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38. Leonard L. Berry çi A. Parasuraman, Marketing Services:

Competing Through Quality (New York: Free

Press, 1991), p. 16.

39. Parasuraman, Zeithaml çi Berry, „A Conceptual Model

of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research“,

pp. 41-50.

40. Alison Overholt, „Cuckoo for Customers“, Fast Company,

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41. John Helyar, „At E*Trade, Growing Up Is Hard to Do“,

Fortune, 18 martie 2002, pp. 88-90.

42. James L. Heskett, W. Earl Sasser Jr. çi Christopher W.

L. Hart, Service Breakthroughs (New York: Free Press,


43. William C. Copacino, Supply Chain Management (Boca

Raton, FL: St. Lucie Press, 1997).

44. Leonard L. Berry, Kathleen Seiders çi Dhruv Grewal,

„Understanding Service Convenience“, Journal of

Marketing 66, iulie 2002, pp. 1-17.

45. Mary Jo Bitner, „Self-Service Technologies: What Do

Customers Expect?“, Marketing Management, primåvara

2001, pp. 10-11; Matthew L. Meuter, Amy L. Ostrom,

Robert J. Roundtree çi Mary Jo Bitner, „Self-Service

Technologies: Understanding Customer Satisfaction

with Technology Based Service Encounters“, Journal of

Marketing 64, iulie 2000, pp. 50-64.

46. John A. Martilla çi John C. James, „Importance-Performance

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1977, pp. 77-79.

47. Paradoxal, cercetarea a demonstrat cå acei clienÆi

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insatisfacÆiei sunt înclinaÆi så manifeste niveluri înalte de

fidelitate faÆå de noua firmå furnizoare. Vezi Ganesh,

Arnold çi Reynolds, „Understanding the Customer Base

of Service Providers: An Examination of the Differences

between Switchers and Stayers“, pp. 65-87.

48. John Goodman, Technical Assistance Research

Program (TARP), U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs Study

on Complaint Handling in America, 1986; Albrecht çi

Zemke, Service America!; Berry çi Parasuraman,

Marketing Services; Roland T. Rust, Bala Subramanian

çi Mark Wells, „Making Complaints a Management

Tool“, Marketing Management 1, no. 3 (1992): pp.

41-45; Stephen S. Tax, Stephen W. Brown çi Murali

Chandrashekaran, „Customer Evaluations of Service

Complaint Experiences: Implications for Relationship

Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, april 1998, pp. 60-76.

49. Stephen S. Tax çi Stephen W. Brown, „Recovering and

Learning from Service Failure“, Sloan Management

Review, toamna 1998, pp. 75-88.

50. Robert Hiebeler, Thomas B. Kelly çi Charles Ketteman,

Best Practices: Building Your Business with Customer-Focused

Solutions (New York: Arthur Andersen/Simon

& Schuster, 1997), pp. 184-185.

51. Tax, Brown çi Chandrashekaran, „Customer Evaluations

of Service Complaint Experiences: Implications

for Relatonship Marketing“, pp. 60-76; Tax çi Brown,

„Recovering and Learning from Service Failures“, pp.


52. James G. Maxham III çi Richard G. Netemeyer, „Firms

Reap What They Sow: The Effects of Shared Values

and Perceived Organizational Justice on Customers’

Evaluations of Complaint Handling“, Journal of Marketing

67, ianuarie 2003, pp. 42-62; Singh, „Performance

Productivity and Quality of Frontline Employees

in Service Organizations“, pp. 15-34; Barry J. Rabin çi

James S. Boles, „Employee Behavior in a Service

Environment: A Model and Test of Potential Differences

Between Men and Women“, Journal of Marketing 62,

aprilie 1998, pp. 77-91.

53. Dale Buss, „Success from the Ground Up“, Brandweek,

16 iunie 2003, pp. 21-22.

54. Hal F. Rosenbluth çi Diane McFerrin Peters, The Customer

Comes Second (New York: William Morrow, 1992).

55. Kirstin Downey Grimsley, „Service with a Forced Smile;

Safeway’s Courtesy Campaign Also Elicits Some

Frowns“, Washington Post, 18 octombrie 1998, p. A1;

Suzy Fox, „Emotional Value: Creating Strong Bonds

with Your Customers“, Personnel Psychology, 1 aprilie

2001, pp. 230-34.

56. Dean Foust, „Best Performers“, BusinessWeek, 5 aprilie


57. Carolyn Marconi çi Donna MacFarland, „Growth by

Marketing under the Radar“, prezentare fåcutå în cadrul

întrunirii „Pathways to Growth“ a Consiliului de Încredere,

Marketing Science Institute, 7 noiembrie 2002.

58. Heather Green, „A Cyber Revolt in Health Care“,

BusinessWeek, 19 octombrie 1998, pp. 154-156; Laura

Landro, „Health Groups Push ‘Information Therapy’ to

Help Treat Patients“, Wall Street Journal, 2 februarie

2001, p. B1.

59. Christopher Rowland, „The Pharmacists in Chains

Promote Personal Touch to Keep Edge Over Mail-Order

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60. www.statefarm.com.

61. Geoff Keighley, „The Phantasmagoria Factory“,

Business 2.0, februarie 2004, p. 102.

62. Milind M. Lele çi Uday S. Karmakar, „Good Product

Support Is Smart Marketing”, Harvard Business Review,

noiembrie-decembrie 1983, pp. 124-32.

63. Pentru cercetåri mai recente privind efectele întârzierilor

în servire asupra evaluårilor serviciului, vezi Shirley

Taylor, „Waiting for Service: The Relationship Between

Delays and Evaluations of Service“, Journal of Marketing,

aprilie 1994, pp. 56-69; Michael K. Hui çi David K.

Tse, „What to Tell Consumers in Waits of Different

Lengths: An Integrative Model of Service Evaluation“,

Journal of Marketing, aprilie 1996, pp. 81-90.

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