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> Analiza pieÆelor de consum < Capitolul 6 309

34. Jan Callebaut et al., The Naked Consumer: The Secret

of Motivational Research in Global Marketing (Antwerp,

Belgium: Censydiam Institute, 1994).

35. Melanie Wells, „Mind Games“, Forbes, 1 septembrie

2003, p. 70.

36. Abraham Maslow, Motivation and Personality (New

York: Harper & Row, 1954), pp. 80-106.

37. Vezi Frederick Herzberg, Work and the Nature of Man

(Cleveland: William Collins, 1966); Thierry çi Koopman-Iwerna,

„Motivation and Satisfaction“, pp. 141-142.

38. Bernard Berelson çi Gary A. Steiner, Human Behavior:

An Inventory of Scientific Findings (New York: Harcourt

Brace Jovanovich, 1964), p. 88.

39. J. Edward Russo, Margaret G. Meloy çi T. J. Wilks, „The

Distortion of Product Information During Brand Choice“,

Journal of Marketing Research 35, 1998, pp. 438-452.

40. Leslie de Chernatony çi Simon Knox, „How an Appreciation

of Consumer Behavior Can Help in Product Testing“,

Journal of Market Research Society, iulie 1990, p.

333. Vezi çi Chris Janiszewski çi Stiju M. J. Osselar, „A

Connectionist Model of Brand-Quality Association“, Journal

of Marketing Research, august 2000, pp. 331-51.

41. Chris Janiszewski din Florida a elaborat un fascinant

program de cercetare, care abordeazå efectele procesårii

în stadiul preconçtient. Vezi Chris Janiszewski,

„Preattentive Mere Exposure Effects“, Journal of Consumer

Research 20, decembrie 1993, pp. 376-392, precum

çi câteva dintre studiile lui anterioare çi ulterioare.

42. Vezi Timothy E. Moore, „Subliminal Advertising: What

You See Is What You Get“, Journal of Marketing 46,

1982, pp. 38-47, pentru un clasic articol premergåtor, çi

Andrew B. Aylesworth, Ronald C. Goodstein çi Ajay

Kalra, „Effect of Archetypal Embeds on Feelings: An

Indirect Route to Affecting Attitudes?“, Journal of Advertising

28, no. 3, 1999, pp. 73-81, pentru o abordare mai


43. John R. Anderson, The Architecture of Cognition (Cambridge,

MA: Harvard University Press, 1983); Robert S.

Wyer Jr. çi Thomas K. Srull, „Person Memory and

Judgement“, Psychological Review 96, no. 1, 1989, pp.


44. Marc Gobe, „Emotional Identity“, Global Cosmetic Industry

171, no. 2, feberuarie 2003, pp. 26-27; Fara

Warner, „Upscale Chocolates Not Hot, So Godiva Does

a Makeover“, Brandweek, 4 iulie 1994, p. 21.

45. Pentru detalii suplimentare, vezi John G. Lynch Jr. çi

Thomas K. Srull, „Memory and Attentional Factors in

Consumer Choice: Concepts and Research Methods“,

Journal of Consumer Research 9, iunie 1982, pp. 18-36;

Joseph W. Alba, J. Wesley Hutchinson çi John G. Lynch

Jr., „Memory and Decision Making“, în Handbook of

Consumer Theory and Research, editori Harold H.

Kassarjian çi Thomas S. Robertson (Englewood Cliffs,

NJ: Prentice Hall, 1992), pp. 1-49.

46. Fergus I. M. Craik çi Robert S. Lockhart, „Levels of

Processing: A Framework for memory research“,

Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 11,

1972, pp. 671-684; Fergus I. M. Craik çi Endel Tulving,

„Depth of Processing and the Retention of Words in

Episodic Memory“, Journal of Experimental Psychology

104, no. 3, 1975, pp. 268-294; Robert S. Lockhart,

Fergus I. M. Craik çi Larry Jacoby, „Depth of Processing,

Recognition, and Recall“, în Recall and Recognition,

editor John Brown (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1976).

47. Leonard M. Lodish, Magid Abraham, Stuart Kalmenson,

Jeanne Liverlsberger, Beth Lubetkin, Bruce Richardson

çi Mary Ellen Stevens, „How T.V. Advertising Works: A

Meta Analysis of 389 Real World Split Cable T.V. Advertising

Experiments“, Journal of Marketing Research 32,

mai 1995, pp. 125-139.

48. Elizabeth F. Loftus çi Gregory R. Loftus, „On the Permanence

of Stored Information in the Human Brain“,

American Psychologist 35, mai 1980, pp. 409-420.

49. Benson Shapiro, V. Kasturi Rangan çi John Sviokla,

„Staple Yourself to an Order“, Harvard Business Review,

iulie-august 1992, pp. 113-22. Vezi çi Carrie M.

Heilman, Douglas Bowman çi Gordon P. Wright, „The

Evolution of Brand Preferences and Choice Behaviors

of Consumers New to a Market“, Journal of Marketing

Research, mai 2000, pp. 139-55.

50. Alison Stein Wellner, „Research on a Shoestring“, American

Demographics, aprilie 2000, pp. 38-39.

51. Teoreticienii marketingului au creat mai multe modele

ale procesului de cumpårare parcurs de consumator.

Vezi John A. Howard çi Jagdish N. Sheth, The Theory of

Buyer Behavior (New York: Wiley, 1969); James F.

Engel, Roger D. Blackwell çi Paul W. Miniard, Consumer

Behavior, ediÆia a 8-a (Fort Worth, TX: Dryden, 1994);

Mary Frances Luce, James R. Bettman çi John W.

Payne, Emotional Decisions: Tradeoff Difficulty and

Coping in Consumer Choice (Chicago, IL: University of

Chicago Press, 2001).

52. William P. Putsis Jr. çi Narasimhan Srinivasan, „Buying

or Just Browsing? The Duration of Purchase Deliberation“,

Journal of Marketing Research, august 1994, pp.


53. Earl Eldridge, „Many Car Shoppers’ First Stop Is ‘Consumer

Reports’“, USA Today, 16 septembrie 2003, pp. 1B-2B.

54. Adrienne Sanders, „Yankee Imperialism“, Forbes, 13

decembrie 1999, p. 56.

55. Evan I. Schwartz, „Real Community Is Possible“, Business

2.0, 6 martie 2001, p. 64.

56. Chem L. Narayana çi Rom J. Markin, „Consumer Behavior

and Product Performance: An Alternative Conceptualization“,

Journal of Marketing, octombrie 1975, pp.

1-6. Vezi çi Wayne S. DeSarbo çi Kamel Jedidi, „The

Spatial Representation of Heterogeneous Consideration

Sets“, Marketing Science 14, no. 3, pt. 2 (1995): pp.

326-42; Lee G. Cooper çi Akihiro Inoue, „Building Market

Structures from Consumer Preferences“, Journal of

Marketing Research 33, no. 3 (august 1996): pp.


57. Virginia Postrel, „The Lessons of the Grocery Shelf Also

Have Something to Say About Affirmative Action“, New

York Times, 30 ianuarie 2003, p. C2.

58. David Krech, Richard S. Crutchfield çi Egerton L.

Ballachey, Individual in Society (New York: McGraw-Hill,

1962), capitolul 2.

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