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1. „Real Men Get Waxed“, The Economist, 5 iulie 2003, p.

57; Robyn Meredith çi Melanie Wells, „Today’s Man“,

Forbes, 1 septembrie 2003, p. 52.

2. Leon G. Schiffman çi Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Consumer

Behavior, ediÆia a 6-a (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice

Hall, 1997).

3. Eduardo Porter çi Kathryn Kranhold, „Latinos Become

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Journal, 23 octombrie 2003, p. C1.

4. Richard P. Coleman, „The Continuing Significance of

Social Class to Marketing“, Journal of Consumer Research,

decembrie 1983, pp. 265-280; Richard P. Coleman

çi Lee P. Rainwater, Social Standing in America:

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5. Schiffman çi Kanuk, Consumer Behavior.

6. „Nestlé Uses SMS Campaign to Create a Buzz for KitKat

Kubes“, Revolution, octombrie 2003, p. 5.

7. Norihiko Shirouzu, „Japan’s High School Girls Excel in

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1998, pp. B1-B6.

8. Kimberly Allers, „Retail’s Rebel Yell“, Fortune, 10 noiembrie

2003, p. 137.

9. Vezi Rosann L. Spiro, „Persuasion in Family Decision

Making“, Journal of Consumer Research, martie 1983,

p. 393-402; David J. Burns, „Husband-Wife Innovative

Consumer Decision Making: Exploring the Effect of Family

Power“, Psychology & Marketing, mai-iunie 1992, p.

175-89; Robert Boutilier, „Pulling the Family’s Strings“,

American Demographics, august 1993, p. 44-48; Elizabeth

S. Moore, William L. Wilkie çi Richard J. Lutz,

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2002, pp. 17-37. Pentru comparaÆii transculturale ale

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10. Kay M. Palan çi Robert E. Wilkes, „Adolescent-Parent

Interaction in Family Decision Making“, Journal of Consumer

Research 24, no. 2, 1997, pp. 159-169; Sharon E.

Beatty çi Salil Talpade, „Adolescent Influence in Family

Decision Making: A Replication with Extension“, Journal

of Consumer Research 21, 1994, pp. 332-341.

11. Michelle Conlin, „UnMarried America“, BusinessWeek,

20 octombrie 2003, pp. 106-116.

12. Marilyn Lavin, „Husband-Dominant, Wife-Dominant, Joint:

A Shopping Typology for Baby Boom Couples?“, Journal

of Consumer Marketing 10, no. 3, 1993, pp. 33-42.

13. Jim Hopkins, „Financial Firms Cater to Powerful Women“,

USA Today, 18 iunie 2002, p. 3B.

14. „Retailers Learn that Electronics Shopping Isn’t Just a

Guy Thing“, Wall Street Journal, 15 ianuarie 2005, p. D3.

15. Hillary Chura, „Failing to Connect: Marketing Messages

for Women Fall Short“, Advertising Age, 23 septembrie

2002, pp. 13-14.

16. James U. McNeal, „Tapping the Three Kids’ Markets“,

American Demographics, aprilie 1998, p. 37-41.

17. Carol Angrisani, „Kids Rock!“, Brand Marketing, februarie

2001, pp. 26-28.

18. Jennifer Bayot, „The Teenage Market: Young, Hip and

Looking for a Bargain“, New York Times, 1 decembrie

2003, p. C8.

19. Julia Boorstin, „Disney’s Tween Machine“, Fortune, 29

septembrie 2003, pp. 111-114.

20. Courtney Kane, „TV and Movie Characters Sell Children’s

Snacks“, New York Times, 8 decembrie 2003, p. C7.

21. Lawrence Lepisto, „A Life Span Perspective of Consumer

Behavior“, în Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 12,

editori Elizabeth Hirshman çi Morris Holbrook (Provo, UT:

Association for Consumer Research, 1985), p. 47. Vezi çi

Gail Sheehy, New Passages: Mapping Your Life Across

Time (New York: Random House, 1995).

22. Vezi Frederick Herzberg, Work and the Nature of Man

(Cleveland: William Collins, 1966); Henk Thierry çi Agnes

M. Koopman-Iwerna, „Motivation and Satisfaction“, în

Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology, editor

P. J. Drenth (New York: John Wiley, 1984), pp. 141-42.

23. Harold H. Kassarjian çi Mary Jane Sheffet, „Personality

and Consumer Behavior: An Update“, în Perspectives in

Consumer Behavior, editori Harold H. Kassarjian çi

Thomas S. Robertson (Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman,

1981), pp. 160-80.

24. Jennifer Aaker, „Dimensions of Measuring Brand

Personality“, Journal of Marketing Research 34, august

1997, pp. 347-56.

25. M. Joseph Sirgy, „Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior:

A Critical Review“, Journal of Consumer Research, decembrie

1982, pp. 287-300.

26. Timothy R. Graeff, „Consumption Situations and the

Effects of Brand Image on Consumers’ Brand Evaluations“,

Psychology & Marketing 14, no. 1, 1997, pp.

49-70; Timothy R. Graeff, „Image Congruence Effects

on Product Evaluations: The Role of Self-Monitoring and

Public/Private Consumption“, Psychology & Marketing

13, no. 5, 1996, pp. 481-499.

27. Jennifer L. Aaker, „The Malleable Self: The Role of

Self-Expression in Persuasion“, Journal of Marketing

Research 36, no. 2, 1999, pp. 45-57.

28. Amy Cortese, „They Care About the World (and They

Shop Too)“, New York Times, 20 iulie 2003, pp. 3-4.

29. Anthony Banco çi Wendy Zellner, „Is Wal-Mart Too Powerful?“,

BusinessWeek, 6 octombrie 2003, p. 100.

30. Toby Weber, „All Three? Gee“, Wireless Review, mai

2003, pp. 12-14.

31. Noel C. Paul, „Meal Kits in Home“, Christian Science

Monitor, 9 iunie 2003, p. 13.

32. Thomas J. Reynolds çi Jonathan Gutman, „Laddering

Theory, Method, Analysis, and Interpretation“, Journal

of Advertising Research, februarie-martie 1988, pp.


33. Ernest Dichter, Handbook of Consumer Motivations

(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964).

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