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258 Partea a III-a > Intrarea în conexiune cu clienÆii <

Accountable“, Journal of Marketing 59, no. 2, aprilie

1995, pp. 58-70.

30. Roland T. Rust, Christine Moorman çi Peter R. Dickson,

„Getting Return on Quality: Revenue Expansion, Cost

Reduction, or Both“, Journal of Marketing 65, octombrie

2002, pp. 7-24.

31. Don Peppers çi Martha Rogers, The One-to-One Future:

Building Relationships One Customer at a Time (New

York: Currency, 1993), p. 108.

32. William A. Sherden, Market Ownership: The Art and

Science of Becoming #1 (New York: Amacom, 1994), p.


33. Robert J. Bowman, „Good Things, Smaller Packages“,

World Trade 6, no. 9 (octombrie 1993): 106-10.

34. Werner J. Reinartz çi V. Kumar, „The Impact of Customer

Relationship Characteristics on Profitable Lifetime

Duration“, Journal of Marketing 67, ianuarie 2003,

pp. 77-99; Werner J. Reinartz çi V. Kumar, „On the

Profitability of Long-Life Customers in a Noncontractual

Setting: An Empirical Investigation and Implications for

Marketing“, Journal of Marketing 64, octombrie 2000,

pp. 17-35.

35. Rakesh Niraj, Mahendra Gupta çi Chakravarthi Narasimhan,

„Customer Profitability in a Supply Chain“, Journal

of Marketing, iulie 2001, p. 1-16.

36. Thomas M. Petro, „Profitability: The Fifth 'P' of Marketing“,

Bank Marketing, septembrie 1990, p. 48-52; çi

„Who Are Your Best Customers?“, Bank Marketing,

octombrie 1990, p. 48-52.

37. Ravi Dhar çi Rashi Glazer, „Hedging Customers“,

Harvard Business Review, mai 2003, pp. 86-92.

38. Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage: Creating and

Sustaining Superior Performance (New York: Free

Press, 1985).

39. Carl Sewell çi Paul Brown, Customers for Life (New

York: Pocket Books, 1990). p. 162.

40. Greg Farrel, „Marketers Put a Price on Your Life“, USA

Today, 7 iulie 1999.

41. Stephan A. Butscher, „Welcome to the Club: Building

Customer Loyalty“, Marketing News, 9 septembrie

1996, p. 9.

42. Don Peppers çi Martha Rogers, The One-to-One Future

(New York: Currency, 1993), p. 37-38.

43. Robert C. Blattberg çi John Deoghton, „Manage

Marketing by the Customer Equity Test“, Harvard

Business Review, iulie-august 1996, pp. 136-144.

44. Roland T. Rust, Valarie A. Zeithaml çi Katherine A.

Lemon, Driving Customer Equity (New York: Free

Press, 2000).

45. Robert C. Blattberg, Gary Getz çi Jacquelyn S. Thomas,

Customer Equity: Building and Managing Relationships

As Valuable Assets (Boston: Harvard Business School

Press, 2001); Robert C. Blattberg çi Jacquelyn S.

Thomas, „Valuing, Analyzing, and Managing the Marketing

Function Using Customer Equity Principles“, în

Kellogg on Marketing, ediÆie îngrijitå de Dawn Iacobucci

(New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2002).

46. Mohan Sawhney, „Beyond CRM: Managing Relational

Equity“, dintr-o prelegere susÆinutå la forumul „Managing

Customer Relationships in the Network Economy“, 20

septembrie 2000. Pentru o analizå generalå a termenului

equity (valoare de capital), vezi Roderick J. Brodie,

Mark S. Glynn çi Joel Van Durme, „Towards a Theory of

Marketplace Equity“, Marketing Theory 2, no. 1, 2000,

pp. 5-28.

47. Nicole E. Coviello, Roderick J. Brodie, Peter J. Danaher

çi Wesley J. Johnston, „How Firms Relate to Their Markets:

An Empirical Examination of Contemporary Marketing

Practices“, Journal of Marketing 66, iulie 2002,

pp. 33-46.

48. Michael J. Lanning, Delivering Profitable Value (Oxford,

UK: Capstone, 1998).

49. Nora A. Aufreiter, David Elzinga çi Jonathan W. Gordon,

„Better Branding“, The McKinsey Quarterly, Number 4,

2003, pp. 29-39.

50. Lanning, Delivering Profitable Value.

51. Joe Ashbrook Nickell, „Welcome to Harrah’s“, Business

2.0, aprilie 2002, pp. 49-54; Del Jones, „Client Data

Means Little Without Good Analysis“, USA Today, 24

decembrie 2001, p. 4B; Mark Leon, „Catering to

True-Blue Customers“, Computerworld, 11 august

2003, p. 37; John R. Brandt, „Dare to be Different“, Chief

Executive, mai 2003, pp. 34-38.

52. Peppers çi Rogers, The One-to-One Future: Building

Relationships One Customer at a Time; Don Peppers çi

Martha Rogers, Enterprise One to One: Tools for

Competing in the Interactive Age (New York: Currency,

1997); Don Peppers çi Martha Rogers, The One-to-One

Manager: Real-World Lessons in Customer Relationship

Management (New York: Doubleday, 1999); Don

Peppers, Martha Rogers çi Bob Dorf, The One-to-One

Fieldbook: The Complete Toolkit for Implementing a

One-to-One Marketing Program (New York: Bantam,

1999); Don Peppers çi Martha Rogers, One-to-One

B2B: Customer Development Strategies for the Business-To-Business

World (New York: Doubleday, 2001).

53. Katherine O’Brien, „Differentiation Begins with Customer

Knowledge“, American Printer, iulie 2003, p. 8.

54. Alan W. H. Grant çi Leonard A. Schlesinger, „Realize

Your Customer’s Full Profit Potential“, Harvard Business

Review, septembrie-octombrie 1995, pp. 59-72.

55. Jeffrey Gitomer, Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless:

Customer Loyalty Is Priceless: How to Make Customers

Love You, Keep Them Coming Back and Tell Everyone

They Know (Austin, TX: Bard Press, 1998).

56. Technical Assistance Research Programs (TARP), U.S.

Office of Consumer Affairs Study on Complaint Handling

in America, 1986.

57. Karl Albrecht çi Ron Zemke, Service America! (Homewood,

IL: Dow Jones-Irwin, 1985), p. 6-7; Roland T.

Rust, Bala Subramanian çi Mark Wells, „Making Complaints

a Management Tool“, Marketing Management 1,

no. 3, 1992, pp. 40-45; Ruth Bolton çi Tina M. Bronkhorst,

„The Relationship Between Customer Complaints

to the Firm and Subsequent Exit Behavior“, în Advances

in Consumer Research vol. 22 (Provo, Utah: Association

for Consumer Research, 1995); Stephen S. Tax çi

Stephen W. Brown, „Recovering and Learning from

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