Kotler - Keller - Managementul Marketingului

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310 Partea a III-a > Intrarea în conexiune cu clienÆii <

59. Jill Venter, „Milk Mustache Campaign Is a Hit with

Teens“, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1 aprilie 1998, p. E1;

Dave Fusaro, „The Milk Mustache“, Dairy Foods, aprilie

1997, p. 75; Judann Pollack, „Milk: Kurt Graetzer“,

Advertising Age, 30 iunie 1997, p. S1; Kevin Lane Keller,

„Milk: Branding a Commodity“, Strategic Brand Management

(Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998).

60. Vezi Paul E. Green çi Yoram Wind, Multiattribute Decisions

in Marketing: A Measurement Approach (Hindsale,

IL: Dryden, 1973), capitolul 2; Leigh McAlister,

„Choosing Multiple Items from a Product Class“, Journal

of Consumer Research, decembrie 1979, pp. 213-24;

Richard J. Lutz, „The Role of Attitude Theory in Marketing“,

în Kassarjian çi Robertson (editori), Perspectives

in Consumer Behavior, pp. 317-339.

61. Acest model al valorii açteptate a fost elaborat de Martin

Fishbein çi prezentat în articolul „Attitudes and Prediction

of Behavior“, apårut în Readings in Attitude

Theory and Measurement, editor Martin Fishbein (New

York: John Wiley, 1967), pp. 477-492. Pentru o analizå

criticå a modelului, vezi Paul W. Miniard çi Joel B.

Cohen, „An Examination of the Fishbein-Ajzen Behavioral-Intentions

Model’s Concepts and Measures“, Journal

of Experimental Social Psychology, mai 1981, pp. 309-39.

62. Michael R. Solomon, Consumer Behavior: Buying,

Having and Being (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice

Hall, 2001).

63. James R. Bettman, Eric J. Johnson çi John W. Payne,

„Consumer Decision Making“, în Kassarjian çi Robertson

(editori), Handbook of Consumer Theory and

Research, pp. 50-84.

64. Jagdish N. Sheth, „An Investigation of Relationships

among Evaluative Beliefs, Affect, Behavioral Intention,

and Behavior“, în Consumer Behavior: Theory and Application,

editori John U. Farley, John A. Howard çi L.

Winston Ring (Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1974), pp. 89-114.

65. Fishbein, „Attitudes and Production of Behavior“.

66. Raymond A. Bauer, „Consumer Behavior as Risk

Taking“, în Risk Taking and Information Handling in

Consumer Behavior, editor Donald F. Cox (Boston:

Divison of Research, Harvard Business School, 1967);

çi James W. Taylor, „The Role of Risk in Consumer

Behavior“, Journal of Marketing, aprilie 1974, pp. 54-60.

67. Priscilla A. La Barbera çi David Mazursky, „A Longitudinal

Assessment of Consumer Satisfaction/Dissastisfaction:

The Dynamic Aspect of the Cognitive Process“,

Journal of Marketing Research, noiembrie 1983, pp.


68. Ralph L. Day, „Modeling Choices among Alternative

Responses to Dissastisfaction“, în Advances in Consumer

Research Vol. 11 (1984): pp. 496-99. Vezi çi Philip

Kotler çi Murali K. Mantrala, „Flawed Products: Consumer

Responses and Marketer Strategies“, Journal of

Consumer Marketing, vara 1985, pp. 27-36.

69. Barry L. Bayus, „Word of Mouth: The Indirect Effects of

Marketing Efforts“, Journal of Advertising Research,

iunie-iulie 1985, pp. 31-39.

70. Albert O. Hirschman, Exit, Voice, and Loyalty (Cambridge,

MA: Harvard University Press, 1970).

71. Mary C. Gilly çi Richard W. Hansen, „Consumer Complaint

Handling as a Strategic Marketing Tool“, Journal

of Consumer Marketing, toamna 1985, p. 5-16.

72. James H. Donnelly Jr. çi John M. Ivancevich, „Post-Purchase

Reinforcement and Back-Out Behavior“, Journal

of Marketing Research, august 1970, pp. 399-400.

73. John D. Cripps, „Heuristics and Biases in Timing the

Replacement of Durable Products“, Journal of Consumer

Research 21, septembrie 1994, pp. 304-318.

74. Richard E. Petty çi John T. Cacioppo, Atittudes and

Persuasion: Classic and Contemporary Approaches

(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981); Richard E. Petty, Communication

and Persuasion: Central and Peripheral

Routes to Attitude Change (New York: Springer Verlag,


75. Herbert E. Krugman, „The Impact of Television Advertising:

Learning without Involvement“, Public Opinion

Quarterly, toamna 1965, pp. 349-56.

76. Frank R. Kardes, Consumer Behavior and Managerial

Decision-Making, ediÆia a 2-a (Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Prentice Hall, 2003).

77. Vezi Richard Thaler, „Mental Accounting and Consumer

Choice“, Marketing Science 4, no. 3, 1985, pp. 199-214,

pentru un articol fundamental, çi Richard Thaler, „Mental

Accounting Matters“, Journal of Behavioral Decision-Making

12, no. 3, 1999, pp. 183-206, pentru unele

perspective mai actuale.

78. Gary L. Gastineau çi Mark P. Kritzman, Dictionary of

Financial Risk Management, ediÆia a 3-a (New York:

John Wiley & Sons, 1999).

79. Exemplu adaptat dupå Daniel Kahneman çi Amos

Tversky, „Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision

Under Risk“, Econometrica 47, martie 1979, pp.


80. Harper W. Boyd Jr. çi Sidney Levy, „New Dimensions in

Consumer Analysis“, Harvard Business Review 163,

noiembrie-decembrie, pp. 129-40.

81. Sandra Vandermerwe, Customer Capitalism: Increasing

Returns in New Market Spaces (London: Nicholas

Brealey Publishing), capitolul 11.

82. Patricia B. Seybold, „Get Inside the Lives of Your

Customers“, Harvard Business Review, mai 2001, pp.


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