Kotler - Keller - Managementul Marketingului

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890 Partea a VII-a > Comunicarea valorii <

(august 1974): 36-37. Vezi, de asemenea, Carl F. Mela,

Sunil Gupta çi Donald R. Lehmann, „The Long-Term

Impact of Promotion and Advertising on Consumer

Brand Choice“, Journal of Marketing Research (mai

1997): 248-261; Purushottam Papatla çi Lakshman

Krishnamurti, „Measuring the Dynamic Effects of

Promotions on Brand Choice“, Journal of Marketing

Research (februarie 1996): 20-35; Kamel Jedidi, Carl F.

Mela çi Sunil Gupta, „Managing Advertising and

Promotion for Long-Run Profitability“, Marketing

Science 18, nr. 1 (1999): 1-22.

55. Magid M. Abraham çi Leonard M. Lodish, „Getting the

Most Out of Advertising and Promotion“, Harvard

Business Review (mai-iunie 1990): 50-60. Vezi, de asemenea,

Shuba Srinivasan, Koen Pauwels, Dominique

Hanssens çi Marnik Dekimpe, „Do Promotions Benefit

Manufacturers, Retailers, or Both?“, Management

Science, 2004, în curs de apariÆie.

56. F. Kent Mitchel, „Advertising/Promotion Budgets: How

Did We Get Here, and What Do We Do Now?“, Journal

of Consumer Marketing (toamna 1985): 405-447.

57. Pentru un model de stabilire a obiectivelor promovårilor,

vezi David B. Jones, „Setting Promotional Goals: A

Communications Relationship Model“, Journal of Consumer

Marketing 11, nr. 1 (1994): 38-49.

58. Sonia Reyes, „Krafting the Total Promo Package“,

Brandweek, 15 iulie 2002, pag. 24-27.

59. Vezi John C. Totten çi Martin P. Block, Analysing Sales

Promotion: Text and Cases, ed. a 2-a (Chicago:

Dartnell, 1994), pag. 69-70.

60. Roger O. Crockett, „Penny-Pinchers’ Paradise: E-coupons

are Catching on Fast – and Companies are Learning How

to Use Them“, BusinessWeek E.Biz, 22 ianuarie 2001,

pag. EB12; Bob Tedesch, „Consumers Downloading

Coupons“, New York Times, 17 martie 2003.

61. Paul W. Farris çi Kusum L. Ailawadi, „Retail Power:

Monster or Mouse?“, Journal of Retailing (iarna 1992):


62. „Retailers Buy Far in Advance to Exploit Trade Promotions“,

Wall Street Journal, 9 octombrie 1986, pag. 35;

Rajiv Lal, J. Little çi J. M. Vilas-Boas, „A Theory of

Forward Buying, Merchandising, and Trade Deals“,

Marketing Science 15, nr. 1 (1996): 21-37.

63. Kenneth Hein, „Samsung Decodes the Matrix Mania“,

Brandweek, 22 martie 2004, pag. R3.

64. Arthur Stern, „Measuring the Effectiveness of Package

Goods Promotion Strategies“, lucrare prezentatå pentru

Association of National Advertisers, Glen Cove, New

York, februarie 1978.

65. Kurt H. Schaffir çi H. George Trenten, Marketing Information

Systems (New York: Amacom, 1973), pag. 81.

66. Joe A. Dodson, Alice M. Tybout çi Brian Sternthal, „Impact

of Deals and Deal Retraction on Brand Switching“,

Journal of Marketing Research (februarie 1978): 72-81.

67. CårÆile despre promovarea vânzårilor includ cele scrise

de Totten çi Block, Analyzing Sales Promotion: Text and

Cases; Don E. Schultz, William A. Robinson çi Lisa A.

Petrison, Sales Promotion Essentials, ed. a 2-a

(Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Business Books, 1994); John

Wilmshurst, Below-the-Line Promotion (Oxford, England:

Butterworth/Heinemann, 1993); Blattberg çi Neslin,

Sales Promotion: Concepts, Methods, and Strategies.

Pentru o abordare calificatå a sistemelor de promovare

a vânzårilor, vezi John W. Keon çi Judy Bayer, „An

Expert Approach to Sales Promotion Management“,

Journal of Advertising Research (iunie-iulie 1986): 19-26.

68. Philip Kotler, „Atmospherics as a Marketing Tool“,

Journal of Retailing (iarna 1973-1974): 48-64.

69. Dean Foust, „Coke: Wooing the TiVo Generation“,

BusinessWeek, 1 martie 2004, pag. 77-78.

70. Kathleen Kerwin, „When the Factory Is a Theme Park“,

BusinessWeek, 3 mai 2004, pag. 94; Vanessa

O’Connell, „You-Are-There’ Advertising“, Wall Street

Journal, 5 august 2002, pag. B1 çi B3.

71. Kenneth Hein, „The Age of Reason“, Brandweek, 27

octombrie 2003, pag. 24-28.

72. Matt Kinsman, „Happy One Hundred“, Promo, 1 august


73. Monte Burke, „X-treme Economics“, Forbes, 2 februarie

2004, pag. 42-44.

74. Association of National Advertisers are o surså utilå:

Event Marketing: A Management Guide, care este

disponibilå la http://www.ana.net/bookstore.

75. Ian Mount, „Exploding the Myths of Stadium Naming“,

Business 2.0, aprilie 2004, pag. 82.

76. Kelley Gates, „Wild in the Streets“, Brand Marketing

(februarie 2001): 54.

77. Dwight W. Catherwood çi Richard L. Van Kirk, The

Complete Guide to Special Event Management (New

York: John Wiley, 1992).

78. William L. Shankin çi John Kuzma, „Buying That Sporting

Image“, Marketing Management (primåvara 1992): 65.

79. Pentru o excelentå analizå, vezi Thomas L. Harris, The

Marketer’s Guide to Public Relations (New York: John

Wiley, 1991). Vezi, de asemenea, Harris, Value-Added

Public Relations (Chicago: NTC Business Books, 1998).

80. Tom Duncan, A Study of How Manufacturers and

Service Companies Perceive and Use Marketing Public

Relations (Muncie, IN: Ball State University, 1985).

Pentru mai multe informaÆii despre analiza în paralel a

eficienÆei publicitåÆii çi a eficienÆei RP; vezi Kenneth R.

Lord çi Sanjay Putrevu, „Advertising and Publicity: An

Information Processing Perspective“, Journal of

Economic Psychology (martie 1993): 57-84.

81. Lisa Sanders, „Meow Mix TV Pulls off PR Coup“,

Advertising Age, 23 iunie 2003, pag. 18.

82. <www.coneinc.com>.

83. Pentru mai multe informaÆii despre marketingul legat de

cauzele sociale, vezi P. Rajan Varadarajan çi Anil

Menon, „Cause-Related Marketing: A Co-Alignment of

Marketing Strategy and Corporate Philanthropy“,

Journal of Marketing (iulie 1988): 58-74.

84. PRWEEK Awards, 2004.

85. Arthur M. Merims, „Marketing’s Stepchild: Product Publicity“,

Harvard Business Review (noiembrie-decembrie

1972): 111-112. Vezi, de asemenea, Katherine

D. Paine, „There Is a Method for Measuring PR“,

Marketing News, 6 noiembrie 1987, pag. 5.

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