Kotler - Keller - Managementul Marketingului

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> Managementul distribuÆiei cu amånuntul çi cu ridicata çi al logisticii < Capitolul 16 785

14. Evan Tatge, „Fun & Games“, Forbes, 12 ianuarie 2004,

pp. 138-144.

15. Nanette Byrnes, „What’s Beyond for Bed Bath &

Beyond“, BusinessWeek, 19 ianuarie 2004, pp. 48-50.

16. Uta Werner, John McDermott çi Greg Rotz, „Retailers at

the Crossroads: How to Develop Profitable New Growth

Strategies“, Journal of Business Strategy 25, no. 2,

2004, pp. 10-17.

17. Cecilie Rohwedder, „Viva la Differenza“, Wall Street

Journal, 29 ianuarie 2003, pp. B1, B8.

18. Amy Wu, „A Specialty Food Store with a Discount

Attitude“, New York Times, 27 iulie 2003, pp. 3-4.

19. Constance L. Hays, „Retailers Seeking to Lure

Customers with Service“, New York Times, 1 decembrie

2003, p. C13.

20. Calmetta Coleman, „Kohl’s Retail Racetrack“, Wall

Street Journal, 1 martie 2000.

21. Piet Vroon et al., Smell: The Secret Seducer (New York:

Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1997).

22. Kenneth T. Rosen çi Amanda L. Howard, „E-tail: Gold

Rush or Fool’s Gold?“, California Management Review,

1 aprilie 2000, pp. 72-100; Moira Cotlier, „Census

Releases First E-commerce Report“, Catalog Age, 1 mai

2001; Associated Press, „Online Sales Boomed at End

of 2000“, Star-Tribune of Twin Cities, 17 februarie 2001;

„Reinventing the Store“, The Economist, 22 noiembrie

2003, pp. 65-68.

23. Pentru o analizå mai amplå, vezi Philip Kotler, „Atmospherics

as a Marketing Tool”, Journal of Retailing, iarna

1973-1974, pp. 48-64; Mary Jo Bitner, „Servicescapes:

The Impact of Physical Surroundings on Customers and

Employees”, Journal of Marketing, aprilie 1992, pp.

57-71. Vezi çi B. Joseph Pine II çi James H. Gilmore,

The Experience Economy (Boston: Harvard Business

School Press, 1999).

24. Janet Eastman, „In the Latest Form of Retail Theater,

Appliance Customers Who Come to Visit Are Making

Themselves Right at Home“, Los Angeles Times, 1

noiembrie 2002, p. E32.

25. Frank Feather, The Future Consumer (Toronto:

Warwick Publishing, 1994), p. 171. Vezi çi Stephen J.

Hoch, Xavier Dreeze çi Mary E. Purk, „EDLP, Hi-Lo, and

Margin Arithmetic”, Journal of Marketing, octombrie

1994, pp. 1-15; David R. Bell çi James M. Lattin,

„Shopping Behavior and Consumer Preference for

Retail Price Format: Why ‘Large Basket’ Shoppers

Prefer EDLP“, Marketing Science 17, primåvara 1998,

pp. 66-68.

26. Lorrie Grant, „Retailers Take Novel Approach to Get

Their Brands in Front of Shoppers“, USA Today, 17 iunie

2003, p. 2B.

27. Carol Tice, „Anchors Away: Department Stores Lose

Role at Malls“, Puget Sound Business Journal, 13

februarie 2004, p. 1.

28. R. L. Davies çi D. S. Rogers, editori, Store Location and

Store Assessment Research (New York: John Wiley,


29. Sara L. McLafferty, Location Strategies for Retail and

Service Firms (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1987).

30. Theresa Howard, „Retail Stores Pop Up for Limited Time

Only“, USA Today, 28 mai 2004, p. 1B.

31. Wendy Liebmann, „Consumers Push Back“,

Brandweek, 23 februarie 2004, pp. 19-20.

32. Liebmann, „Consumers Push Back“, pp. 19-20.

33. Liebmann, „Consumers Push Back“, pp. 19-20.

34. Teri Agins, „Todd Does Target“, Wall Street Journal, 11

aprilie 2002, pp. B1, B6.

35. „Sears Updates Its Operations“, USA Today, 29 octombrie

2001; Amy Merrick, „Sears to Overhaul Stores,

Change Format, Cut 5,000 Jobs in Move to Boost

Earnings“, Wall Street Journal, 25 octombrie 2001, p.


36. Catherine Yang, „Maybe They Should Call Them

Scammers“, BusinessWeek, 16 ianuarie 1995, pp.

32-33; Ronald C. Goodstein, „UPC Scanner Pricing

Systems: Are They Accurate?“, Journal of Marketing,

aprilie 1994, pp. 20-30.

37. Pentru o listå a factorilor decisivi în succesul unui sistem

EDI, vezi R. P. Vlosky, D. T. Wilson çi P. M. Smith,

„Electronic Data Interchange Implementation Strategies:

A Case Study“, Journal of Business & Industrial

Marketing 9, no. 4 (1994): pp. 5-18.

38. „Business Bulletin: Shopper Scanner“, Wall Street

Journal, 18 februarie 1995, p. A1.

39. Pentru continuarea discuÆiei pe tema tendinÆelor din

comerÆul cu amånuntul, vezi Louis W. Stern çi Adel I.

El-Ansary, Marketing Channels, ediÆia a 5-a (Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996).

40. Shelley Donald Coolidge, „Facing Saturated Home

Market, Retailers Look to Rest of World“, Christian

Science Monitor, 14 februarie 1994, p. 7; Carla

Rapoport cu Justin Martin, „Retailers Go Global“,

Fortune, 20 februarie 1995, p. 102-8.

41. Matthew Boyle, „Brand Killers“, Fortune, 11 august

2003, pp. 88-100.

42. Gary McWilliams, „Retailers Create Own-Label PCs as

Brand Names Dwindle“, Wall Street Journal, 3 mai 2002,

pp. B1, B3.

43. Boyle, „Brand Killers“, pp. 88-100; William C. Copacino,

Supply Chain Management (Boca Raton, FL: St. Lucie

Press, 1997).

44. Ken Clark, „Store Brands Get Serious“, Chain Store

Age, martie 2004, pp. 44-46.

45. James A. Narus çi James C. Anderson, „Contributing as

a Distributor to Partnerships with Manufacturers“,

Business Horizons, septembrie-octombrie 1987. Vezi çi

James D. Hlavecek çi Tommy J. McCuistion, „Industrial

Distributors – When, Who, and How“, Harvard Business

Review, martie-aprilie 1983, pp. 96-101.

46. Bert McCammon, Robert F. Lusch, Deborah S.

Coykendall çi James M. Kenderdine, Wholesaling in

Transition (Norman: University of Oklahoma, College of

Business Administration, 1989).

47. Hoover’s Company Profiles, 1999; çi site-uri Web ale


48. Michael Liedtke, „Online Goes Offline at McKesson

HBOC“, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 27 februarie 2001, p. B4.

49. www.grainger.com.

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