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1 Tra 1 Timóteo<br />

2 Tm 2 TimóÉèo<br />

1 Ts 1 TessaJonicenscs<br />

2 Ts 2 Tèsaslonicensep<br />

Tt Títo<br />

Apócrifas<br />

Br liamque<br />

Ep Jr Epístola de Jeremüâs<br />

Jt Judite<br />

1 Mc I Macabeus<br />

2 Mc 2 Macabeus<br />

Sb Sabedoria<br />

Sr Siváctda (tb, conhecido como Eclesiástico)<br />

Tb Tobiaa<br />

Livros e Periódicos<br />

AB Anchor Bible (série de comentários bíblicos citada por autor e livro)<br />

AI Andent Israel: lis Life and In^titutions (Roland dcVaux, tradução de 1961:<br />

Ai&WUS Wõrteffoueh der ugaritischen Sprache (J. Aistleitner, 4.. ed., 1974;<br />

ANET Ancient Near Eastern Texts (cd. -J, Pritchard, 3. ed. rev.p1969)<br />

ANEP The Ancient Near Easl in Picturesí<br />

AOOT Ancient Orieni and the Old Testament f.K. Kitchen. I96ft)<br />

BA Bibíical Arehaeologist<br />

BASOR Buttetin of the American Sehoots of Oriental Research<br />

fíDB A Hebrçw-Bnglisk Lexicon of lhe Old Testament (Erown, Driver, Briggs* 1905)<br />

HETS Rulletin of the Evangélica! Theological Society (posteriormente Journal of the<br />

Boang&iical Thr.ologicnl Society)<br />

Bib Bíblica<br />

n-JRL Bidleán ofthe John Rylands Library (2. ed., 1980}<br />

BL HisZorische Grammatik der hebrãischen Spraehe des A.T (H. Bauer & H,<br />

Leander, 1922}<br />

BS Bibliotheca. Sacra<br />

bwant Beitráge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament<br />

CAD The A&syriati Dictionary o f the Oriental histitute ofthe University o f Chicago<br />

{1956 e as.)<br />

CBQ Catholu Bibtícal Quarletiy<br />

DBT Dictionary of Bibíical Theology (ed. S. L, duFour, 1967)<br />

DTOT Theology nf the Old Tetitament (A- B. Davidaon1 1904)<br />

EQ Evangelicat Quarterly<br />

ETOT Theology ofthe Old Testament (W, Eichrodt, 2 voJ , trad. de 1965)<br />

Exp The Kxpvxitor<br />

ExpT The Exposilory Times<br />

FSAG From the Stone Age to Christiantty (W. Albright, ed. iev.n1957)<br />


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