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400 Partea a III-a > Intrarea în conexiune cu clienÆii <

„They Know Where You Live: And How You Buy“,

BusinessWeek, 7 februarie 1994, p. 89.

29. www.claritas.com.

30. Michael J. Weiss, The Clustering of America (New York:

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Co., 2000).

31. Michael J. Weiss, „To Be About to Be“, American

Demographics, septembrie 2003, pp. 29-36.

32. Andrew Tilin, „Will the Kids Buy It?“, Business 2.0, mai

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„Toyota’s Gen Y Gamble – New Scion Line Sure Is Boxy

But It’s an Early Success As Youth Shun Dad’s Camry“,

Wall Street Journal, 30 iulie 2003, p. B1; Keith

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2002, pp. 50-51.

33. Sarah Allison çi Carlos Tejada, „Mr., Mrs., Meet Mr.

Clean“, Wall Street Journal, 30 ianuarie 2003, pp. B1, B3.

34. Jim Rendon, „Rear Window“, Business 2.0, august

2003, p. 72.

35. Tim Lowry, „Young Man, Your Couch Is Calling“,

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36. Aixa Pascual, „Lowe’s Is Sprucing Up Its House“, BusinessWeek,

3 iunie 2002, pp. 56-57; Pamela Sebastian

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Street Journal, 16 iunie 2002, p. B1.

37. Matt Ackermann, „Wachovia Unit Refocuses on a

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40. Linda Tischler, „The Price Is Right“, Fast Company,

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41. Geoffrey E. Meredith çi Charles D. Schewe, împreunå

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42. Andrew E. Serwer, „42,496 Secrets Bared“, Fortune, 24

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43. Leah Rickard, „Gerber Trots Out New Ads Backing

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1, 48.

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45. Pam Danziger, „Getting More for V-Day“, Brandweek, 9

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46. Allana Sullivan, „Mobil Bets Drivers Pick Cappuccino

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47. Aceastå clasificare a fost adaptatå dupå George H.

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48. Chip Walker, „How Strong Is Your Brand?“, Marketing

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49. www.conversionmodel.com.

50. Michele Marchetti, „Dell Computer“, Sales & Marketing

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51. Roger Crockett, „Pillsbury’s New Software Will Let the

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52. Dennis H. Pillsbury, „Small Business Niches Differentiate

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53. Thomas S. Robertson çi Howard Barich, „A Successful

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55. Wendell R. Smith, „Product Differentiation and Market

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Journal of Marketing, iulie 1995, p. 4.

56. www.esteelauder.com.

57. Wendy Brandes, „Advertising: Black-Oriented Radio

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februarie 1995, p. B5.

58. Marc Gunther, „Tree Huggers, Soy Lovers, and Profits“,

Fortune, 23 iunie 2003, pp. 98-104.

59. Catherine Arns, „PC Makers Head for ‘SoHo’“,

BusinessWeek, 28 septembrie 1992, pp. 125-26; Gerry

Khermouch, „The Marketers Take Over“, Brandweek,

27 septembrie 1993, pp. 29-35.

60. Pentru un studiu de structurå a pieÆei având ca temå

ierarhia atributelor pe piaÆa cafelei, vezi Dipak Jain, Frank

M. Bass çi Yu-Min Chen, „Estimation of Latent Class

Models with Heterogeneous Choice Probabilities: An

Application to Market Structuring”, Journal of Marketing

Research, februarie 1990, pp. 94-101. Pentru un

exemplu de aplicare a analizei de lanÆ cauzal asupra

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Journal of Marketing Research, februarie 1999, p. 1-17.

61. Bart Macchiette çi Roy Abhijit, „Sensitive Groups and

Social Issues“, Journal of Consumer Marketing 11, no. 4

(1994): pp. 55-64.

62. Barry Meier, „Data on Tobacco Show a Strategy Aimed at

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Freeman, „Ads Aimed at Blacks and Children Should

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63. N. Craig Smith çi Elizabeth Cooper-Martin, „Ethics and

Target Marketing: The Role of Product Harm and Consumer

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pp. 1-20.

64. Roger O. Crockett, „They’re Lining Up for Flicks in the

‘Hood’“, BusinessWeek, 8 iunie 1997, p. 75-76.

65. Caroline E. Mayer, „Nurturing Brand Loyalty; with Preschool

Supplies, Firms Woo Future Customers – and

Current Parents“, Washington Post, 12 octombrie 2003,

p. F1.

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