1.

34. Rebecca Gardyn, 2A Market Kept in the Closet“,

American Demographics, noiembrie 2001, pp. 37-43.

35. Laura Koss-Feder,„Out and About“, Marketing News,23

mai 1998, pp. 1, 20.

36. Karlin Lilington, „Dream Ticket: Big Name Companies

Are Increasingly Targeting the Gay Market“, The

Guardian, 16 octombrie 2003, p. 25.

37. „Rural Population and Migration Overview“, Economic

Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

38. Lauri J. Flynn, „Not Just a Copy Shop Any Longer,

Kinko’s Pushes Its Computer Services“, New York

Times, 6 iulie 1998, p. D1; www.kinkos.com.

39. Christopher Reynolds, „Magnetic South“, Forecast,

septembrie 2003, p. 6.

40. John-Thor Dahlburg, „A Fountain of Youth in Florida“,

Los Angeles Times, 27 martie 2004, p. A1.

41. Manjeet Kripalani çi Peter Engardio, „The Rise of India“,

BusinessWeek, 8 decembrie 2003, pp. 66-76; Joanna

Slater, „Call of the West“, Wall Street Journal, 2 ianuarie

2004, p. A1.

42. David Leonhardt, „Two-Tier Marketing“, BusinessWeek,

17 martie 1997, pp. 82-90; Robert H. Franc, „Yes the

Rich Get Richer, But There’s More to the Story“,

Columbia Journalism Review, 1 noiembrie 2000.

43. Louise Lee, „The Gap Has Reason to Dance Again“,

BusinessWeek, 19 aprilie 2004, p. 42.

44. Stephen Baker çi Manjeet Kripalani, „Software: Will

Outsourcing Hurt America’s Supremacy?“, Business-

Week, 1 martie 2004, pp. 84-94; Jennifer Reingold, „Into

Thin Air“, Fast Company, aprilie 2004, pp. 76-82.

45. Alison Stanley çi Paul Argenti, „Starbucks Coffee

Company“, studiu de caz, Tuck School of Business,

Dartmouth, http:// www.starbucks.com/aboutus/StarbucksAndFairTrade.pdf.

46. Pamela Paul, „Corporate Responsibility“, American

Demographics, mai 2002, pp. 24-25.

47. Paul Wenske, „You Too Could Lose $19,000!“, Kansas

City Star, 31 octombrie 1999; „Clearing House Suit

Chronology“, Associated Press, 26 ianuarie 2001.

48. Laura Zinn, „Teens: Here Comes the Biggest Wave

Yet“, BusinessWeek, 11 aprilie 2004, pp. 76-86.

49. Rebecca Gardyn, „Eco-Friend or Foe“, American

Demographics, octombrie 2003, pp. 12-13. Vezi çi

Rebecca Gradyn, „Being Green“, American

Demographics, septembrie 2002, pp. 10-11.

50. Françoise L. Simon, „Marketing Green Products in the

Triad“, Columbia Journal of World Business (Fall and

Winter 1992): pp. 268-285; Jacquelyn A. Ottman, Green

Marketing: Responding to Environmental Consumer

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