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40. John Bello, „Sell Like Your Outfit Is At Stake. It Is“,

BusinessWeek Online, 5 februarie 2004.

41. Lawrence G. Friedman çi Timothy R. Furey, The

Channel Advantage: Going to Marketing with Multiple

Sales Channels (Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann,


42. Michael Copeland, „Hits and Misses“, Business 2.0,

aprilie 2004, pag. 142.

43. Luis R. Gomez-Meija, David B. Balkin çi Robert L.

Cardy, Managing Human Resources (Upper Saddle

River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995), pag. 416-418.

44. „What Salespeople Are Paid“, Sales & Marketing Management

(februarie 1995): 30-31; Christopher Power,

Lisa Driscoll çi Earl Bohn, „Smart Selling“, Business-

Week, 3 august 1992, pag. 46-48; William Keenan Jr.,

ed, The Sales and Marketing Management Guide to

Sales Compensation Planning: Commissions, Bonuses

and Beyond (Chicago: Probus Publishing, 1994).

45. Sonke Albers, „Salesforce Management – Compensation,

Motivation, Selection, and Training“, în Handbook

of Marketing, editatå de cåtre Bart Weitz çi Robin

Wensley (London: Sage Publications, 2002), pag.


46. Betsy Cummings, „Welcome to the Real Whirled: How

Whirlpool Training Forced Salespeople to Live with the

Brand“, Sales and Marketing Management (februarie

2001): 87-88.

47. Nanette Byrnes, „Avon Calling – Lots of New Reps“,

BusinessWeek, 2 iunie 2003, pag. 53-54.

48. Michael R. W. Bommer, Brian F. O’Neil çi Beheruz N.

Sethna, „A Methodology for Optimizing Selling Time of

Salespersons“, Journal of Marketing Theory and

Practice (primåvara 1994): 61-75. Vezi, de asemenea,

Lissan Joseph, „On the Optimality of Delegating Pricing

Authority to the Sales Force“, Journal of Marketing 65

(ianuarie 2001): 62-70.

49. Thomas Blackshear çi Richard E. Plank, „The Impact of

Adaptive Selling on Sales Effectiveness within the

Pharmaceutical Industry“, Journal of Marketing Theory

and Practice (vara 1994): 106-125.

50. Dartnell Corporation, 30th Sales Force Compensation

Survey. Alte concluzii sugereazå cå 12,7% din timp este

consacrat vizitelor pentru service, 16% sarcinilor administrative,

25,1% vânzårii prin telefon çi 17,4% pentru


51. James A. Narus çi James C. Anderson, „Industrial

Distributor Selling: The Roles of Outside and Inside

Sales“, Industrial Marketing Management 15 (1986):


52. Charles Waltner, „Pall Corp. Wins Business with

Info-Driven Web Site“, Net Marketing (octombrie 1996).

53. Willem Verbeke çi Richard P. Bagozzi, „Sales Call

Anxiety: Exploring What It Means When Fear Rules a

Sales Encounter“, Journal of Marketing 64 (iulie 2000):


54. Gilbert A: Churchill Jr., Neil M. Ford çi Orville C. Walker

Jr., Sales Force Management: Planning, Implementation

and Control, ed. a 4-a (Homewood, IL: Irwin,

1993). Vezi, de asemenea, Jhinuk Chowdhury, „The

Motivational Impact of Sales Quota on Effort“, Journal of

Marketing Research (februarie 1993): 28-41; Murali K.

Mantrala, Prabhakant Sinha çi Andris A. Zoltners,

„Structuring a Multiproduct Sales Quota-Bonus Plan for

a Heterogeneous Sales Force: A Practical Model-Based

Approach“, Marketing Science 13, nr. 2 (1994): 121-144;

Wujin Chu, Eitan Gerstner çi James D. Hess, „Costs and

Benefits of Hard-Sell“, Journal of Marketing Research

(februarie 1995): 97-102; Manfred Krafft, „An Empirical

Investigation of the Antecedents of Sales Force Control

Systems“, Journal of Marketing 63 (iulie 1999): 120-134.

55. Eilene Zimmerman, „Quota Busters“, Sales & Marketing

Management (ianuarie 2001): 59-63.

56. Melanie Warner, „Confessions of a Control Freak“, Fortune,

3 septembrie 2000, pag. 30; Peter Burrows, „The

Era of Efficiency“, BusinessWeek, 18 iunie 2001, pag.


57. Ian Mount, „Out of Control“, Business 2.0, august 2002,

pag. 38-44.

58. Philip M. Posdakoff çi Scott B. MacKenzie, „Organizational

Citizenship Behaviors and Sales Unit Effectiveness“,

Journal of Marketing Research (august 1994):

351-363. Vezi, de asemenea, Andrea L. Dixon, Rosann

L. Spiro çi Magbul Jamil, „Successful and Unsuccessful

Sales Calls: Measuring Salesperson Attributions and

Behavioral Intentions“, Journal of Marketing 65 (iulie

2001): 64-78; Willem Verbeke çi Richard P. Bagozzi,

„Sales Call Anxiety: Exploring What It Means When Fear

Rules a Sales Encounter“, Journal of Marketing 64 (iulie

2000): 88-101.

59. Dixon, Spiro çi Jamil, „Successful and Unsuccessful

Sales Calls: Measuring Salesperson Attributions and

Behavioral Intentions“, pag. 64-78.

60. O parte din analizele care urmeazå se bazeazå pe

W.J.E. Crissy, William H. Cunningham çi Isabella C.M.

Cunningham, Selling: The Personal Force in Marketing

(New York: John Wiley, 1977), pag. 119-129.

61. Joel E. Urbany, „Justifying Profitable Pricing“, Working

Paper Series, Marketing Science Institute, Report No.

00-117, 2000, pag. 17-18.

62. Pentru lecturi suplimentare, vezi Howard Raiffa, The Art

and Science of Negotiation (Cambridge, MA: Harvard

University Press, 1982); Max H. Bazerman çi Margaret

A. Neale, Negotiating Rationally (New York: Simon &

Schuster, 1992); Frank L. Acuff, How to Negotiate

Anything with Anyone Anywhere Around the World (New

York: American Management Association, 1993);

Jehoshua Eliashberg, Gary L. Lilien çi Nam Kim,

„Searching for Generalizations in Business Marketing

Negotiations“, Marketing Science 14, nr. 3, pct. 1 (1995):


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