Kotler - Keller - Managementul Marketingului

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> ConcurenÆa < Capitolul 11 537

21. John D. Cripps, „Heuristics and Biases in Timing the

Replacement of Durable Products“, Journal of Consumer

Research 21, septembrie 1994, pp. 304-318.

22. „Business Bubbles“, The Economist, 12 octombrie


23. Carla Rapoport, „You Can Make Money in Japan“, Fortune,

12 februarie 1990, pp. 85-92; Keith H. Hammonds,

„A Moment Kodak Wants to Capture“, BusinessWeek,

27 august 1990, pp. 52-53; Alison Fahey, „Polaroid,

Kodak, Fuji Get Clicking“, Advertising Age, 20 mai 1991,

pp. 18; Peter Nulty, „The New Look of Photography“,

Fortune, 1 iulie 1991, pp. 36-41.

24. Bruce Upbin, „Sharpening the Claws“, Forbes, 26 iulie

1999, pp. 102-105.

25. Akio Morita, Made in Japan (New York: Dutton, 1986),

capitolul 1.

26. Jonathan Glancey, „The Private World of the Walkman“,

The Guardian, 11 octombrie 1999.

27. Intensificarea concurenÆei mondiale pe parcursul ultimilor

ani a stârnit interesul managerilor faÆå de

modelele de tacticå çi strategie militarå de råzboi; vezi

Sun Tsu, The Art of War (London: Oxford University

Press, 1963); Miyamoto Mushashi, A Book of Five

Rings (Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1974); Carl

von Clausewitz, On War (London: Routledge & Kegan

Paul, 1908); çi B. H. Liddell-Hart, Strategy (New York:

Praeger, 1967).

28. Aceste çase strategii de apårare, la fel ca çi cele cinci

strategii de atac, sunt preluate dupå Philip Kotler çi Ravi

Singh, „Marketing Warfare in the 1980s“, Journal of

Business Strategy, iarna 1981, p. 30-41. Ca bibliografie

suplimentarå, vezi Gerald A. Michaelson, Winning the

Marketing War: A Field Manual for Business Leaders

(Lanham, MD: Abt Books, 1987); Ries çi Trout,

Marketing Warfare (New York: New American Library,

1986); Jay Conrad Levinson, Guerrilla Marketing (Boston,

MA: Houghton-Mifflin Co., 1984); çi Barrie G.

James, Business Wargames (Harmondsworth, England:

Penguin Books, 1984).

29. Porter, Competitive Strategy, capitolul 4; Jaideep

Prabhu çi David W. Stewart, „Signaling Strategies in

Competitive Interaction: Building Reputations and

Hiding the Truth“, Journal of Marketing Research 38,

februarie 2001, pp. 62-72.

30. Jehoshua Eliashberg çi Thomas S. Robertson, „New

Product Preannouncing Behavior: A Market Signaling

Study“, Journal of Marketing Research 25, august 1988,

pp. 282-292; Roger J. Calantone çi Kim E. Chatzel,

„Strategic Foretelling: Communication-Based Antecedents

of a Firm’s Propensity to Preannounce“, Journal of

Marketing 64, ianuarie 2000, pp. 17-30.

31. Thomas S. Robertson, Jehoshua Eliashberg çi Talia

Rymon, „New Product Announcement Signals and

Incumbent Reactions“, Journal of Marketing 59, iulie

1995, pp. 1-15.

32. Barry L. Bayus, Sanjay Jain çi Ambar G. Rao, „Truth or

Consequences: An Analysis of Vaporware and New

Product Announcements“, Journal of Marketing

Research 38, februarie 2001, pp. 3-13.

33. Charles Haddad, „FedEx: Gaining on Ground“,

BusinessWeek, 16 decembrie 2002, pp. 126-128; Kevin

Kelleher, „Why FedEx Is Gaining Ground“, Business 2.0,

octombrie 2003, pp. 56-57.

34. Gerry Kermouch, „Spiking the Booze Business“,

BusinessWeek, 19 mai 2003, pp. 77-78.

35. Philip Kotler çi Paul N. Bloom, „Strategies for High

Market-Share Companies“, Harvard Business Review,

noiembrie-decembrie 1975, p. 63-72. Vezi çi Porter,

Competitive Advantage, p. 221-26.

36. Ira Teinowitz, „New Miller CEO Gives Agencies a

Chance: Fallon, Wieden Get Opportunity to Drive

Brands“, Advertising Age, 12 aprilie 1999.

37. Thomas V. Bonoma çi Bruce H. Clark, Marketing Performance

Assessment (Boston: Harvard Business School

Press, 1988); Robert Shaw, Measuring and Valuing

Customer Relationships (London: Business Intelligence,


38. Robert D. Buzzell çi Frederick D. Wiersema, „Successful

Share-Building Strategies“, Harvard Business Review,

ianuarie-februarie 1981, pp. 135-44.

39. Robert J. Dolan, „Models of Competition: A Review of

Theory and Empirical Evidence“, în Review of

Marketing, editori Ben M. Enis çi Kenneth J. Roering

(Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1981), pp.


40. Linda Hellofs çi Robert Jacobson, „Market Share and

Customer’s Perceptions of Quality: When Can Firms

Grow Their Way to Higher Versus Lower Quality?“,

Journal of Marketing 63, ianuarie 1999, pp. 16-25.

41. Alex Taylor III, „Lord of the Air“, Fortune, 10 noiembrie

2003, pp. 144-152.

42. Bill Breen, „LeapFrog’s Great Leap“, Fast Company,

iunie 2003, pp. 88-96.

43. Holman W. Jenkins Jr., „Business World On a Happier

Note, Orange Juice“, Wall Street Journal, 23 septembrie

1998, p. A23; Robert J. O’Harrow Jr., „PepsiCo to

Acquire Quaker for $14 Billion“, Washington Post, 5

decembrie 2000, p. E-01.

44. Eryn Brown, „Sony’s Big Bazooka“, Fortune, 30 decembrie

2002, pp. 111-114.

45. Alison Overholt, „The Google of Email?“, Fast Company,

martie 2004, p. 36; Michael Bazeley, „New Software

Product Is Called the Google of Email“, Knight-Ridder

Tribune Business News, 14 aprilie 2004, p. 1.

46. „Boots Counts the Cost of Not Counting Pennies“,

Marketing Week, 5 februarie 2004, pp. 30-31.

47. Henry Sender, „World Business (A Special Report)

Back from the Brink: Samsung Electronics Got into

Trouble by Being Like Many Asian Firms; It Survived by

Being Different“, Wall Street Journal, 22 septembrie

2003, p. R5.

48. Theodore Levitt, „Innovative Imitation“, Harvard Business

Review, septembrie-octombrie 1996, p. 63. Vezi çi

Steven P. Schnaars, Managing Imitation Strategies:

How Later Entrants Seize Markets from Pioneers (New

York: Free Press, 1994).

49. Stuart F. Brown, „The Company that Out-Harleys

Harley“, Fortune, 28 septembrie 1998, p. 56-57.

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