Kotler - Keller - Managementul Marketingului

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> Managementul unei organizaÆii care practicå marketingul holistic < Capitolul 20 1077

5. Fox, Jocz çi Jaworski, „A Common Language“, pag. 14-17.

6. Pentru o analizå cronologicå a istoriei gândirii de marketing,

vezi D. G. Brian Jones çi Eric H. Shaw, „A History of

Marketing Thought“, în Handbook of Marketing, ediÆie

coordonatå de Barton A. Weitz çi Robin Wensley, 2002,

Londra: Sage Publications, pag. 39-65.

7. Frederick E. Webster Jr., „The Changing Role of Marketing

in the Corporation“, Journal of Marketing, octombrie 1992,

pag. 1-17. Vezi çi Ravi S. Achrol, „Evolution of the Marketing

Organization: New Forms of Turbulent Environment“,

Journal of Marketing, octombrie 1991, pag. 77-93;

çi John P. Workman Jr., Christian Homburg çi Kjell Gruner,

„Marketing Organization: An Integrative Framework of

Dimensions and Determinants“, Journal of Marketing, iulie

1998, pag. 21-41. Pentru câteva perspective contemporane,

vezi ediÆia specialå 1999 a publicaÆiei Journal of Marketing

Fundamental Issues and Directions for Marketing.

8. Pentru o excelentå descriere a modului în care se poate

transforma o firmå într-o organizaÆie orientatå spre piaÆå,

vezi George Day, The Market-Driven Organization:

Aligning Culture, Capabilities, and Configuration to the

Market (New York: Free Press, 1989).

9. Frederick E. Webster Jr., „The Role of Marketing and the

Firm“, în Handbook of Marketing, ediÆie coordonatå de

Barton A. Weitz çi Robin Wensley, 2002, Londra: Sage

Publications, pag. 39-65.

10. Frank V. Cespedes, Concurrent Marketing: Integrating

Product, Sales, and Service (Boston: Harvard Business

School Press, 1995); Frank V. Cespedes, Managing

Marketing Linkages: Text, Cases, and Readings (Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996).

11. <www.pacefoods.com>.

12. Zachary Schiller, „The Marketing Revolution at Procter &

Gamble“, BusinessWeek, 25 iulie 1988, pag. 72-76;

Laurie Freeman, „P&G Widens Power Base: Adds

Category Managers“, Advertising Age.

13. Michael J. Zenor, „The Profit Benefits of Category Management“,

Journal of Marketing Research, 31 mai 1994,

pag. 202-213.

14. Gerry Khermouch, „Brands Overboard“, Brandweek, 22

august 1994, pag. 25-39.

15. Ca bibliografie suplimentarå, vezi Robert Dewar çi Don

Schultz, „The Product Manager, an Idea Whose Time Has

Gone“, Marketing Communications, mai 1989, pag. 28-35;

„The Marketing Revolution at Procter & Gamble“, BusinessWeek,

25 iulie 1988, pag. 72-76; Kevin T. Higgins,

„Category Management: New Tools Changing Life for

Manufacturers, Retailers“, Marketing News, 25 septembrie

1989, pag. 2, 19; George S. Low çi Ronald A. Fullerton,

„Brands, Brand Management, and the Brand Manager

System: A Critical-Historical Evaluation“, Journal of

Marketing Research, mai 1994, pag. 173-190; çi Michael

J. Zanor, „The Profit Benefits of Category Management“,

Journal of Marketing Research, mai 1994, pag. 202-213.

16. Richard E. Anderson, „Matrix Redux“, Business

Horizons, noiembrie-decembrie 1994, pag. 6-10.

17. Frederick E. Webster Jr., „The Role of Marketing and the

Firm“, în Handbook of Marketing, ediÆie coordonatå de

Barton A. Weitz çi Robin Wensley, 2002, Londra: Sage

Publications, pag. 39-65.

18. Benson P. Shapiro, „Can Marketing and Manufacturing

Coexist?“, Harvard Business Review, septembrie-octombrie

1977, pag. 104-114. Vezi çi Robert W. Ruekert çi Orville

C. Walker Jr., „Marketing’s Interaction with Other Functional

Units: A Conceptual Framework with Other Empirical

Evidence“, Journal of Marketing, ianuarie 1987, pag. 1-19.

19. Patricia Sellers, „P&G: Teaching an Old Dog New

Tricks“, Fortune, 31 mai 2004, pag. 167-180.

20. Erik Brynjolfsson çi Lorin Hitt, „The Customer Counts“,

Information Week, 9 septembrie 1996.

21. Gary Hamel, Leading the Revolution (Boston: Harvard

Business School Press, 2000).

22. Kenneth Hein, „Rohan Oza“, Brandweek, 8 aprilie 2002,

pag. 36; „POWERade Scores with LeBron“, Brandweek,

18 august 2004.

23. William L. Wilkie çi Elizabeth S. Moore, „Marketing’s

Relationship to Society“, în Handbook of Marketing,

ediÆie coordonatå de Barton A. Weitz çi Robin Wensley,

2002, Londra: Sage Publications, pag. 1-38.

24. „Special Report: Corporate Social Responsibility“, The

Economist, 14 decembrie 2002, pag. 62-63.

25. Don Tapscott çi Anthony Williams, „What? Now We

Have to Make a Profit and Be Ethical“, Business 2.0,

februarie 2002, pag. 30.

26. Ca bibliografie suplimentarå, vezi Dorothy Cohen, Legal

Issues in Marketing Decision Making (Cincinnati, OH:

South-Western, 1995).

27. Shelby D. Hunt çi Scott Vitell, „The General Theory of

Marketing Ethics: A Retrospective and Revision“, în

Ethics in Marketing, ediÆie coordonatå de John Quelch çi

Craig Smith (Chicago: Irwin, 1992).

28. Tapscott çi Williams, „What? Now We Have to Make a

Profit and Be Ethical“, pag. 30-31.

29. Marc Gunther, „Tree Huggers, Soy Lovers, and Profits“,

Fortune, 23 iunie 2004, pag. 98-104.

30. Ronald J. Alsop, „Perils of Corporate Philanthropy“, Wall

Street Journal, 16 ianuarie 2002, pag. B1; Ronald J.

Alsop, The 18 Immutable Laws of Corporate Reputation:

Creating, Protecting, and Repairing Your Most Valuable

Asset (New York: Free Press, 2004).

31. Paul Dolan, True to Our Roots: Fermenting a Business

Revolution (New York: Bloomberg Press, 2003); Alison

Overholt, „The Good Earth“, Fast Company, decembrie

2003, pag. 86-88.

32. Michael E. Porter çi Mark R. Kramer, „The Competitive

Advantage of Corporate Philanthropy“, Harvard

Business Review, decembrie 2002, pag. 5-16.

33. Dwane Hal Deane, „Associating the Corporation with a

Charitable Event Through Sponsporship: Measuring the

Effects on Corporate Community Relations“, Journal of

Advertising, iarna 2002, pag. 77-87.

34. Philip Kotler çi Nancy Lee, Corporate Social Responsibility:

Doing the Most Good for Your Company and

Your Cause (New York: John Wiley, 2005).

35. Pentru o analizå a câtorva probleme çi ocazii favorabile

pentru marketingul serviciilor publice de sånåtate, vezi

Michael L. Rothschild, „Carrots, Sticks, and Promises: A

Conceptual Framework for the Management of Public

Health and Social Issue Behaviors“, Journal of Marketing

63, octombrie 1999, pag. 24-37.

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