Kotler - Keller - Managementul Marketingului

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> Stabilirea strategiei produsului < Capitolul 12 581

Company, iunie 2004, pp. 61-75. Vezi çi Philip Kotler,

2Design: A Powerful but Neglected Strategic Tool“,

Journal of Business Strategy, toamna 1984, pp. 16-21.

14. Bobbie Gossage, „Strategies: Designing Success“, Inc.

Magazine, mai 2004, pp. 27-29.

15. Pentru o prezentare completå a cazului Cemex, vezi

Adrian J. Slywotzky çi David J. Morrison, How Digital Is

Your Business (New York: Crown Business, 2000),

capitolul 5.

16. Todd Wallack, „Pac Bell to Offer DSL, You Can Install“,

San Francisco Chronicle, 20 martie 2000.

17. Mark Sanchez, „Herman Miller Offers Training to Its

Furniture Users“, Grand Rapids Business Journal, 2

decembrie 2002, p. 23.

18. Linda Knapp, „A Sick Computer?“, Seattle Times, 28

ianuarie 2001, p. D8.

19. „Best Buy Turns on the Geek Appeal“, DSN Retailing

Today, 24 februarie 2003, p. 22.

20. Robert Bordley, „Determining the Appropriate Depth

and Breadth of a Firm’s Product Portfolio“, Journal of

Marketing Research 40, februarie 2003, pp. 39-53;

Peter Boathwright çi Joseph C. Nunes, „Reducing

Assortment: An Attribute-Based Approach“, Journal of

Marketing 65, iulie 2001, pp. 50-63.

21. Adaptare dupå un document Hamilton Consultants,

1 decembrie 2000.

22. Aceastå exemplificare poate fi gåsitå în lucrarea lui

Benson P. Shapiro, Industrial Product Policy: Managing

the Existing Product Line (Cambridge, MA: Marketing

Science Institute, septembrie 1977), pp. 3-5, 98-101.

23. „Brand Challenge“, The Economist, 6 aprilie 2002, p. 68.

24. David A. Aaker, „Should You Take Your Brand to Where

the Action Is?“, Harvard Business Review,

septembrie-octombrie 1997, pp. 135-43; Amna Kirmani,

Sanjay Sood çi Sheri Bridges, „The Ownership Effect in

Consumer Responses to Brand Line Stretches“, Journal

of Marketing 63 (1998), pp. 88-101; T. Randall, K. Ulrich

çi D. Reibstein, „Brand Equity and Vertical Product Line

Extent“, Marketing Science 19 (1998), pp. 356-79.

25. Igor Reichlin, „Racing to Stay Ahead“, Chief Executive,

noiembrie 2003, pp. 50-53.

26. Steuart Henderson Britt, „How Weber’s Law Can Be

Applied to Marketing“, Business Horizons, februarie

1975, pp. 21-29.

27. Andy Reinhardt, „Who Says Intel’s Chips Are Down?“,

BusinessWeek, 7 decembrie 1998, pp. 103-104;

Therese Poletti, „Computer-Chip Price War Breaks Out“,

San Jose Mercury News, 17 aprilie 2001; Cliff Edwards,

„Intel: What Is CEO Craig Barrett Up To?“,

BusinessWeek, 8 martie 2004, pp. 56-60.

28. Lee Gomes, „Computer-Printer Price Drops Isn’t

Starving Makers“, Wall Street Journal, 16 august 1996,

p. B4; Simon Avery, „H-P Sees Room for Growth in

Printer Market“, Wall Street Journal, 28 iunie 2001, p.

B6; Ben Elgin, „Can HP’s Printer Biz Keep Printing

Money?“, BusineeWeek, 14 iulie 2004, pp. 68-70.

29. Robert E. Weigand, „Buy In-Follow On Strategies for

Profit“, Sloan Management Review, primåvara 1991, pp.


30. Vezi Gerald J. Tellis, „Beyond the Many Faces of Price:

An Integration of Pricing Strategies“, Journal of Marketing,

octombrie 1986, p. 155. Acest excelent articol

analizeazå çi ilustreazå alte câteva strategii de stabilire

a preÆurilor. Vezi çi Dilip Soman çi John T. Gourville,

„Transaction Decoupling: How Price Bundling Affects

the Decision to Consume“, Journal of Marketing Research

38, februarie 2001, pp. 30-44.

31. Adaptare dupå George Wuebker, „Bundles

Effectiveness Often Undermined“, Marketing News, 18

martie 2002, pp. 9-12. Vezi Stefan Stremersch çi Gerald

J. Tellis, „Strategic Bundling of Products and Prices“,

Journal of Marketing 66, ianuarie 2002, pp. 55-72.

32. Akshay R. Rao çi Robert W. Ruekert, „Brand Alliances

as Signals of Product Quality“, Sloan Management

Review, toamna 1994, pp. 87-97; Akshay R. Rao, Lu Qu

çi Robert W. Ruekert, „Signaling Unobservable Quality

through a Brand Ally“, Journal of Marketing Research

36, no. 2, 1999, pp. 258-268.

33. Bernard L. Simonin çi Julie A. Ruth, „Is a Company

Known by the Company It Keeps? Assessing the

Spillover Effects of Brand Alliances on Consumer Brand

Attitudes“, Journal of Marketing Research, februarie

1998, pp. 30-42; vezi çi C. W. Park, S. Y. Jun çi A. D.

Shocker, „Composite Branding Alliances: An

Investigation of Extension and Feedback Effects“,

Journal of Marketing Research 33 (1996), pp. 453-66.

34. Sonny Lufrano, „Co-branding: Fast Food Finds Strange

Bedfellows“, Atlanta Business Chronicle, 14 noiembrie

2003, p. C11.

35. Park, Jun çi Shocker, „Composite Branding Alliances:

An Investigation of Extension and Feedback Effects“,

pp. 453-466; Lance Leuthesser, Chiranjier Kohli çi

Rajneesh Suri, „2+2 = 5? A Framework for Using

Co-branding to Leverage a Brand“, Journal of Brand

Management 2, no. 1, septembrie 2002, pp. 35-47.

36. ParÆial dupå o prelegere susÆinutå de Nancy Bailey,

„Using Licensing to Build the Brand“, conferinÆå Brand

Masters, 7 decembrie 2000.

37. Kalpesh Kaushik Desai çi Kevin Lane Keller, „The

Effects of Brand Expansions and Ingredient Branding

Strategies on Host Brand Extendibility“, Journal of

Marketing 66, ianuarie 2002, pp. 73-93; D. C. Denison,

„Ingredient Branding Puts Big Names in the Mix“, Boston

Globe, 26 mai 2002, p. E2.

38. www.dupont.com.

39. Gerry Khermouch, „Zona Sets Collectible Max-pack“,

Brandweek, 20 aprilie 1998, p. 16.

40. www.arizonabev.com.

41. Judith Rosen, „Classics Strategies; Classics Sale“,

Publishers Weekly, 6 octombrie 2003, pp. 16-18; Karen

Springen, „Nancy’s Still Nice“, Newsweek, 16 februarie

2004, p. 9.

42. Seth Godin, „In Praise of the Purple Cow“, Fast

Company, februarie 2003, pp. 74-85.

43. Susan B. Bassin, „Value-Added Packaging Cuts

Through Store Clutter“, Marketing News, 26 septembrie

1988, p. 21.

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